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Tastic Multimedia

The Concept Company

What we can do

Make websites
Develop bespoke software
Improve your position in search engines
Make your internet dreams a reality

How we do it

We use clever tools and systems like:

PHP, SEO, C#,.Net, XML, XSLT, IDDI, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX, CSS, XHTML, Plesk, cPanel, Section 508,WAI, Google Analytics, XML Sitemaps

What we have done

For our clients...

North Wales Choral Festival
Baylife Initiative
TLC Boat Repair
Pernicious Anaemia Society
Colwyn Bay Prom Day
Lynne Drew
Harrision Monarch

On behalf of others...

Loads of stuff for View Creative Agency


Get a fantastic new website from just £99

More details about our offers
We're just changing our website over to a new system, we'll only be a day or so, but there are some bits and bobs missing
Jon made the last brew
We currently look after 6,502,548 lines of code
Jon's favorite comedian is Stewart Lee
We currently have very little snow here
Website Development by Tastic Multimedia | Built on XML Technology | DDA Aware | Powered by IDDI