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169 of 196 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars A Soul Bared for All to See
I love biographies, especially of celebrities, having read them all my life. As I have gotten older, though, my attention span wanes, and I read less and less. This book, Clapton:The Autobiography, is an exceptional one, and as a pseudo musician (I can play several instruments, but I certainly wouldn't say I play any well), the prospect of reading about Eric Clapton,...
Published on October 10, 2007 by George McAdams

28 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars empty
I have been a fan of ECs since his days with Cream and have always respected his work. This autobiography however lacks depth and insight. Some very interesting omissions and glossing over some great history of the sixties and seventies rock and roll. It sounds like the rambling of a confused and conflicted man, on one page he is telling what great fun he is having and...
Published on October 29, 2007 by W. P. Wells

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169 of 196 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars A Soul Bared for All to See, October 10, 2007
By George McAdams (Alabama, USA) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
I love biographies, especially of celebrities, having read them all my life. As I have gotten older, though, my attention span wanes, and I read less and less. This book, Clapton:The Autobiography, is an exceptional one, and as a pseudo musician (I can play several instruments, but I certainly wouldn't say I play any well), the prospect of reading about Eric Clapton, from the source, so-to-speak, was a prospect that excited me. I feel blessed that one can pre-order a book and have it on ones doorstep the day it hits the streets, as was the case with this book and the accompanying CD.

First of all, this is an exceptional book, but unlike some biographies, and fewer autobiographies, it is not one that would be a "page turner" for everyone because it is not full of cute anecdotes that make for sharing stories around the water cooler the next day.

A case in point is the time when Eric first met Jimi Hendrix. Chas Chandler of the Animals was trying to develop a career as a promoter and came across Hendrix in New York. Promising him a chance to meet Eric Clapton, he took Jimi to London. After meeting several musicians (Eric Burton, Andy Summers, et. al.), Chas took Jimi to hear Cream play. Backstage, Chas introduced Jimi, and they asked if Jimi could sit in with them for a few numbers, which seemed kind of ballsey. In CLAPTON, Eric writes that Jimi played Howlin' Wolf's "Killing Floor" in true Hendrix fashion playing "the guitar with his teeth, behind his head, lying on the floor, doing the splits, the whole business. It was amazing.....They (the crowd) loved it, and I loved it, too, but I remember thinking that here was a force to be reckoned with. It scared me, because he was clearly going to be a huge star, and just as we were finding our own speed, here was the real thing." In other accounts I have read and heard about from others, Eric after seeing and hearing Jimi perform, goes over and sits down, looking rejected. Another musician comes over to ask him, "What's wrong?" In some accounts it's Jack Bruce, in other accounts it's Peter Townsend. Eric replies, "I'm (expletive-deleted). If I'm "God," who's he?" Which to me would have been a funny anecdote.

It is still an exceptional book because it is so personal.... Filled with the flaws and mistakes of an exceptionally talented man who carried around for most of his life the baggage of being a "bastard" to some in his own family, for his mother had had an affair with a soldier during WWII and left him as a child to be raised by his grandparents. While learning that his "parents" were actually his grandparents, he writes at length of the insecurities of not having his mom there, and, the heartbreak of finally meeting her, and asking her if he could call her "Mummy now?" Only to be told, ""I think it's best, after all they've done for you, that you go on calling your grandparent Mum and Dad." Of that moment, he wrote, "In that moment I felt total rejection."

Growing-up wasn't all that bad, though. Eric showed some talent in art, and music was something that his Grandmother Rose loved. He wasn't a diligent student, but in art, and later in the guitar, he worked long and hard at learning and later creating.

This is a very thorough book, almost a true musician's book because it leaves out nothing of the ups-and-downs that seem to be the norm for all musicians. In the book, he talks of why some tunes were written a certain way, how he evolved in his musical craft, and what he was wanting to achieve in each group he played with. He mentions names on individuals in even the earliest of groups he played in, what they did together, and is very thorough in providing the reader his a written history of their achievements.

One wonders, though, where all this would have led had Eric not had so much alcohol and drugs in his early life, of if in some way, this was the catalyst to help him overcome those insecurities of his youth (Actually, he states this in a roundabout way that it was, but one still wonders just how much of what we have now would there have been with less alcohol and drugs.)

I can't think of any aspect of Eric's life that he doesn't discuss in ERIC: THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY: His love life, particularly his infatuation with Patti Boyd, George Harrison's wife; His relationships with other musicians and what he respected them for; His heartbreaks such as the loss of his son Conor.

I've given this book four stars, not because it is not exceptional, but because it isn't one that will be readable and enjoyable to all. However, if you are a lover of rock and blues music, or one who really wonders just what has gone through the head of someone as influential as Eric Clapton, I would recommend it to you.
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28 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars empty, October 29, 2007
By W. P. Wells (New Orleans) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
I have been a fan of ECs since his days with Cream and have always respected his work. This autobiography however lacks depth and insight. Some very interesting omissions and glossing over some great history of the sixties and seventies rock and roll. It sounds like the rambling of a confused and conflicted man, on one page he is telling what great fun he is having and the next he is complaining about how everything in his life is wrong. It is difficult for most of us to empathize with rock stars who live a life we can only dream about and yet whine about being victims of their own lifestyle. Eric Clapton was privvy to some of R&Rs; greatest collabortations and yet offers little or no insight, the result is pretty much "yeah, I played guitar with George Harrison" etc. etc.. Come on Eric you can do better, this may have been a way to exorcize your demons but it left those of us who put out the bucks to read it in a lurch. A chronicle of self destructive behavior with little insight into the music that made you famous and completely void of humor. There was so much more to tell!! Collaborating with The Beatles, Duane Allman, Stevie Ray, Bonnie Raitt, you merely dropped their names and let it go at that. Sadly vaccuuos.
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371 of 462 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars A terrible disappointment, October 16, 2007
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
I am a guitarist and long-time admirer of Eric Clapton. I've followed his career and life for four decades. I was really looking forward to this autobiography. Sadly, the book has many flaws in its writing and production, but beyond that, I fear that it reveals a terribly shallow and self-centered man.

The opening chapters are interesting, although very little new information is provided for any one who has read at all about the music scene of the 60's and 70's. As the book progresses, it moves into a second stage which is, frankly, rather boring. Like much of Clapton's music from this era, it lacks focus and tends to ramble.

However, it's the last third of the book that I find most disturbing. I'm not only very familiar with the guitar, but also addiction and recovery. To those familiar with 12-step programs, Clapton's almost complete disregard of his commitment to anonymity, and lack of true humility, is shocking and a red flag to anyone who knows about recovery. This guy may not be drinking or drugging anymore, but is clearly selective as to which parts of the program he cares to follow. An argument can be made that he needed to tell the story of his recovery, but this could have been done in a much more careful way -as many before him have done. Reading this book, I for the first time now truly understand why the rule of anonymity is so important in recovery. If the program that made Clapton "sober" produced the kind of man that is revealed in the last chapters of this book, then many people may decide to not try that route for themselves.

Clapton lacks generosity toward many of the musicians that he played with (he gives selective praise to a few), takes inordinate credit for many of his successful partnerships, and pointedly shows little compassion for the death of his "friend" George Harrison. John Lennon who gave him several high profile gigs, is barely mentioned, and his murder not at all. Cream is mentioned, but a shameful low swipe is made at Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce in some of the final pages - alluding to their aging bodies and stating that he (Clapton) at least helped them get some pocket money by allowing a brief reunion. Not very humble. Not very honorable. Shame on you Eric.

I'm no angel myself, but I find his treatment and attitude toward women shocking. He makes excuses for his beastly behavior toward the many women he is involved with as they role past one by one (or sometimes two by two as when he hooks up with two young women half his age and "dates" them alternately in one of the last chapters). We all had periods of craziness during these days, but his attitude toward the women he was involved with, and his lack of true remorse at his own behavior is very depressing. I hope that he has finally found a loving relationship that he sticks with - both for his sake and that of the young woman he is now with.

Clapton's tone in the final pages is very disturbing. Self congratulatory, filled with references to wealth and power, and describes a rather pathetic picture of an older English man from the lower classes trying now to cast himself as a "Lord of the Manor", pheasant hunting and fly fishing with tweed-jacketed, pipe-smoking upper-crust types. He doesn't seem to have learned that all of that money is not going to bring him happiness.

The guy has played some brilliant guitar, but I can't help but feel that his acknowledgment and thanks to the black blues players of America is more a calculated way of saying "see what good taste I have" rather than a true showing of humble gratitude. Little or no time is spent talking about the other great musicians he played with. Rip out a hundred pages of talk about your house renovations, cars and hundreds of guitars you own and instead talk about what it was like to play music with some of the many great musicians you were lucky enough to have associated with.

Lastly, the book is very poorly written and produced. The few pictures provided are oft-seen and out-of-focus shots at the beginning of each chapter. Couldn't you have given us a picture section? Poor printing, miss-spellings and typos in the book just ad to the feeling that I had been fleeced in purchasing this book.

To Clapton, I wish him peace and happiness in his remaining days. Perhaps he needs to go to India and really reflect upon his life for a few months.

To readers considering purchasing this product, get Pattie Boyd's book instead. At least it's a fun read and much more professionally produced.

An update for those who care....

I can't believe I have spent so much time writing and responding to the comments here. I have never done anything like this before on Amazon (or anywhere else for that matter). Hopefully. we all have better things to do. So for my own sanity, I will post this last comment and then retire from this back and forth.

If I was too harsh in my comments and offended anyone, I do apologize. I've thought about my comments after seeing the several passionate responses to my original post and have mixed feelings about what I originally had to say. But - my comments were true and from the heart. No mean spirited intentions. I can't count the hours that Eric's playing have given me ecstatic pleasure.

Perhaps I am holding Mr Clapton to too high a standard. When I was just 15 years old I was lucky enough to be at Atlantic studios in New York as an unseen kid in the corner and watch Cream work on an album. Friends were recording their own album with the same producer (Adrian Barber - an unsung genius of the time). After that, I then literally wore out my Cream records learning every guitar line that Eric played and pursued a career in music for myself - I claim no status as an "important" musician or "producer" - music is simply one of the things that makes life good for me.

Clapton's playing surpassed everything I had ever heard. I'm from the south and was familiar with the blues from my dad who knew many of the original heroes of Clapton. I followed Clapton's career in the years that went by. Some of his later music was great and some modest, but always followed by me. I had my own hurdles and was inspired by his struggle with sobriety. I have great admiration for him as a musician and man. So maybe I had too high a goal set for the man...I expect a lot from him.

I do, however, stick to my guns when it comes to the quality and content of this book. Maybe he didn't even do most (or any) of the writing. The writing is poor, the production shameful. In any case, as a sober, grown man I'm sure that he would agree that I am entitled to my personal opinion of his autobiography.

Writing one's autobiography, especially when such a prominent figure is no insignificant project. I wrote what I felt in my heart after reading his book. I was saddened and depressed by his comments about money, women and status. I had expected far more from him. My number one example is his exit from the Yardbirds on the principal of the ART of music versus the commercial, crass alternative. Everything in this book seems to fly in the face of that noble ideal...I had looked forward to a totally different experience after reading this book. In case you read this Eric - you still have a long way to go in this life and have a great gift. I'm rooting for you and hope that as Jack Bruce said at Covent Garden "these are the good times" - not those days gone. Let's see your best now, I know you can fly much higher...
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59 of 71 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars NO BEAUTY BENEATH THE SKIN, October 23, 2007
By kman (cols, ohio) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
I would look to offer up my thoughts after reading this much anticipated book several times over and would like to put to pen what I had been thinking for sometime. I was taken quite back my Eric's hubris and lack of remorse for many of his actions. Indeed his behavior towards women and lack of almost any complementary tone towards other wonderful musicians he has played with, and made money off of, was rather disturbing. What makes this is even worse - is that he is this way sober and off drugs! One reviewer quoted that he was honest and always had been; I doubt that then and now. It appears that denial and a genuine lack of insight to one's own character are his guiding demeanor. I feel very sorry for his wife, from Columbus Ohio and her parents who have to read this book about a post 60 year old man who still wishes that he had sex with a female when he was in his twenties. Regretful? How about repugnant. It's akin to my grandfather talking about having sex with someone in his younger days, while my grandmother sits across the room in her rocker. Distasteful.

I also agree, with another reviewer, that the middle portion of the book really loses focus, and instead of moving chronologically from one LP/CD to the next, it seems as though every two pages reveals yet another female conquest, lavishly praised for her beauty before he sleeps with her and moves on - never to be heard from again. Much like substance abuse, he documents himself as stimulus seeker without a moral compass, without regret or remorse of whom he hurts. (The only lament I can detect is when Mick steals a mistress from him.) As in when he is distraught that his wife and mistress both are at ends with him, or when he actually details how he wished/prayed for Conner's mother would come back after 4-5 hours of bonding to relieve him of his monthly duties as a father. One would consider this event almost shameful, but he lacks that quality as a person as best depicted when expounding on the death of his son later in the book.

Amazingly little time is spent on the areas and events where fans and musicians, like myself, would want to know what happened from Clapton's POV: Blind Faith, Delaney and Bonnie, and the formation of Derek and the Domino's. He woefully dismisses jamming with George Harrison, playing with him in Delaney & Bonnie post Beatles (something many of us had wished to know more of) and totally ignored the contributions of Dave Mason in the formation of D and D's. This despite the fact that he played on, and is credited for, most of the early tracks included in the Crossroads Compilation, as well as Harrison's All Things Must Pass. Even less for Andy Fairweather-Low, Knopfler, Dunn, etc.

Yet, another annoying trait is Clapton's chronic use of terms like fearful, insecurity and low self-esteem........as to prepare us for yet another arena or explanation of bad choices, bad decisions or bad behavior. The problem is that not all behavior is justified or rationalized. Sometime bad is just bad and unfortunately for Clapton, he has never learned this. For example, the Lady he sleeps with from NY, whom he is told will bring Patti back to him. Really? Did you actually believe that sleeping with another lady would get your wife to love you more? Perhaps the prevailing addiction is sex not drugs. One suspects that his written regret here is that he considered her to be unattractive and fat; not that Patti never came back. Yet as he put it: I did it anyway.

What does come through in this book, is that Clapton has been a golden goose or cash cow for management for most of professional career, constantly changing his imagine to be in vogue through out the 80's and 90's despite claiming to be a purist, even though he never clearly recognizes it. Albeit on second thought maybe he does: an autobiography, followed by (yet another!) Best of CD collection of which most songs have been released many times over, and supported by (gasp) no less than two Amazon interviews to support the cause.

Readable? Barely.
Informative? Rarely
Fleeced? Probably
Sellout? Absolutely.
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20 of 22 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Much Revealed; Much Concealed, January 16, 2008
By James D. DeWitt "Alaska Fan" (Fairbanks, AK United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
How can a man who wrote "Tears in Heaven" and "My Father's Eyes" be such an insensitive jerk? We know intellectually that being a great guitarist doesn't automatically make you a great human being, but after you have read E.C.'s autobiography, believe me, you'll understand it at the gut level. This man's life is a trail of wrecked lives, especially women's lives. It's not just drugs and alcohol, as E.C. admits early on. It's not even the recurrent pattern of bad - disastrous - choices that Clapton is candid enough to recognize.

Since something like 1967 Eric Clapton has been recognized as one of the greatest rock guitarists. E.C. is God, the graffiti said. But it's a considerable understatement to say that success has not brought him happiness. It's true that some of E.C.'s obsessions and tragedies have been the basis for some of his greatest music. But the cost of those great songs, measured in wasted lives, is a horribly steep price.

And that's another criticism. We are told a tiny bit about how Clapton came to write some of his terrific songs and albums, but precious little about the actual process of composition. And not much more is revealed about the studio work. He goes into the studio, he records the songs, and there is an album. There's no detail. There's more than enough detail about his choices of drugs. I'd sure have liked to have had less about snorting heroin and more about crafting songs. There is a wealth of names, and we are assured that they - most are guys - are terrific fellows, whether they are musicians, producers or bodyguards. But there's precious little insight into them, or how they affected E.C. and his music.

In the end, we have a story about an immensely talented man who had, until pretty recently, a purposeless existence. If you've seen the video of E.C. in the Cream days, on stage with Bruce and Baker, stoned out of his gourd, playing on autopilot, you've really got everything the book can tell you: a guy who has spent most of his life on autopilot. An immensely wealthy man who drank or snorted much of the money away.

I own most of Clapton's albums, from the Yardbirds and Blue Breakers through the solo efforts. I will try to forget most of what this book reveals as I listen to those albums. It would be far too easy to let the autobiography wreck the music.

In the end, perhaps Clapton's life can serve best as a horrible example to others. Or as an example of the far end of the probability curve for sheer, blind luck for surviving, despite all of his efforts to destroy himself. Admire the music, but there's nothing here to make you admire the man.
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19 of 21 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars Who Is Will Jennings? Ask Clapton., November 10, 2007
By Alan Beumann (Somewhere In America) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
After expending several hours of my life that I'll never get back reading this book, it dawned on me that Clapton takes the entire credit for writing 'Tears In Heaven,' when if you look it up anywhere, you'll discover that lyricist Will Jennings HELPED HIM WRITE IT. But is Jennings mentioned? Nope. Nowhere.

Skip this account of a guy who never knew what he wanted (and probably still doesn't, more's the pity for the current Mrs. Slowhand). I'm told by a good friend that this is a classic symptom of the alcoholic. It has nothing really compelling to recommend it; no mention of his songwriting style or craft, nothing but repeated reminders of how he's sober now.
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13 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars What about the music??, December 11, 2007
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
As a guitarist, I think Clapton is very good - he has amazing phrasing, good enough technique (not great though) and wonderful melodic sense. (According to Deep Purple vocalist Ian Gillan in the band's Come Hell or High Water DVD, guitarist Ritchie Blackmore once told Gillan that Clapton can't play guitar, but we'll leave that aside for now). As a writer though, Clapton leaves much to be desired. We're not talking Booker Prize standard here, I hasten to add - nobody realistically expects literary excellence from an aged rock star. But the content was poor - ramblingly self-indulgent and too self-pitying, all of which adds up to a slow, agonising read. His obsession with Pattie Harrison never seemed to end (you feel like strangling the fella, yelling "enough already!''), his self-pity when justifying his pursuit of women, drugs and alcohol is inexcusable. I grant that this is an autobiography so some degree of introspection, honesty and soul-baring can be tolerated but to attribute all of this to naivete, inexperience and childishness - especially when he was pushing 40 - is laughable. On top of this - as other reviewers have said - there was not enough mention of how he rated the other musicians he played with, other than a few sentences on Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, BB King and some members of his own band. Steve Lukather's name was wrongly spelled (it appeared as Luthaker) which suggests Clapton didn't really know the guy despite Lukather being a top-notch session man and there's no real structure to the book - it's basically one extended ramble based on whatever memories Clapton could dredge up from his heroin-and-alcohol-dimmed memory. Which is a shame since he emphasizes throughout that music got him through his private hells. If so, why is there so little about the music?
On top of this, once a person is introduced, he or she is therafter referred to only by their first name. Since all do not appear in every chapter, you'll find yourself wondering "Alice who?'' when he refers to Alice after a break of many chapters, or "which Yvonne is this?'' or "which John is that?''. Confusing, to say the least. And the photos are awful - sepia-toned blurs at best. Highlights? The setting up of the Crossroads centre in Antigua, the auctioning of his guitars to raise funds for that centre, his love for Conor and his present family. Perhaps also his mental state when cutting each of his albums, eg Money & Cigarettes was so named because he felt that without heroin and alcohol to sustain him, that was all he had left, while Holy Mother (one of his better songs) was written when he felt spiritually moved to ask for help from God. Otherwise, rock fans hoping for greater insights into his Cream, John Mayall and Yardbirds days will be disappointed, as will most readers be after ploughing through this book. Definitely not a page-turner, this one.
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51 of 64 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Confession without Contrition, October 31, 2007
By Liza (Hartford, CT) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
I read this book and Pattie Boyd's memoir side-by-side. When I first read Clapton's dazzling love letters to Boyd (printed in her book), I thought wouldn't it be great if Derek and Layla got back together? I soon realized perhaps not.

"Cruel and vicious" is how Clapton describes himself upon throwing Boyd out of their house for refusing to sleep with him after she learned his mistress was pregnant. "Cruel and vicious" pretty much sums up this book and the man behind it.

Every attractive woman who gets near Clapton goes from inamorata to enemy in a heartbeat. He threatens to become a heroin addict when Boyd refuses to leave her husband, but once he wins her, he berates her. When a supermodel romances Clapton for the express purpose of meeting fellow reprobate Mick Jagger, and the inevitable happens, Clapton is reduced to plotting murder.

Every predictable action is met with Clapton's predictably insane reaction. Clapton is attracted mostly to women as ruthless or vapid as he is, guaranteeing disappointment. The prime exception is Boyd, the indisputable love of Clapton's life. Boyd was a compassionate but insecure woman, and she was also married to close friend George Harrison, which is why Clapton wanted her.

Clapton resents Boyd for resisting his pleas to run off with him. When she does, he resents her even more because he realizes he's not good enough for her. He demands Boyd join him on his drinking binges and then resents her for that. He resents her for pushing him into rehab. He resents her for being infertile. He resents her most of all when she divorces him and slips out of his control forever.

The book's, and Clapton's, nadir, is when he and his equally selfish mistress decide to get pregnant with no regard for what this will do to Boyd's already decimated ego. After the child's tragic death, Clapton resents the mother because she needs comforting and he's touring and is too busy for her.

Why am I writing about Clapton's mistreatment of women ad nauseam? Because he does. The woman Clapton thought was his sister was actually his mother (she was only 15 when she got pregnant), therefore, Clapton is determined to punish all females. It's page after page of loathsome confessions from a man who revels in his misdeeds but lacks compassion for the people he's wounded.

37 years after threatening to take heroin if Boyd didn't yield to his demands, Clapton finally admits he was already addicted when he made that ultimatum. He shows no remorse for letting Boyd carry that burden for four long decades.

When his ex-fiancee, the fragile Alice Ormsby-Gore, dies from an overdose, Clapton just says it made him realize how lucky he was. He'd gotten Alice hooked on smack when she was 16, but he doesn't lament his role in her fate.

Now in his sunset years, Clapton proves his newfound "maturity" by comparison shopping (yes, yet another round of love triangle) for his next bride. Clapton doesn't realize young women wouldn't compete for him in his grizzled middle age if he weren't a wealthy rock star. He may be sober now, but he doesn't act it.

It isn't all about women who done him wrong. He also takes cheap shots at his friends, including an unflattering, score-settling story about Harrison that sounds very dubious. Clapton is willing to spend millions on a rehab center to help total strangers, but he can't demonstrate simple decency to the friends and the ex-wife who showed him love and loyalty at his worst moments.

Clapton: The Autobiography is confession without contrition. I was going to give this two stars as some parts of the book are actually quite compelling, but this is a memoir, so it's character that counts and Clapton doesn't have any.
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100 of 129 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The intriguing story of a rock legend, October 8, 2007
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
The rock legend and great guitar player tells his own life story in this new book. He writes with passion and tremendous honesty. He seems to hold nothing back. He also writes with much wit and charm.

Eric Clapton is a living legend, of course. He is considered by some to be the most influential guitarist in the history of rock.

He chronicles his rise in the music world from his time with the Yardbirds to a short run with the Bluesbreakers.

He writes about running around with Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan. He also talks about the Stones and the Beatles. He discusses how he finds his way to working as a solo artist in this very rough field that only celebrates the best and brightest.

But there is a good deal of personal information here too. It's not all about his work. Though that's fascinating.

He discusses in candor his drug-taking and hard-drinking years and then his eventual, hard-won recovery. He talks about his failed marriage to George Harrison's ex-wife Pattie Boyd and the accidental death of his four-year-old son, which had a crushing effect on him, as one can only imagine. I was struck by his candor and brutal honesty in this book. But perhaps one shouldn't be surprised, as he's always been one of the few really honest people in his profession.

This book is a rare glimpse of a real cultural icon. You'll get a close-up look at this man in a way few autobiographies provide.

Highly recommended.
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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful:
2.0 out of 5 stars Could Have Been Great, November 28, 2007
This review is from: Clapton: The Autobiography (Hardcover)
The first tip off that this book was going to be disappointing was found in the index...Duane Allman was listed on two pages while G. Armani was shown to be on four pages. Clapton's greatest musical effort, Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs, and his greatest musical collaborator, Allman, were relegated to a "by-the-way" narrative that leaves the reader short changed. Perhaps Clapton had included in the original manuscript more details about the music and a clever editor decided the drunkedness was more interesting. Where is the chapter on Robert Johnson and his effect on a young Clapton? Anything Jimi Hendrix provided Clapton is left unsaid. Clapton states he doesn't like Led Zeppelin or the San Francisco bands of the late '60s. OK, but why? As blessed musically Clapton is, he is apparently quite reckless in his personal life. What in this narrative makes me care one bit about Clapton's inability to function in society? I am interested in the music he made and this is why one wants to read about Clapton. The booze, drugs and one night stands can be included but certainly not be the main thrust of an autobiography of a musical icon. But I am afraid the editors decided this is what the public wants out of our celebrities. Clapton spent a good portion of his musical life playing only what he felt was important. He should have set the same high standards with this autobiography. Save your money and check it out from your local library.
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