A couple months ago I got a Nokia 6620 after an excellent keynote by Macromedia at the Max conference in New Orleans. After requesting a developement version of the Flash Lite player, i’m taking my Flash everywhere with me.

So far lots of fun. I’ve discovered this well of nostalgia in myself for Flash from the days when it was cumbersome. Flash 4 syntax, its sooo out its in again ;)

As much a surprise to me as anyone that knows me, I’ve actually been posting in a forum. If you are intrested in Mobile Flash, you should definitely stop by The Macromedia Flash Lite Forum at http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/categories.cfm?catid =472

I’m working on a few games right now. I actually got Radiax finished and it *may* even be fun to play. who knows. I need to do some more level design, so as when I make at least 20 levels I’ll post it.