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  • Facebook Use Down Under

    You probably know already that Facebook is a huge social networking phenomenon here in the United States, not only for teenagers, but also for adults. However, you might not know that the Facebook rage is sweeping the globe.
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  • Video: Content Identification for Litigation

    Data. It becomes a kind of currency in anticipating litigation. It is what is passed between parties, negotiated access to, preserved, and stored with great scrutiny. It forms the building blocks to supporting a case or discrediting an opposing side's case. And when anticipating litigation it can become the crucial element in the eDiscovery process. But identifying pertinent data in its numerous forms and for its many purposes can prove to be overwhelming for firms of all sizes.
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  • Presidential Powers During Cybersecurity Emergencies

    Our nation can be threatened not only by physical attacks on terra firma, but also in Cyberspace. Indeed, Cyber attacks could threaten all sorts of mission critical systems. For this reason, aides to Senator Jay Rockefeller reportedly have been working recently on a revised draft Senate bill that would give the President broad powers in the event of a Cybersecurity emergency, and that apparently would go so far as allowing the President to temporarily seize control over computer networks in the private sector.
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  • Amazon Settles Kindle Digital Book Deletion for $150K

    The homework has been turned in. The book has been read. An apology has been issued. The amount has been negotiated. And the matter is settled...for now.
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  • Banks Liable For Cyber Criminals?

    The Internet has made life easier in so many ways, including the ability to shop and conduct financial transactions online. Of course, just like in the world of bricks and mortar, criminals also lurk in Cyberspace, seeking to steal identities, data and money. While Cyber criminals, of course, are responsible as a matter of criminal and civil law for their own wrongdoing, the question arises as to whether others also can be deemed responsible for the harm suffered as a result of this illegal conduct.
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  • How to Budget for eDiscovery Costs

    Law firms big and small face a similar difficulty with legal technology--estimating its costs. At early stages of a case it often proves to be a challenge to consider the scope of discovery as a whole--especially when trying to account for the looming variable of eDiscovery costs.
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