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Demos poll shows only 15% want to be party of Big Society
by Don Paskini

Here’s what the think tank Demos said about their latest piece of research:

“Labour’s next leader needs to support public sector cuts and embrace the ‘Big Society’ agenda if they are to be heard by the public.”

And here’s what their polling showed that people actually thought about the ‘Big Society’ agenda:
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by Robert Sharp

Five Chinese Crackers spots a stinker from Baroness Warsi, where she talks about ‘Winterval’ as if it were a valid and real phenomena.

And this isn’t the first time either. PC myths are becoming an increasing part of the Tory narrative.

by Sunny Hundal

There is a mistake that left-wingers frequently make: that is, to buy the narrative that right-wingers are spinning for them. I fear this is the trap that Hopi Sen has fallen in when he makes the case against Ed Balls’ candidacy for Labour leadership:

As a result of this hurly-burly past, what Ed Balls doesn’t have is a positive public image.

So what?

by Guest

Across Europe, eight million Romani citizens of the EU are subject to systematic segregation and persecution that is similar to the treatment of Jews in the first months of Nazi rule.

The interest they did show in the run up to the enlargement of the EU into east and central Europe seems to have been motivated only by the desire to prevent Romani migration to seek asylum in the West. In recent months, the following events have taken place in western Europe…

by Guest

Facebook has closed down two groups in recent months, run by progressive sexuality organisations. The Pansy Project, an art project challenging homophobia, had its FB group removed in May. Most recently Our Porn, Ourselves the feminist-informed sex-positive project for women, had its FB group closed last week.

The reasons given for the censorship have been vague.

by Richard Exell

One of the claims in Iain Duncan Smith’s Twenty-first Century Welfare really annoyed me when I first read it, and it has been niggling away at me ever since:

The welfare system has failed to tackle intergenerational disadvantage and poverty.

But it’s not true.

by Chris Dillow

Don Paskini asks what Labour’s economic policy should be. Given that the party isn’t going to be in power until at least 2015, I’m not sure it needs detailed proposals at this stage.

Instead, it needs some general principles. Here are some…

by Richard Exell

The private business sector has mainly been positive about government cuts, even gleeful at first.

But, as we at the TUC have pointed out, the private sector will also be hit by the cuts.

by Neil Robertson

When Irving Patnick reputedly described Sheffield as the ‘People’s Republic of South Yorkshire’, he may have been referring as much to his own isolation as he was the radicalism of the 1980s. As the city council defined itself in opposition to the Thatcher governments, so Patnick was defined as a solid blue hold-out in a county drenched in red – the ‘enemy within’, if you like.

by Guest

Caroline Lucas, the member for Brighton and Hove and leader of the Green Party, has put her name to a Parliamentary Early Day Motion (EDM) which “expresses concern” about Homeopathy. Caroline Lucas and her co-signatories are not happy, claiming that proper consultation did not take place.

This wrongly suggests that there is still a public debate to be had on alternative medicine.

by Neil Robertson

The surprising thing about Michael Gove’s short tenure as Education Secretary is how quickly an appointment which began with such hype and bluster has descended into one of hubris and error.

But Gove’s mistakes thus far haven’t been errors of policy, but of process. Does that matter?

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»  Dave Semple posted on Why aren't we talking about Europe's Roma shame?

»  Rachael posted on Demos poll shows only 15% want to be party of Big Society

»  damon posted on Why our immigration system needs an overhaul

»  damon posted on Why our immigration system needs an overhaul

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»  DisgustedOfTunbridgeWells posted on How PC myths are becoming government talking points

»  Will posted on How PC myths are becoming government talking points

»  Will posted on How PC myths are becoming government talking points

»  McDuff posted on Why our immigration system needs an overhaul

»  captain swing posted on Demos poll shows only 15% want to be party of Big Society

»  5cc posted on How PC myths are becoming government talking points

»  5cc posted on How PC myths are becoming government talking points

»  Nick posted on Demos poll shows only 15% want to be party of Big Society

»  Left Outside posted on Scientists: Govt ignoring advice on homeopathy

»  DisgustedOfTunbridgeWells posted on How PC myths are becoming government talking points

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