sqlxml logo

I’m so sorry. I would normally hope that my blog postings live up to some editorial standards. Today I prove otherwise with a bit of toilet humor.

I was doing a search and ended up at blogs.sqlxml.org. The logo for the site is a stick figure as the base of a nice green tree. Unfortuantely, it took me a few moments to see that interpretation. When I arrived at the page, my first thought was “Why is their logo a man being killed by a cloud of fart?” The really iconic figure does look like it should be on a warning sign.

Maybe he is running away from the cloud in terror. Maybe he is being eaten by space amoebas. Perhaps this is the alien that bleached Michael Jackson. You decide.

Note to self: get a second opinion before launching new designs.

Edit: I was wrong. The design does not belong to SQLXML. It belongs to CommunityServer2007. The SQLXML blog just runs on it. Community Server is an actual product. *shakes head*