The act of reaching across borders -- whether you're outsourcing or looking to expand into new markets - can be intimidating. Here we help business owners assess their opportunities and find the help they need to operate internationally.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Small Business

Going Global

The act of reaching across borders -- whether you're outsourcing or looking to expand into new markets - can be intimidating. Here we help business owners assess their opportunities and find the help they need to operate internationally.


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Tips for Increasing Sales in International Markets

Small businesses can add to export sales by picking a market, building relationships and customizing products.

April 22, 2010
    Some Small Businesses That Grew in 2009
    Some Small Businesses That Grew in 2009

    The Import-Export Bank has provided financing for smaller companies to sell services or products to customers overseas despite the recession.

    December 31, 2009
      An Eye on Growth, Deals Stretch Across the Pacific

      Despite the worldwide downturn, the ties between small businesses in China and Southern California should continue to grow.

      November 20, 2008
        Weak Dollar Has Small Businesses Thinking Globally
        Weak Dollar Has Small Businesses Thinking Globally

        A variety of small businesses in the U.S. are starting to take advantage of the mismatch between a weak dollar and the purchasing power of customers using strong currencies.

        January 31, 2008
          Chinese Want to Cut Slice Going to U.S. Middlemen

          A growing number of Chinese firms are setting up operations in the U.S. and looking for partnerships with small-to-medium American companies.

          August 16, 2007
            Some Words About Interpreting
            Some Words About Interpreting

            Interpreters are the mechanics who keep the machinery of world trade humming.

            August 8, 2007
              Coffee, and Hope, Grow in Rwanda
              Coffee, and Hope, Grow in Rwanda

              Rwanda, recently rent by a famously savage civil war, has found hope in that most colonial of crops: coffee.

              August 6, 2006
                Staying Small, Going Global: How Uncle Sam Can Help

                Besides its general loan guarantee program, the Small Business Administration also offers loan guarantees for those involved in international trade.

                September 20, 2005
                Technology Levels the Business Playing Field

                When we think about the economic impact of information technology, the first companies to spring to mind are the giants like eBay, but the biggest impact may come from small enterprises.

                August 25, 2005
                  Global Economy Is Leading to More Dangerous Places

                  Economic globalization is adding a new element of peril for business travelers who are making their way to stretches of the globe that were once well off the beaten path.

                  April 19, 2005
                    A Tax Bill, Full of Breaks,Passes Senate

                    After nearly three years of jockeying by legions of business groups, the Senate passed a $137 billion corporate tax bill on Monday that gave something to almost everyone.

                    October 12, 2004
                      SMALL BUSINESS; It's Not Only the Giants With Franchises Abroad

                      Article on growing number of small US franchises that have businesses overseas; focuses on Le Gourmet Gift Basket Inc, which has 510 franchises, including 25 outside US, expanding into Hong Kong in 2002; chief executive Cynthia McKay comments; photo

                      February 12, 2004
                        SMALL BUSINESS; Struggling With the Falling Dollar

                        Weakness in dollar is hurting small businesses while small businesses that export their goods are benefiting almost as much as importers are suffering because dollar's weakness tends to make their goods significantly cheaper and more competitive abroad; Global Lighting owner Larry Lazin, who imports goods from Spain, comments on falling value of dollar; graph; photo

                        January 15, 2004
                          SMALL BUSINESS; A Small Company, a Global Approach

                          Gayle Warwick Fine Linen, small London-based company founded by Gayle Warwick with just $16,000 out of her savings, becomes player in global marketplace, selling handmade bed and table linens that are woven in Europe, embroidered in Vietnam and sold in Britain and United States; Warwick found that with barriers to trade and investment falling everywhere, she was free to roam the world to make contacts she needed to put her business together; photos

                          January 1, 2004
                            Pushing Energy Conservation Into the Back Seat of the S.U.V.

                            Booming US sales of large homes and sport utility vehicles have offset many of energy savings made over last 30 years; imports accounted for 55 percent of US oil consumption in first seven months of 2003, compared to only 35 in 1973 at height of Arab oil embargo; Energy Information Administration projects that oil imports will rise to 68 percent of total consumption by 2025, with majority coming from Persian Gulf region; loss of momentum toward energy conservation is attributed to drop in oil p...

                            November 22, 2003

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