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Foxy Knoxy depressed and fears she is going blind

Boyfriend reveals she can only see close-up, is ‘suffering mentally’ and talks of holding vigil for murdered Meredith

Amanda Knox fears she's going blind (Pic: Getty)

Sex killer Amanda Knox is ­terrified she is losing her sight.

As life in prison takes its toll on her health, she has become unwell and depressed while still maintaining she had nothing to do with the brutal ­murder of British student ­Meredith ­Kercher.

“Foxy Knoxy’s” despair has been ­revealed by her boyfriend David ­Johnsrud in an exclusive interview with the Sunday Mirror – the first time he has spoken since she was jailed for the ­killing of Meredith during a sex orgy.

Just four months into her 26-year sentence, he claims she is suffering blackouts and headaches. But her biggest fear is that she is losing her sight.

“She is really worried,” said David, 23, a student who dated Knox for a year in her hometown of Seattle and with whom she has since rekindled a relationship.

“Her health is badly affected and she is ­having serious vision ­problems. She only sees things close-up and doesn’t see things a long way away.

“She has been doing eye exercises, where she looks out of the window at things in the distance. She doesn’t mind if she has to wear glasses, but her big worry is that her vision will go.

“In total she has been in prison for nearly two years and it is starting to hit her physical and mental health to a point where there are long-term ­effects. Sometimes she feels sick from the stress and gets headaches. Her skin turned a funny colour for a couple of days. Plus she’s lost weight and has passed out a few times.”

Knox, 22, was jailed last December for the murder of fellow student Meredith, from Coulsdon, Surrey, at the home they shared in the Italian town of Perugia. Prosecutors claimed the 21-year-old was stabbed to death in November 2007 after ­refusing to join a drug-fuelled sex orgy. Both Knox and 25-year-old Raffaele ­Sollecito, her Italian ­boyfriend at the time, ­denied involvement. And last week they ­received a boost when the other man convicted of the murder, 22-year-old Rudy Guede, alledgedly told a cellmate that ­Knox and ­Sollecito were not even there.

Knox’s divorced ­parents Edda Mellas and Curt Knox – who have spent nearly ­£1million trying to prove their ­daughter’s innocence – are said to be ­confident an appeal will succeed. But it is likely to be next year before any ­hearing begins.

Meanwhile, David claims Knox is not the hard-faced woman whose antics at the police ­station and in court shocked many. And he claims Amanda was in fact so fond of Meredith she wants to hold a memorial service for her. “Amanda and ­Meredith were friends, and when a friend is ­murder- ­ed you feel terrible and you cry,” ­David said. “When she gets out she plans to hold a secret vigil for Meredith.

“It is important that people realise Amanda has shown remorse for what happened to her friend. She’s not cold, she’s cried for Meredith just as much as the rest of us. People just chose to ignore it.” Knox shares her cell in Capanne prison with an older woman and has a ­bedroom, kitchen area, shower room and a TV.

She works as a grocery delivery girl in the jail, taking orders for food and little luxuries and delivering them to her fellow inmates.

There is a small wage for the job which she spends on fruit and vegetables. The rest of her time is spent doing a ­correspondence degree course in ­poetry and translation with the University of Washington in Seattle, listening to ­classical music and doing yoga ­exercises.

Every weekend she makes a phone call to her parents and David visits the ­family home to listen in.

He and Knox rekindled their relationship last year after her arrest. They broke up when she left for Italy, but talked twice a week on the phone.

Then came the bombshell when Amanda sent him a message on Facebook which read: “My room mate has been murdered.” Alarmed, he tried to phone her in Italy from China where he was at college.

“I managed to speak to her and asked how she was doing,” he said. “Amanda said she was scared out of her mind.

“A few days later someone said to me, ‘Sorry to hear about your friend’. I didn’t know what was going on so I checked the internet and saw Amanda had been arrested. I went into hysterics and was ­walking round saying, ‘No, no, no!’ I was like that for the rest of the day.”

The last time David met Knox was on a prison visit last summer, but he ­revealed they are planning to go away together – ­assuming she wins an ­appeal. He said: “We’ll go ­backpacking, away from any ­cameras, but I don’t know what’ll ­happen in the future. Eventually she hopes to get a job in international ­relations – maybe a ­diplomatic job. But I worry she is ­starting to lose touch with the real world and won’t be able to adjust when she gets out. This will be with her for the rest of her life.”
