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Short Sharp Science: A New Scientist Blog

June 2010 archive

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Ghostly, flowing supersolid? No, it's quantum plastic

What seemed to be frictionless flowing solid - one of the weirdest predictions of quantum mechanics - may in fact be a squishy quantum plastic

Ancient monster whale was more fearsome than Moby Dick

A colossal whale with a killer bite may have ruled the oceans alongside a giant shark - and preyed on other whales

Superhuman performance could betray sports drug cheats

That's the thinking behind a new strategy which asks: "Is this physiologically possible without the aid of drugs?"

Instant Expert: General relativity

From the expanding universe to black holes and quantum gravity, here's what you need to know about Einstein's masterwork. First of a new monthly series

US mulls clampdown on farmyard antibiotics

The FDA seeks to decrease the use of antibiotics in farm animals, saying they pose a "serious public health threat"

US obesity keeps on rising

Eight US states now have more than 30 per cent of adults who are obese, up from four a year previously

Early stages of crater birth captured on camera

By firing a gun into the sand, we can see the moment of crater formation when debris is flung fastest and farthest

Zoo plans to bring rare animals back from the dead

Stem cells already produced from a dead monkey could be reprogrammed to become sperm and eggs

One-eyed cats: Art wired for science

Andrew Carnie began a science degree but ended up an artist. Optic nerves and one-eyed kittens are just some of his inspirations

US Patent Office: now open for business methods?

For years, people have disagreed over whether business methods can be patented. Does a new hearing in the US change that, asks Paul Marks

Zoologger: The toughest fish on Earth... and in space

With a name befitting a beast from Harry Potter, mummichogs can cope with an extraordinary range of environmental extremes

Climate control: Is CO2 really in charge?

Ice sheets melt away as CO2 rises: that's how it's supposed to work. So why does the opposite sometimes seem to have happened?

How the UK parliament undermines science

The problem science has in Parliament is not the few MPs who are actively anti-science, but those that are ostensibly neutral, says Michael Brooks

Share information to boost cellphone performance

Software that allows cellphones to collaborate could help improve the quality of data the handsets' sensors collect

Link found between infectious disease and IQ

Infectious disease hogs vital energy needed by the developing brain, leaving people in disease-ridden nations with a lower IQ

'Climategate' jibes fly over El Niño impact on warming

It turns out El Niño may not have had such a large effect on recent climate change as a controversial paper published last year suggested

Andy Coghlan, reporter

At long last, after years of debate, the US Food and Drug Administration appears to have concluded that it's too risky for American farmers to carry on giving their animals antibiotics simply to make them grow fatter, faster.

The reason is to break the link between development of farmyard bacteria resistant to antibiotics and the spread of these "superbugs" through the food chain to hospitals and human communities.

The FDA concludes:

"This loss of antibiotic effectiveness poses a serious public health threat."

Paul Marks, chief technology correspondent

Remember Amazon's controversial turn-of-the-century patent for buying something online with one click of a mouse button? For years patent lawyers, software makers, biotech executives and the like have been arguing over the validity of patenting such business methods.

Most expected that a US Supreme Court ruling this week would finally settle that argument. In the end, however, the decision did little to clarify matters.

The case before the court involved the patent application for a method of managing energy prices depending upon weather patterns, invented by one Bernard Bilski.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Monday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

How an angler's dream became an ecological nightmare

An Entirely Synthetic Fish by Anders Halverson chronicles the devastating impact of introducing rainbow trout to America's rivers and lakes

Europe's science-free plan for gene-modified crops

Europe-wide bans might be lifted if individual countries could ban genetically modified crops for socio-economic or cultural reasons

The first ever iPad music performance

Luke Iannini and Mike Rotondo, musicians and computer programmers, are the brains behind one of the first concerts ever performed on an iPad

Google: How do we solve a problem like China?

With the Chinese government still furious over its decision to stop censoring search results, Google has come up with a new strategy

Ovulation gives women's brains a boost

Brain areas involved in facial recognition and navigation vary in size during the menstrual cycle, growing bigger in the run-up to ovulation

Closet delay means shuttles set to fly on into 2011

NASA's venerable space shuttles will almost certainly keep flying into 2011, now that delays on the ground seem likely to postpone the last two flights

Obama declares war on space junk

US will share data with other countries to prevent satellite collisions and fund research to clean up existing junk

Desperate measures: The lure of an autism cure

Many parents of children with autism are opting for unorthodox remedies, some of them no better than snake oil

The Super Mario Marathon: gamers gone good

Three guys on a couch playing Super Mario Bros just might make a difference in the lives of many sick children

Self-folding sheet offers lazy way to origami

A glass-fibre sheet seamed with "shape memory" foil can fold itself up into an aeroplane or boat in 20 seconds

Gulf oil spill poses unique health challenges

How the oil and the clean-up will be making people sick in body and mind for years to come


Gareth Morgan, technology editor

With its essential Internet Content Provider licence up for renewal on 30 June and Chinese officials still fuming about the search engine's decision to stop censoring results, Google last night announced a change of tack on its official blog.

In effect, the company is so desperate to continue operating its Google.cn site that it's willing to serve up a drastically scaled-back version of its product. Google's chief legal officer said in the blog:

"Without an ICP license, we can't operate a commercial website like Google.cn - so Google would effectively go dark in China."

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Asteroid hunters part-blinded by the military

To hide the paths of military satellites, asteroid-spotting telescopes are being deprived of nearly a quarter of their field of view

Drone alone: how airliners may lose their pilots

Uncrewed planes that can operate in civilian airspace are almost here - a first step on the road to pilotless airliners

Islamic science: The revival begins here

The Islamic world has a rich scientific tradition but has since fallen behind. That is about to change, says Lorna Casselton

Green machine: Tackling the plastic menace

Novel methods for recycling mixed plastics with self-destruct capabilities could help reduce the growing mountains of harmful waste

Bid to introduce commercial whaling quotas fails

A proposal to allow quotas instead of the current system that allows whaling for "scientific purposes" has collapsed

Gorilla psychologists: Weird stuff in plain sight

Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons explain why they put a person in a gorilla suit in the middle of a basketball game - and why people don't see it

Six intuitions you shouldn't trust

The Invisible Gorilla by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons combines science and anecdote about intuitive errors with possibly life-changing effect

Robb Fraley: Monsanto is a champion of healthy eating

The company's chief technology officer on how the agri-biotech giant is reinventing itself

Schrödinger's kit: Tools that are in two places at once

A new generation of tiny machines are in a super position to unlock the mysteries of quantum mechanics

Flores 'hobbits' weren't malformed humans

Case closed: the human-like Homo floresiensis living in the Indonesia as recently as 17,000 years ago were a unique species

For US healthcare, the only way is up

Healthcare is worse in the US than in any of six other industrialised countries surveyed

Stellar debris created the Honeycomb nebula

The odd shape of this distant gas cloud has puzzled astronomers for years - now evidence points to debris from exploding supernovae being responsible

Ice shelf was kept intact by underwater ridge

A newly discovered sub-sea ridge stopped warm water melting an Antarctic ice shelf - but what are its prospects now a gap has appeared?

Capacitors roll up for power on the nanoscale

Extra power can be packed onto limited semiconductor real estate thanks to nanoscale layers that roll themselves into a cylinder

The ups and downs of speech that we all understand

A universal rule that links intonation with word order could explain how babies piece together the grammatical rules of language

Tutankhamen 'killed by sickle-cell disease'

A new interpretation of pathological evidence from the boy king's mummy suggests he succumbed to an inherited blood disorder

On the trail of Tutankhamen's penis

It seems that the Egyptian boy king may have died of a genetic disease - but could the mummy's detached penis suggest something different?

Prophetic visions of a world of living technology

Julian Richards meets an artist and a synthetic life researcher who are exploring nature, technology and post-humanism together

Fear must be conquered, not banished

A characteristic pattern of brain activity occurs when people show courage in the face of fear

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

How our species owes its success to religion

In Supernatural Selection, evolutionary psychologist Matt Rossano argues that it's religion that made us the sophisticated creatures we are today

Pterosaurs and bod-pods: Scientists let loose

The UK Royal Society's annual Summer Science Exhibition is at the Southbank Centre in London from today, featuring giant silver penguins floating above the crowds and surveillance robots that can cling to the ceiling

Why losing a loved one can be lethal

The stress of bereavement combined with changes in the immune system can send widows and widowers to an early grave

Innovation: Smarter books aim to win back the kids

With some careful digital augmentation, printed books can be as compelling as the latest video game

Dinosaur bones made a handy food supplement

Tooth marks found on dinosaur fossils suggest that early mammals gnawed on them to add minerals to their diet

Frozen antiprotons bring antimatter within reach

Take a cold antiproton, add a positron and you'll get an atom of antimatter that can be tested to see if it really is a mirror image of normal matter

Is Facebook taking over the world?

Despite its sympathetic stance, The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick raises troubling questions about the all-pervasive social networking site

Lizard-like robot can 'swim' through sand

A robot that can travel through loose debris takes its inspiration from the sandfish lizard, one of nature's own sand swimmers

24-week fetuses cannot feel pain

The brain connections needed for a fetus to feel pain have not formed by the 24th week of pregnancy, a report by UK doctors concludes

Climate change is leaving us with extra space junk

Dead satellites and rocket parts are taking longer to drop out of orbit, thanks to cooling of the upper atmosphere as the air beneath gets warmer

The sculpture that eats time

A 3.3-metre-high gold-plated clock, with a hideous giant grasshopper on the top. It's all about the nature of time, says Kat Austen

Genome at 10: The hunt for the 'dark matter'

We know many diseases are partly inherited, so geneticists are baffled by their failure to find the genetic variants responsible

Lung-on-a-chip points to alternative to animal tests

A miniature polymer lung reveals how pathogens and particles make their way into the bloodstream

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Element 114 on the brink of recognition

A new element with 114 protons, first seen a decade ago, has been made by two more labs, paving the way for its inclusion in the periodic table

Vital fruit and berry collection set for destruction

A world-class Russian seed bank is due to be bulldozed this year to make way for new homes

Chronic fatigue syndrome: suspicion is back on virus

The link between a virus and CFS has once again gained support, after US National Institutes of Health scientists confirm the association

Hot electrons could double solar cell efficiency

Quantum dots could boost the amount of electricity produced by silicon solar cells, by harnessing the energy from hot electrons

Genome at 10: Information overload

Sequence data is flooding in ever faster. The trouble is making sense of it all

The use and abuse of universities

Universities are there to push back the frontiers of knowledge, not to solve the energy crisis, says John Cadogan

The end of the human race is nigh, maybe

An influential Austrailian virologist and human ecologist says humans could die out within a century. How worried should we be, asks Debora MacKenzie

You needn't be a queen bee to give birth to one

Worker honeybees have been shown to give birth to new queens, and can do so at any time

Quiz: A question of science

Do you know a weasel from a wimpzilla? Try this quiz, presented by New Scientist at the Cheltenham Science Festival. Questions by Stephen Battersby

Artistic agenda: The state of eco-art

As a New York art exhibition explores environmental and ecological issues, six artists show and tell what drives them to make their eco-statements

Oil containment cap removed after robot collision

BP's efforts to capture oil from its Gulf spill have hit a snag, says Peter Aldhous

Skipping along with the heavyweights of time

Introducing Time: A graphic guide by Craig Callender and Ralph Edney is a breathless ride through philosophy and physics that hides some big ideas

Genome at 10: Meet your ancestors

Gene-testing companies promise to find distant relatives or show that you're related to famous historical figures. Should you believe them?

Blinded eyes restored to sight by stem cells

The treatment brings hope to people with eyes blinded by chemical and heat burns
A leading scientist at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) supports the theory that a retrovirus causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and says that government researchers have independently confirmed the association. 

The link between xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) and CFS was reported last year by scientists at the Whitmore Peterson Institute in Reno, Nevada. But it has since come under heavy criticism after several groups failed to replicate the association with their own patients.  

However, Harvey Alter, an infectious disease expert at NIH, gave a talk on protecting the blood supply from disease at a closed workshop in Zagreb, last month with a slide that called the XMRV-CFS association "extremely strong and likely true, despite the controversy", the Wall Street Journal reports.

The same slide also indicates that scientists at NIH and the Food and Drug Administration have confirmed the link between CFS and XMRV themselves. His team also estimates that XMRV and related viruses are present in 3 to 7 per cent of blood donors.

The news is generating a lot of buzz on CFS patient forums, where hopes have been high that the connection would offer a solid explanation - and potentially a treatment - for the enigmatic condition.

Debora MacKenzie, consultant

To say Frank Fenner is no fool is without doubt an understatement. He is an accomplished scientist, and that rarity in modern science, a polymath. As a virologist he helped lead the eradication of smallpox, while as a human ecologist he set up the respected Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the Australian National University.

So how worried should we be that Fenner told an Australian newspaper that humanity will be extinct within a century because of our failure to deal with global warming?

All is not necessarily lost, at least according to Stephen Boyden, Fenner's colleague at the John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU, who told the same paper there is still time to prevent our extinction. The problem, he says, is to do it we will need to pull off "revolutionary changes necessary to achieve ecological sustainability". Still hardly an optimistic view.

And it's not just Fenner and Boyden who are gloomy about the future of our species.

Update: BP has announced that the containment cap was reattached at 6.30pm local time. The Discover Enterprise is now collecting oil once more.

Peter Aldhous, San Francisco bureau chief

BP's efforts to capture oil spewing from its blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico have hit a snag, after a robot collided with a containment cap, forcing its removal for inspection.

The glitch halted pumping of oil to the Discover Enterprise, the larger of two vessels currently collecting a fraction of the gushing oil. The vessel is capable of capturing 2.86 million litres of oil a day, a fraction of the 5.56 to 9.54 million litres now estimated to be flowing each day.

The Los Angeles Times' Greenspace blog explains that the cap was removed to check for the formation of gas hydrate crystals after the collision. These could clog the collection apparatus, and were the main reason that earlier containment efforts failed.

If no hydrates have formed, the cap could be replaced within a matter of hours. But if hydrates are present, the equipment will have to be cleaned, and the pipeline connecting the vessel to the containment cap reinserted.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, who is coordinating the US government's response, said: "that will take a considerable amount longer".

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Brain origins of 'blindsight' revealed

The spooky phenomenon that allows some blind people to navigate around objects has been pinned down to connections in the thalamus

Faulty internal clock linked to diabetes

Insulin-producing cells from mice produce only half normal levels of the hormone if their "clock" genes are not working

Mystery glitch? Blame it on the sun

Even modest solar activity can wreak havoc with the technology that keeps our world ticking over

Google faces global music over data sniffing

The search giant is about to find out whether or not its data sniffing activities, including recording data from domestic Wi-Fi routers, were illegal

Floating nurseries hit by Deepwater Horizon spill

The spawning grounds of 120 species of fish, including the endangered bluefin tuna, are under threat as oil makes it way towards them

Zoologger: Vultures use twigs to gather wool for nests

Amateur observations that had gathered dust for 20 years reveal Egyptian vultures rival crows in their use of tools

Jesse Ausubel: Let there be (no) light

The director of the Census for Marine Life weighs up the options for his next big experiments: darkening the skies and quietening the oceans

Desktop cosmos: Small is beautiful for big physics

Atoms cooled to within a whisker of absolute zero could reveal the cosmos's darkest secrets - without spaceships, giant lasers or billion-dollar budgets

Genome at 10: Faster, cheaper... worse

Sequencing genomes is now much faster and cheaper, but not better - yet. The next generation of sequencing technology will take results to a new level

Electron 'invisible ink' promises purer nanocrystals

A new technique for sending secret messages written with atoms also improves the nanocrystals used in computer chip manufacture

What will happen to the green and pleasant land?

Turned Out Nice by Marek Kohn is a lucid, thoughtful and intimate geography of the British Isles, and an overview of how climate change will affect them

Genome at 10: A dizzying journey into complexity

We thought the machinery of the cell was beautifully elegant - but it has turned out to be a hideously complicated mess that goes wrong all too often

Chicks count from left to right - just like us

It's not just humans that count from left to right: two species of bird do too, suggesting our counting preference is instinctive, not learned

Paul Marks, senior technology correspondent

To be a fly on the wall inside Google's legal department right now: the firm is about to find out whether or not its data sniffing activities - involving recording some of the data sent by domestic Wi-Fi routers - were legal.

Google's tactic of extreme openness over what it says was a mistaken data gathering operation involving its Street View car fleet doesn't seem to have helped much: information protection authorities around the world are apoplectic.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Hollow victory for Monsanto in alfalfa court case

The US Supreme Court has lifted a ban on Monsanto's Roundup Ready alfalfa, but a big hurdle remains before the seeds can be sold

Sterile neutrino back from the dead

A ghostly particle that is showing signs of life could be the stuff of dark matter - and help explain why more matter than antimatter arose in our universe

Pelican fossil poses evolutionary puzzle

A fossilised pelican's bill resembles its modern equivalent - but why has it has remained almost unchanged for some 30 million years?

UK science: Cuts of up to 25 per cent

The UK faces deep cuts in public spending and higher taxes. Roger Highfield assesses what it means for science and engineering

Genome at 10: Medicine's slow revolution

Genetic testing is already saving lives, and the numbers benefitting should soon grow dramatically

Bumpology: Why can't my baby sleep when I do?

My baby is already keeping me awake - and she's not even born yet

Lose whaling loopholes, consider quotas

The fate of whale species was being negotiated behind closed doors this week and it could be make-or-break time

The fruit fly formerly known as Drosophila

The famous fly is to be renamed - it's a bad idea, says ecologist Kim van der Linde, while geneticist Amir Yassin says change is overdue

Two ways of retelling Botswana's fight against AIDS

Saturday is for Funerals by Botswanan judge Unity Dow and Harvard researcher Max Essex lace stories with science in a rare dose of hope and resilience

Weakened flu virus proves ideal vaccine

A "crippled" influenza vaccine provokes the same immune response as a natural infection - without causing illness

Genome at 10: The project few wanted

Far from welcoming the human genome project, many biologists argued that it made no sense

Touchscreen made from biggest graphene sheet

A new process churns out one-atom-thick sheets with a diagonal of 76 centimetres, the largest ever made

Stem cell society to 'smoke out the charlatans'

The International Society for Stem Cell Research warns members that anyone associating with clinics that offer speculative therapies risks expulsion

Drastic measures save plastic treasures

Is plastic indestructible? Far from it: with iconic artefacts crumbling before our eyes, we'll have to think fast to preserve the 20th century's legacy

Hawking speaks on God, the big bang and novel physics

Stephen Hawking remembers the bad old days when many physicists bristled at the idea of a big bang, with its echoes of the biblical Genesis story

Innovation: Microsoft's Kinect isn't just for games

Technology that leaves hands free will soon go beyond gaming, leading to applications that change the way we interact with the the world around us

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Chimpanzees kill to win new territory

A 10-year conflict between rival chimp troops in Uganda could help explain the evolutionary origins of some cooperative behaviour in humans

Green machine: Bacteria will keep CO2 safely buried

Sequestering the carbon from fossil-fuel power stations can cut emissions - and there's a new recipe to keep it locked away underground

Blogs and tweets could predict the future

Analysing people's online musings could be used to predict everything from car sales to unemployment rates and stock prices

New Scientist TV - Best of the web

Video can capture science in action like nothing else - from nuking a blown-out gas well to HIV spreading in real time

Liar, liar: Why deception is our way of life

From little fibs to outright propaganda, falsehood is second nature - but in a wired-up world, it could be disastrous, says psychologist Dorothy Rowe

Bonobos have a secret

In Bonobo Handshake, Vanessa Wood comes to the realisation that these apes have a vital lesson for us humans

Genome at 10: What we still don't know about our DNA

It's been 10 years since we got our first close look at the recipe for making people. What is it telling us? And what comes next?

British public 'relaxed' about synthetic life

Government-funded "dialogue" shows people see synthetic biology as a natural extension of biological knowledge

Protozoan swimming style identifies water toxins

A new device provides low-cost testing of fluid for toxins by analysing the swimming of protozoa

Genetic on-off switch key to evolution of complex life

Such switches could explain how colonies of single cells evolved into multicellular organisms

Clouds add depth to computer landscapes

A single camera watching the shadows of clouds moving across a landscape can allow a computer to calculate topography

How the brain deals you a poor hand

Our mental image of the size and position of our hands seems not to match with reality

Why spiderweb glue never lets go

Spiderweb glue is not only sticky, it is also elastic like chewing gum - making it 100 times stronger than tacky glues

Free-falling atoms will put relativity to the test

A capsule loaded with a Bose-Einstein condensate has dropped down a 110-metre shaft, in preparation for a test of one of Einstein's key assumptions

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Take the political heat out of climate scepticism

The public is dubious about climate change, and libertarian sceptics are on the march. How can we improve matters, asks Roger Harrabin

Second well on the way to cap Deepwater Horizon

Capping the flow of oil from the striken rig by drilling another well is a huge technical challenge, but it has to work

Thundercloud gamma rays hint at origins of lightning

Mysterious gamma ray bursts that occur in the first moments of a storm, as lightning jumps between clouds, hint at where lightning comes from

Young stars found at record-breaking distances

New stellar life found at the Milky Way's edge could be from a cannibalised galaxy

Rats have an innate concept of space - do humans?

Before rats even open their eyes, their brains have highly developed mechanisms for mapping out their environment - and it looks like ours do too

How does a fish change its stripe? With Italian design

The neon tetra fish's striking stripe changes colour because tiny plates inside its scales move like venetian blinds

Corals living on edge could escape climate change

Caribbean corals on the margins of a reef are evolving faster than those at its heart

China plans to put out its coalfield fires

The regional government of Inner Mongolia says it will spend $29.4 million a year to put out more than 60 fires that burn at seven of its coalfields

Important stem cell lines could be denied funding

A single sentence in donor consent forms calls into doubt the future of numerous human embryonic stem cell lines

Death revives warnings about rogue stem cell clinics

A post-mortem has blamed an untested treatment for killing a woman who tried "stem-cell tourism" to cure her kidney disease

Cheap camera used to measure oxygen levels

Off-the-shelf digital cameras can be turned into sensitive oxygen sensors that could find uses in medicine or aviation

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Stings, wings and hairy eyes: honeybee close-ups

Artist Rose-Lynn Fisher has used an electron microscope to photograph "the endless structures and forms that make a little bee"

If there's life on Mars, it could be right-handed

Some Earth life can consume both left- and right-handed nutrients, which could complicate the hunt for extraterrestrial life

18th-century painters give photography new perspective

Software that can give wide-angle shots a realistic perspective is based on the secrets of 18th-century Venetian art

Scientists on soapboxes: Taking it to the people

To convey their subject to the masses, scientists have turned to an old political tradition: standing in a public place and shouting

Clean-up of oil spill may cause long-term damage

Methods of mopping up the oil hitting the shore from the Gulf spill must be carefully assessed to be sure they don't do more harm than good

Congress to NASA: build powerful moon rocket ASAP

A key senator is impatient of the White House's plans to delay work on pricy human missions to the moon and beyond until 2015, says David Shiga

Top scientists show us their wish lists

As Robert Boyle's wish list for the future of science goes on display at the Royal Society, five leading scientists set out their wish lists for the next 400 years

How to turn politicians on to science

As the UK's new government settles in, the new intake of MPs are being offered tuition in science

Vuvuzelas don't spread swine flu shock

The trumpet-like instruments may be annoying, but claiming that they spread disease is going a bit far, says Debora MacKenzie

Oddball animal behaviour to amuse and disgust

Francesca Gould and David Haviland's Self-harming Parrots and Exploding Toads - for inquisitive types with a short attention span

Wonderfuel: Welcome to the age of unconventional gas

We've found lots of it, we're learning how to get it and we think we can clean it before we burn it. Is natural gas the secure answer to our energy woes?

Doubts over safety tests on Gulf oil dispersants

We reveal serious flaws in toxicity tests on dispersants being used to break up spilt oil from Deepwater Horizon

How dangerous is my cellphone? Check the label

Label all cellphones with radio wave emission levels, says the mayor of San Francisco. But, asks Nic Fleming, is it right to do so?

David Shiga, reporter

How soon should the US send astronauts to the moon, asteroids and Mars?

The White House wants to delay work on missions to beyond low Earth orbit - which are pricy - until after 2015, but needs congressional approval to do this. Now a senator who oversees NASA policy says that work on a powerful new rocket that would enable such missions should begin next year.

Under former president George W. Bush, NASA focused on building the Ares I rocket to send astronauts to the International Space Station after the space shuttle fleet retires. There were also plans to build a more powerful Ares V rocket to fly astronauts to the moon and beyond.

Barack Obama's White House wants to cancel both Ares rockets. Under its new plan, commercial space taxis would be used to ferry astronauts to the space station. A so-called heavy-lift rocket with similar capabilities to the Ares V would be developed to fly astronauts to asteroids and ultimately to Mars, but that costly effort would not begin until 2015.

Debora MacKenzie, correspondent

We have explained why the sound of vuvuzelas irritates so many people. Interestingly, they sound like a swarm of angry bees (they use the same note, B-flat) - and that noise scares elephants.

Love 'em or hate 'em, however, it may be going a bit far to blame the vuvuzela for spreading disease, as this AP story suggests. What the story amounts to is this unsurprising finding: blowing a prolonged raspberry through a tube spatters lots of tiny spit droplets around.

These droplets admittedly can spread germs - and right now it is flu season in the southern hemisphere, this year featuring swine flu.

Droplets may also carry tuberculosis (TB), including the drug-resistant kind found in South Africa.

However, there is no evidence that tooting a vuvuzela broadcasts germs any better than talking, screaming or singing.

Anyway, catching TB normally takes more exposure than ninety minutes and stoppage time. Even passing your vuvuzela around probably won't add much to the germ contact you already have with fellow fans.

Nic Fleming, contributor

Forget working out how healthy your food is - now you can work out how healthy your cellphone is. Phone stores in San Francisco will have to prominently display labels showing the radio-wave emission levels of the different models they sell from next year. The provisional legislation is the first of its kind to be introduced anywhere in the US, and possibly anywhere in the world.

It comes a month after the long-delayed publication of the major $30 million "Interphone" study into links between brain tumours and cellphone use. The results were inconclusive: some of the 50 scientists involved claimed an association with long-term use, but others dismissed the suggestion out of hand.

The preliminary law was passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors by a margin of 10 to 1, despite opposition from cellphone industry representatives, who argued the measure could be seen as supporting the view that higher emissions might be linked to health risks.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

David King: No cause for climate despair

There are ways around the impasse over a global emissions deal, says the UK's former chief scientist

First replicating creature spawned in life simulator

The organism, which inhabits the mathematical universe known as the Game of Life, might just tell us something about our own beginnings

Brian Greene: Putting emotion back into science

In the classical myth, Icarus flies too close to the sun and dies. In Brian Greene's multimedia reimagining of the story, he flies too close to a black hole

Anti-neutrino's odd behaviour points to new physics

An experiment has detected a surprising discrepancy in the behaviour of neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts

Space shuttle's rudder could cut aircraft noise

Redesigning airliners' rudders to double as a brake could make them quieter as they come in to land, an Airbus patent suggests

In search of the gamer's fix

In Extra Lives, Tom Bissell gets to the bottom of games' powerful emotional pull

UK budget: Ring-fence science to save the economy

The UK government might need to make decisive cuts to save its economy, but the exact opposite is true for science and engineering, says Imran Khan

Family values: Why wolves belong together

Wolf packs are hard-working family enterprises and assets to their ecological communities - that's why we shouldn't treat them like outlaw gangs

Zoologger: The biggest living thing with teeth

It hunts the largest squid in the world, and helps combat climate change in the process. How does the sperm whale do it?

Male voices reveal owner's strength

Men and women can accurately assess a man's upper body strength based on his voice alone

Pulses of darkness let digital data travel farther

Optical fibres can carry data for longer distances if it is encoded in pulses of darkness - and a laser-like device has been built to exploit this

Bumpology: Choosing the sex of your child

Can you influence your baby's sex before conception? New Scientist separates fact from fiction

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Is it time to say goodbye cool world?

International climate negotiators may be on the brink of abandoning emissions targets aimed at limiting warming to 2 °C

Phone sensor predicts when thoroughbreds will go lame

Attaching accelerometers to a horse's neck could provide early warning of lameness and reduce the risk of serious injury

Thank the Soviets for Afghan mineral bounty

A trillion-dollar bounty of iron, copper and other minerals has been found in Afghanistan - thanks to maps made during the Soviet occupation

'Godless communists' embrace creationism

American creationists now have the strangest new allies, says Andy Coghlan - in a nation that made atheism its state religion

What makes good doctors go bad?

In When Doctors Kill, Joshua Perper and Stephen Cina offer a wealth of arresting if gruesome anecdote on a serious issue

Green machine: Recycled batteries boost electric cars

Making eco-cars more affordable and renewables more practical: why repurposing electric car batteries makes perfect sense

David de Rothschild: At sea in a soda-bottle boat

The eco-adventurer is raising awareness of our damaged oceans by crossing the Pacific on a boat made of soda bottles

Sea snail venom provides potent pain relief

The venom has been used to develop a pill that is 100 times as potent as leading treatments against nerve-related pain

FDA clamps down on personal genomics

From now on, firms that sell genetic tests will be required to get the agency's approval. Is it sensible regulation or just paternalism?

Unpeeling the truth about human skin

It is our largest and most visible organ, but throughout history skin has gotten a raw deal. A new exhibition aims to give it the attention it deserves

Aspirin and dental floss: Homespun high-energy physics

Think particle physics is all high-tech? New Scientist rummages in the kitchen cupboard to help probe the subatomic secrets of nature

Want to find your mind? Learn to direct your dreams

The missing piece in the puzzle of consciousness is within everyone's grasp. All you need is a pillow and an active imagination

Intensive farming 'massively slowed' global warming

A new analysis says that the green revolution, with its fertilisers, pesticides and high-yielding hybrids, has restrained greenhouse-gas emissions

Andy Coghlan, reporter

Enthusiasts of creationism on the fringes of the American evangelical movement now have the strangest new allies - in a nation that made atheism its state religion.

Yes, creationism has now reared its ugly and evolving head in Russia, the heart of the "Godless communism" that prevailed in the Soviet Union.

And, as pointed out in a superb blog by Michael Zimmerman in the Huffington Post, the Russian rhetoric sounds strangely familiar.

Ewen Callaway, reporter

The sun is about to set on the Wild West that is "direct-to-consumer" genetics.

Playing the role of sheriff is the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which recently sent letters to several firms, including 23andMe, DeCODE genetics and Navigenics.

The letters make clear that the FDA considers their products to be medical devices that require the agency's approval before they can be sold. It says:

"You should take prompt action to respond to this letter."

These letters come on the heels of an FDA warning to one firm, Pathway Genomics, that its tests may require approval. Congressional investigators also turned up the heat on genetics testing firms, sending their own demand for answers.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Computerised critics could find the music you'll like

For music sites to be better at suggesting sounds we will like, their computers need to be able to tell trance from tango

What makes the sound of vuvuzelas so annoying?

We asked Trevor Cox, president of the UK Institute of Acoustics, to explain the penetrating sound of these noisy plastic trumpets

US animal researchers face criminal charges

Staff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison could face jail or heavy fines for carrying out decompression experiments on sheep for the US navy

Refashioned rat livers could boost transplants

Livers stripped bare of their original tissue then recoated with new cells have been successfully transplanted into rats for the first time

Innovation: 19th-century tech makes a smarter iPhone

Apple's iPhone 4 is the first smartphone to pack a gyroscope. The technology may be old, but the potential applications are anything but

Hayabusa: The falcon has landed - what's it caught?

A capsule from the spacecraft has landed in Australia - now we must wait to find out if it contains the first asteroid sample brought back to Earth

Extreme tactics in the battle to resume whaling

Undercover reporters have produced evidence that Japanese officials offer aid to small nations in exchange for a vote in favour of whaling, says Wendy Zukerman

Birds as you've never seen them before

Forget binoculars: for a dramatic view of life on the wing, check out the images in Birds, photographer Andrew Zuckerman's latest book

What's wrong with the sun?

Right now our nearest star should be flaring up as never before. But instead it's eerily calm - and we need to find out why

Carbon nanotubes create underwater sonar speakers

Speakers made from sheets of nanotubes offer a lightweight alternative to conventional sonar

I'm smiling, so I know you're happy

To fully understand what emotion a person is experiencing, we may have to be able to imitate their facial expressions

Stress detector can hear it in your voice

A voice-based stress detector could identify which job candidates will perform better under pressure

Today's cures may be tomorrow's quacks

Medicine has made great steps over the past few centuries, but a new exhibition suggests that we still have a long way to go, says Kat Austen

Did wobbly cosmic strings create huge explosions?

Cosmic strings - imperfections in space-time - may be to blame for two unusual bursts of gamma rays in the early universe

Has Jupiter sent cosmology down a false trail?

The planet Jupiter may be skewing the measurements of cosmic microwaves supporting the standard model of cosmology

How endangered are the Gulf's brown pelicans?

Brown pelicans dripping with oil are quickly becoming the poster children of the ongoing Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We review the facts

Wendy Zukerman, Australasian reporter

Japan's tactics in attempting to overturn the ban on commercial whaling have come under fresh scrutiny following an undercover investigation by UK newspaper The Sunday Times.

Opponents of whaling have long accused Japan of offering foreign aid to small, poor countries if they joined the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and vote to resume whaling. But hard evidence of Japan's tactics have not been documented until now.

The Sunday Times used undercover reporters, posing as representatives of a billionaire conservationist, to approach officials from pro-whaling countries. They offered them aid packages in exchange for their votes.

Whose spill is it anyway?

Phil McKenna, contributor

Media attention surrounding the Gulf oil spill has focused almost exclusively on oil giant BP. The markets, however, have taken a much broader approach when placing blame. 

The graph shown here charts the declining market value of five companies tied to the catastrophe--BP, Transocean [RIG], Haliburton [HAL], Schlumberger [SLB], and Cameron [CAM]--against the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a bellwether of the global economy.

oil stocks .jpg


This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

The fantasy fish of Samuel Fallours

Fish with top hats on their bellies, mermaids that utter mouse-like cries, and colours that defy belief. Welcome to the weird world of Samuel Fallours

Hayabusa asteroid probe faces moment of truth

Once given up for dead, Hayabusa is almost back home, and may yet yield insights about Earth's formation - and its potential destruction

Radiation-soaking metamaterial puts black in the shade

A material with exotic optical properties absorbs almost all of the radiation that hits it - it could be used to radar-proof stealth planes

BP: The cap fits, but 20,000 barrels escape every day

The rate of the oil gushing out of BP's broken well is more than double its drill ship's capacity to contain it, says Kate McAlpine

Behind the mummy: the real King Tutankhamun

A major King Tut exhibition and clues to the cause of the boy king's demise are now on display in New York City

UK science: first cut in a strategic area

Scientists have been preparing themselves for deep cuts in the UK's emergency budget next month, but the axe has already fallen on a major project

World's first plastic antibody works in mice

Antibodies made entirely from plastic save mice injected with deadly bee venom

Protected forests burn more

Reducing the rate of deforestation often makes the number of forest fires go up, shows a study with implications for UN climate negotiations

Obesity through the ages

Obesity: The biography by Sander L. Gilman examines how shifting cultural values and attitudes have shaped our view of corpulence

Did a 'sleeper' field awake to expand the universe?

A field called quintessence that has been lurking around since the big bang might now be causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate

Himalayan ice is stable, but Asia faces drought

The glaciers that feed Asia's largest rivers aren't going to vanish soon - but 60 million Asians will suffer water shortages by 2050

Flexible nanocircuits can be drawn with heat

A hot nanoscale pen can draw circuits on graphene - atom-thick sheets of carbon - opening the way to electronics more compact than silicon allows

Kate McAlpine, reporter

Deepwater Horizon is spewing oil at about 40,000 barrels per day according to a new US government estimate - eight times the 5000-barrel figure that stood for most of May.

This means that, despite the latest cap placed over the top of the failed blow-out preventer, at least 20,000 barrels of oil are leaking into the ocean each day.

The problem is that the Discoverer Enterprise drill ship, which is collecting the oil surging out of the well and up the pipe to the surface, can only collect and process oil at a rate of about 18,000 barrels per day, according to the Washington Post.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

US pollsters argue over public view on climate change

A new survey suggests that climate science scandals don't bother people in the US much – but hot words have been exchanged about global warming polls

Matt Ridley: Optimism without limits

Things can only go on getting better, says the zoologist-turned-journalist in a new book. But it reads like ideology dressed in cherry-picked science

Bulldog bats 'honk' when they meet a stranger

Ultrasound doesn't just help bats fly in the dark and locate their dinner, it also serves as a social broadcast

Life on Titan? Maybe - but only a lander will tell us

Something seems to be munching organic molecules on Saturn's moon, but we need to do more work to find out if it is alive

Myriad genes reveal autism's diversity

The identification of rare genes linked to autism could lead to the treatments and diagnosis based on autism's underlying biology, says Celeste Biever

Don't waste lab animals

Too many animal studies are badly designed and reported. It's high time biomedicine cleaned up its act, says Simon Festing

When showmanship gets in the way of selling science

Showing children a series of bangs and coloured lights is a lot of fun, but education isn't just about showmanship, says Andrea Sella

Samuel Fallours and his fantasy fish

Tropical Fishes of the East Indies by Theodore Pietsche looks at Fallours's lobsters that live on mountains and fish with top hats on their bellies

Celeste Biever, physical sciences news editor

It is highly heritable, yet autism's genetic underpinnings have remained tough to pin down. Now a study in Nature, focusing on a particular type of genetic variant, has revealed a host of new, rare genes linked to the mysterious condition.

The identification of these so-called copy number variations or CNVs - in which the number of copies of a particular gene is either vastly reduced (deletions) or increased (duplications) - should allow us to piece together the complex biochemical pathways that lead to autism.

The findings also point to the development of drugs that target these pathways, and to the first biochemical diagnostic tests. Until now, such drugs have been elusive because the biochemistry of autism was unknown, while diagnosis has relied on behavioural measures.

"These genetic findings help us understand the underlying biology of autism, which can lead to the development of novel treatments," said study author Andy Shih of Autism Speaks, a US lobbying and fundraising group, in an interview with CNN.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Bursting bubbles beget tiny copies of themselves

High-speed video shows how bubbles are forever bursting, which may play a part in everything from glass-making to atmospheric processes

Paper trail: Inside the stem cell wars

When a Nobel prize is up for grabs, do scientists across the globe compete on a level playing field? New Scientist investigates

BP ordered changes on day of Gulf oil disaster

BP ordered procedural changes on the Deepwater Horizon rig shortly before it exploded, but there were other factors in the blowout, says Phil McKenna

Sci-fi universes featuring both magic and science

The most fascinating imagined worlds blend advanced technology with mysticism. Charlie Jane Anders looks at some of the best

Gulf leak: biggest spill may not be biggest disaster

It's the biggest spill in US history, but it might not do the most ecological damage - it all depends on what kind of slick hits the coastal marshes

Unconscious purchasing urges revealed by brain scans

Even when we don't realise it, our brain is registering the desirability of what we see

Deter quantum hackers by hiding the photon keys

Spotting a lone messenger in a crowd of decoys is tricky - a concept that might make it possible to improve the security of quantum cryptography

Hone your eco instinct

How Bad Are Bananas? by Mike Berners-Lee tells us the carbon footprint of everything from a text message to a volcano

Thumbs up for gesture-based computing

The gloves are off - and also on - in the battle to bring intuitive hand-gesture computer control to the masses

Heston Blumenthal: Food's future is jellyfish and chips

The UK's most exciting chef on reinventing the hospital meal and his Willy Wonka-esque plans for the Cheltenham Science Festival

Zoologger: Globetrotters of the animal kingdom

Every year many animals travel thousands of miles to feed and mate. We look at some of the most remarkable journeys

Deeper impact: Did mega-meteors rattle our planet?

The idea that geology is what happens beneath our feet has suffered a blow - from space

Global biodiversity estimate revised down

A new study of beetles suggests we may have overestimated how many species exist on Earth

Green machine: It's your eco-friendly funeral

Cleaner ways to dispose of the deceased are becoming available, from dissolving a corpse in chemicals to freeze-drying it to a powder

Snake populations plummet

A study of 11 snake species in locations across the UK, France, Italy, Nigeria, and Australia suggest that snake populations may be suffering a widespread decline

Gulf oil leak causing upheaval in marine ecology

Methane levels are 10,000 times higher than normal, the oil is feeding oxygen-sucking sea bacteria, and no one knows what chemical dispersants will do
Phil McKenna, contributor

BP ordered procedural changes on the day of the Deepwater Horizon blast that left 11 men dead and continues to spew oil into the Gulf of Mexico, according to televised interviews by CNN with five of the explosion's survivors.

On the morning of 20 April, when the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, an executive from the oil company argued with an official from Transocean, the owner and operator of the Deepwater Horizon drill rig, according to Deepwater Horizon's chief mechanic Douglas Brown.

The upshot of the exchange was that the Deepwater Horizon crew would replace heavy mud, used to keep the well's pressure down, with lighter seawater, to assist with the transition from drilling the well to oil production.

According to Brown the completion of the drilling phase was already five weeks late, and the continued use of the Deepwater Horizon drill rig was costing BP roughly $750,000 per day. By contrast, a recent estimate of the cost of the disaster to BP came up with a figure of $1.25 billion.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Game over for stem-cell clinic

A stem-cell clinic in Costa Rica has been closed by the government on the grounds that there is no proof their treatments work

Lloyd's: ditch oil, invest in renewable energy

Continued reliance on oil is risky and expensive for business, say the authors of a new report from Lloyd's global risk assessment department

Say red to see it

It's one of the most fascinating and fractious debates in the psychological sciences: does the language you speak affect the way you see the world?

'How Dawkins converted me from atheism to agnosticism'

Bernard Beckett, author of the new novel Genesis, discusses the inspiration behind his writing, his latest project, and how atheism can resemble religion

Innovation: Invisibility cloaks and how to use them

Four years on from the first "invisibility cloak", the technology promises to give us sea defences and to show us how black holes work

Long haul: How butterflies and moths go the distance

Ground speed: 90 kilometres per hour. Compass: check. Lepidoptera may be short-lived, but they complete some amazing missions before they die

Bumpology: Pregnant at the cheese and wine party

Do I really have to give up the best things France has to offer?

US doctors accused of performing torture experiments

A human rights report suggests doctors took part in experiments on detainees to refine controversial interrogation techniques

Children of lesbian parents do better than their peers

A long-term study on same-sex families finds children from lesbian couples are more successful academically and socially

Later menopause for women with polycystic ovaries

Decreased fertility at a young age appears to increase reproductive lifespan for women with polycystic ovaries

Biblical bee-keepers picked the best bees

The discovery of the oldest known beehives in the world in Israel reveals the skills of ancient bee-keepers

Jessica Hamzelou, reporter

Continued reliance on oil is risky and expensive for business, say the authors of a new report from Lloyd's global risk assessment department, 360 Risk Insight, and UK think tank Chatham House.

The way forward for businesses, the report says, is renewable energy - but the chaos and uncertainty following the Copenhagen climate summit has stifled investment.

Antony Froggatt and Glada Lahn warn businesses that oil prices are set to soar over the next couple of years due to increasing demand. Rising car ownership and subsidised fuel prices in developing countries, they say, will contribute to the increase, along with a demand "rebound" once we're out of the recession.

In a "business as usual" scenario, the authors predict global energy demand will increase by 40 per cent by 2030. But it's unlikely that we'll be able to meet these demands.

Kate McAlpine, reporter

Want to feel a part of the last space shuttle missions? NASA will give you an honorary presence on one of the final two flights to the International Space Station. Upload a head shot to their website, choose your mission, and they'll put your face in space.

The method of transport for the images isn't clear, but judging from previous efforts, odds are they'll be digital. The Stardust mission carried a million names written to a microchip to comet Wild 2 and the Cassini orbiter took 616,400 signatures recorded on a DVD to Saturn.

Peter Aldhous, San Francisco bureau chief

Imagine receiving the results of a genetic test that suggests that your son is not your son. Was there a mix-up in the maternity ward? 

Fortunately, in this case it was a slip-up in the genetics lab contracted by personal genomics company 23andMe to process its customers' samples. But the news that the Californian firm has supplied 96 people with someone else's results will add to the pressure for more regulation of this emerging industry.

23andMe's announcement is available to customers logged in on its website, who are told:

Up to 96 customers may have received and viewed data that was not their own. Upon learning of the mix-ups, we immediately identified all customers potentially affected, notified them of the problem and removed the data from their accounts. The lab is now concurrently conducting an investigation and re-processing the samples of the affected customers and their accurate results will be posted early next week. We expect the investigation will be complete over the next several days and we will provide further details when we have them.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

BP buys 'oil spill' sponsored links for search engines

Struggling under a barrage of criticism, BP is trying to clean up its polluted image by buying search terms

Gut bacteria may contribute to autism

Children with autism appear to have distinctive chemicals in their urine which may be released by bugs in the gut

Farmed to death: The cost of civilisation

Pandora's Seed: The unforeseen cost of civilization by Spencer Wells looks at how farming has changed human history - and not always for the better

Swine flu experts and big pharma: no conspiracy

The parade of accusations surrounding the swine flu pandemic continues, but their accusations are unfounded, says Debora MacKenzie

Cory Doctorow: My computer says no

Disobedient computers, frightened gold farmers and money gone ethereal - welcome to the frontier world of the sci-fi author and technology activist

Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die

Futurists have long dreamed of making copies of themselves that will live forever - now researchers are working out how to do it for real

Laser detectors could nail TNT

A device that contains nothing but plastic could sniff out hidden explosives

Trying to quit smoking? The devil is in the drink

Alcohol and cigarettes may rewire the brain to make each substance more addictive and harder to give up

Ancient oceans belched stagnant CO2 into the skies

At the end of the last ice age, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels shot up by nearly 50 per cent. But where did the CO2 come from?

Space taxi reaches orbit in first flight test

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket successfully launched into orbit in a flight that could pave the way for commercial launchers to replace the space shuttle

Deepwater Horizon oil spill - third cap lucky?

BP's latest attempt at capping its rogue well is funnelling oil to a ship on the surface at a rate of 1000 barrels per day

Gareth Morgan, technology news editor

As daily clean-up costs to BP spiral to $37 million per day and its chief executive is vilified in the press, the company is trying to fight back - by buying search terms.

So each time someone enters a relevant query - say "oil spill" - into a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, their results also include a paid-for link from BP. Typically, these sponsored links sit above the genuine results.

Studies of the effectiveness of sponsored links suggests perhaps as many as 30 per cent of people will head to their marketing material.

BP must hope that its marketing campaign to stem criticism produces results faster than its efforts to stop the leak. It has been suggested that the media coverage is more damaging than the slick.

Debora MacKenzie, consultant

The parade of accusations surrounding the swine flu pandemic continues. The latest, published in the journal BMJ, claims the scientists who advised the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare H1N1 swine flu a pandemic were in the pay of companies that stood to profit from the resulting sales of antiviral drugs and vaccines.

The piece, by Deborah Cohen from BMJ and Philip Carter from a privately funded British non-profit called the Bureau for Investigative Journalism, says such conflicts of interest could be handled better. Fair enough, but it also says more: that the scientific advice given to the WHO on flu has been dishonestly slanted since 1999 to profit companies. This would be important if the journalists supported their case. I don't think they do - making this a troubling smear on science.

In 1999, the WHO started planning global advice on responding to pandemic flu. Cohen and Carter castigate by name scientists who wrote the plans, because at certain times they were also paid to do various jobs by companies that make flu drugs and vaccines.

Sounds wrong, doesn't it? Scientists recommend massive purchases of goods made by companies that pay them. Hard to resist such a great story.

Small problem: this is the only thing they could possibly recommend.

Kate McAlpine, reporter

For the record: The relief wells mentioned below do not work by relieving the pressure inside the well. Rather, they allow engineers to pump a specialised heavy liquid into the flowing well to bring it under control. The liquid is denser than oil and so exerts pressure to stem the flow of oil. This makes it possible to pour cement in through the relief well to seal the well off for good.

BP's efforts to stem the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico continue, with the third capping attempt. And it's looking promising - so far.

They call it the Lower Marine Riser Package Cap. The project started on Wednesday by cutting the old "riser" pipe off at its base - the one that once carried oil to the surface and recently lay crumpled on the sea floor with oil spilling out of the end and various holes.

By cutting off the pipe, BP simplified the capping task because the spill now comes from a single location. With the aid of undersea robots, technicians placed a cap over the top of the old pipe. A new pipe sticking out the top to is carrying oil to a drill ship on the surface.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Distant gas blob threatens to shake nature's constants

Some fundamentals of physics may have been different some 3 billion years ago, according to radio spectra from a distant gas cloud

All you need to know about the hurricane season

Why is this year predicted to be a "Big One" for hurricanes? And what would happen if one hits the Gulf of Mexico oil slick? Find out in our briefing

How religion made Jews genetically distinct

Jewish people from different parts of the world share a genetic heritage that can be traced back to a founding population 2500 years ago

Stem cells turn into seek-and-destroy cancer missiles

For the first time, genetically modified stem cells will be injected into people's brains to destroy cancer

Tortoises on the slow road to oblivion

The Last Tortoise: A tale of extinction in our lifetime by Craig Stanford tries to be upbeat but is a soulful requiem for these extraordinary animals

Forget noisy blimps... say hello to the Airfish

Quieter, cleaner, fish-mimicking airships could swim over a crowd's heads to capture aerial shots of outdoor music gigs or sports events

Feeling the pressure: The World Cup's altitude factor

Altitude doesn't just affect footballers' physical performance - teams in South Africa had better brush up their aerodynamic physics

Hints of life found on Saturn moon

In 2005, researchers predicted two potential signatures of life on Saturn's moon Titan - now both have been seen

Fractal haze may have warmed the early Earth

Organic molecules in the atmosphere may have joined together in fractal patterns, boosting the greenhouse effect and explaining how the infant planet stayed warm

What does the hottest matter ever made sound like?

If you could stand the heat inside a trillion-degree soup of subatomic particles created to mimic the conditions of the big bang, this is what you would hear

Jupiter attacked for second time in a year

By an amazing coincidence, Jupiter appears to have been hit by an impactor on the very day that news came out about what may have slammed into it in 2009

Cancer guardian found playing a role in sex

Dubbed the "guardian of the genome" for its role in keeping cells from turning cancerous, protein 53 is also needed to make eggs and sperm

David Shiga, reporter

By an amazing coincidence, Jupiter appears to have been hit by an impactor on Thursday, the very day news came out about what may have slammed into it in July 2009.

Anthony Wesley, the amateur astronomer who alerted scientists to the 2009 impact with his images of the aftermath, reports that he recorded video of a bright flash on Jupiter that he believes was an impact, though there was no immediate sign of a lasting scar. The Planetary Society has posted Wesley's video here (46 MB).

Another amateur astronomer, Christopher Go, also caught video of the flash (see video below).

The flash occurred the same day that researchers announced that the object that smacked into the planet in 2009, leaving a dark bruise, was probably an asteroid.

That determination came from an analysis of ultraviolet Hubble Space Telescope images, which revealed that the aftermath of the 2009 impact was strikingly different from a collision in 1994 by the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. The comet fragments left behind much larger dark patches when the planet was viewed at ultraviolet wavelengths.

That might be because comets have dusty atmospheres, called comae, that are much larger than their solid nuclei. Material from Shoemaker-Levy 9's coma would have rained down over a large area to produce the especially wide dark patches seen in 1994.

The more compact bullet-hole-like scars left by the 2009 impactor were likely caused by an asteroid, which lacks a coma, according to the new Hubble study led by Heidi Hammel of the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

The asteroid may have been 500 metres wide, and the collision was powerful – equivalent to the explosion of thousands of nuclear bombs, says a press release from the Space Telescope Science Institute, which manages Hubble's observations.

The release goes on to pick out a likely culprit. Based on the elongated shape of the impact, researchers calculated the possible orbits of the impacting body. "Their work indicates the object probably came from the Hilda family of bodies, a secondary asteroid belt consisting of more than 1,100 asteroids orbiting near Jupiter," the release says.

Thankfully, sizable impacts on Earth are much rarer than on Jupiter, with the last one to cause major damage on the ground occurring in 1908.

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Mystery seafaring ancestor found in the Philippines

A fossil foot bone reveals that early humans arrived on the island of Luzon tens of thousands of years earlier than realised

Budget airline to test in-flight ash detection system

An ash-sensing camera that could help aircraft detect and avoid volcanic ash clouds could soon receive its first real-world tests

First moment of blood flow seen in embryo video

High-resolution microscopy has captured the moment at which hundreds of newly formed blood cells began their journey around a zebrafish embryo

Giant glowing bubbles found around Milky Way

Two gamma-ray bubbles appear to be emanating from the centre of our galaxy - a huge meal by its central black hole may account for the hourglass shape

We need to fix peer review now

A peer-reviewed paper claims that homeopathy kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells intact. It's time for another look at peer review, says Michael Brooks

New Scientist TV - June 2010

See how smells travel up a shark's nose, some illusions that occur when we stare at ambiguous scenes and how altitude will affect this year's World Cup games

A sea change in Earth's prehistory

In Vanished Ocean: How Tethys reshaped the world, Dorrik Stow argues that the passing of this vast ancient ocean may have caused a mass extinction

Eat less, live longer?

People trying to delay ageing by cutting calories may have a surprise in store

Memo reveals Copenhagen climate talks blame game

Outgoing UN climate chief blames Danish prime minister for failure of last year's climate talks

Early humans had taste for aquatic diet

A cache of turtles, crocodiles and catfish butchered some 2 million years ago shows when our ancestors gave up vegetarianism

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm yesterday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

Entangled photons available on tap

The creation of an "entanglement gun" brings the prospect of a light-based quantum computer a step closer

Shape-shifting islands defy sea-level rise

Against all the odds, a number of islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are standing up to the effects of climate change

Out of the shadows: our unknown immune system

An immune switch we didn't even know existed may play a role in cancer, diabetes, asthma and MS

Binge drinking rots teen brains

Adolescent monkeys given alcohol from an early age show signs of serious brain damage

Woods of wisdom: Words around trees, beautifully woven

The Global Forest by Diana Beresford-Kroeger borrows from Irish storytelling tradition to explore the cultural and ecological history of trees

Would the real Indiana Jones please stand up?

You know you've made it as a popular archaeologist when you get compared to Indy. New Scientist asks who the hat really fits

Maya man: No future for archaeology without ethics

Leading archaeologist Arthur Demarest explains why discovering Mayan palaces matters less than helping the impoverished people who live near them

Bumpology: Is my baby making me forgetful?

I seem to be developing a serious case of "mumnesia"

How climate scientists can repair their reputation

Climatologists can't just hope that the public will regain trust in their work. They need to go on a PR offensive, says Bob Ward

Green machine: Cars could run on sunlight and CO2

Solar-powered reactors promise a route to carbon-neutral motoring running on synthetic fuels

Mouse vaccine raises prospect of cancer prevention

For the first time a vaccine has primed the immune system to attack cancer cells before a tumour forms

Dengue fever strikes US

The mosquito-borne virus has snuck back into the US via the Florida Keys after an absence of 65 years

Rise of the replicators

In humble workshops around the globe, enthusiasts are building machines that can make just about anything - including their own robotic offspring

DNA logic gates herald injectable computers

Binary logic gates in which strands of DNA form the inputs have been shown to mimic their electronic counterparts

Impossible figures brought to life in virtual worlds

Recreating optical illusions in virtual 3D environments could bring a new level of complexity to computer games

Zoologger: Judge Dredd worm traps prey with riot foam

Small insects beware: velvet worms are on the hunt, and have a unique method of persuading you to stay for dinner

Forensic astronomer solves Walt Whitman mystery

Astronomy sleuth Donald Olson has solved the mystery of Walt Whitman's meteor poem, thanks to clues found in an 1860 painting by Frederic Church

This is a digest of the stories posted to newscientist.com from 6 pm Friday until 6 pm today. Did you find it useful? Do you have suggestions about how we can make it better? Let us know.

How acupuncture eases pain - maybe

Acupuncture may stimulate the release of natural pain killers - but does it really work any better than a placebo?

From biology to the Bible, from kindness to madness

The Price of Altruism by Oren Solomon Harman tells the unhappy story of biologist George Price well but gets stuck in naturalism, says Steve Jones

Asteroid strike may have frozen Antarctica

A massive asteroid hit the Timor Sea around 35 million years ago, and may have contributed to the formation of the Antarctic ice sheets, reports Wendy Zukerman

First 'chameleon particle' spotted after changing type

After years of searching, a tau neutrino has been found that switched from a different type - it can only be explained by new physics

Matter: The next generation

Experiments hint at a new class of particles that could reveal how the infant universe narrowly escaped annihilation

Language lessons: You are what you speak

The more we search for a universal language instinct, the more hints we find that actually our mother tongues make us think in different ways

'Precision missile' to block bitter tastes

A bitter-blocking chemical could take the aftertaste out of artificial sweeteners and make unpleasant-tasting antibiotics easier to swallow

Drug could get into the autistic mind

For the first time, drugs are being tested that could address the social difficulties associated with autism and other learning disorders

Innovation: Methane capture gives more bang for the buck

Methane capture technology could have a dramatic impact on global warming. But developing such technologies won't be easy

Tacit knowledge: you don't know how much you know

Most of our skills are like riding a bike: we have no idea how they work. That innate knowledge has some very important - and bizarre - consequences, says Harry Collins

Stellar explosion sends shrapnel our way

The giant IceCube detector in Antarctica has found the first strong evidence that supernovae can whip up high-energy cosmic rays

How phones ring a bell in your head

The instant you hear a cellphone ring, your brain reacts in a unique way - if the ringtone matches that of your own phone

Webcam knows how to snub shoulder surfers

Software blanks the screen when the camera spots a second face peering in its direction, forcing nosy strangers to mind their own business

Genius of Britain doesn't stretch to TV scheduling

A new TV show aims to inspire young people to go into science and engineering - but Paul Marks fears it may have shot itself in the foot

Did early hunters cause climate change?

By wiping out North America's large mammals and their methane burps, early hunters may have brought on a global cool spell

Peaceful monkeys chill out before the feeding frenzy

If you think a fight is about to start, you might try to calm everyone down - it turns out that some monkeys do the same thing

First student-built interplanetary mission goes silent

A student-built spacecraft that launched towards Venus last week has fallen ominously silent

Airborne telescope makes its first observations

SOFIA - a jet with an infrared telescope built into its side - has made its first airborne observations of the night sky

How short can a planet's year be?

A planet has been found which takes under 18 hours to complete its orbit - but it's probably not the shortest year possible

Fear and loathing on the Gulf coast

A senior conservation scientist tells of his dismay at the devastation the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is causing - and detects growing public anger

Wendy Zukerman, Australasia reporter

Acupuncture stimulates the release of natural pain killers, says a new study, providing a possible physiological mechanism for how the treatment works.

Far from improving energy flow of "chi", the study suggests that pain relief from the ancient Chinese technique, in which fine needles are inserted into the skin, is down to adenosine - a molecule which is known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Maiken Nedergaard from the University of Rochester Medical Centre in New York, who led the study, induced pain in adult mice before inserting and rotating needles just below the knee every five minutes for half an hour.

In mice with normal levels of adenosine, acupuncture reduced discomfort by two-thirds, with levels of adenosine 24 times greater than before the treatment. In mice that lacked adenosine receptors, treatment had no effect.

Nedergaard then gave mice a cancer drug, deoxycoformycin, which prevents the removal of adenosine from the injury site. In these mice the pain-relieving effects lasted up to two hours longer.

Although the research adds credibility to previous findings that show acupuncture can reduce pain and inflammation, several experts have warned that more clinical trials are needed before accepting that real acupuncture works.

Wendy Zukerman, Australasia reporter

A massive asteroid hit the Timor Sea around 35 million years ago - and the impact apparently contributed to the formation of the Antarctic ice sheets.

So says Andrew Glikson, a specialist in the study of extraterrestrial impacts, from the Planetary Science Institute at the Australian National University in Canberra, who analysed a dome found 2.5 kilometres below the Timor Sea, about 300 kilometres off Australia's north west coast.

Based on the structure of the dome, called Mount Ashmore, there were two obvious explanations for its formation: from a mud volcano or from the movement of tectonic plates.

But using a barrage of tests including scanning electron microscopy and seismic surveys, as well as chemical analysis of the rocks, Glikson concluded that the dome was the result of an asteroid crashing into the Earth at such speeds that it caused the Earth's crust to rebound (Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2010.481327).

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