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Hawaii Governor vetoes civil union bill

Governor Lingle smiling, wearing glasses and a ley

The bill would have allowed same sex couples and non-married heterosexual couples the same rights that married straight couples have. Governor Lingle vetoed the bill on her final day to do so, after it passed both houses of the Hawaii Congress.

Her statements on vetoing the bill:

"After months of listening to Hawaii's citizens express to me in writing and in person their deeply held beliefs and heartfelt reasons for supporting or opposing the civil-unions bill, I have made the decision to veto the bill," Lingle said in a press conference at the Capitol building that was streamed live online. "I have been open and consistent to my opposition to same-gender marriage and find that the bill is essentially marriage by another name. My personal opinion is not the basis for my decision ... Neither is my veto based on my religious beliefs ... I am vetoing this bill because I have become convinced that this issue is of such of societal importance that it deserves to be decided by all the people in Hawaii."

Lingle was Hawaii's first female governor. The legislature will not attempt to override her veto, citing insufficient votes in the House. Five US States currently have civil union-like laws on the books, and five states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage.

Posted by Miriam - July 07, 2010, at 10:26AM | in Queer Issues

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Sounds like passing the buck to me.

Bad link to her statement.

I guess she wants to run for Senate.

Tyranny of the majority yet again. When will people learn that it is not the right of the majority to dictate the rights of the minority? Didn't the majority support slavery and segregation??

[0+] Author Profile Page daveNYC replied to Not Guilty :

You kidding? The majority of both houses of Hawai'i's legislature passed this bill. This is just the Govenor being a wanker.

[0+] Author Profile Page 94.Rowland said:

Did you see 8: The Mormon Proposition? I saw it a few weeks ago at a local film festival and found it absolutely fascinating. The documentary focuses primarily on Prop 8 in California, but it also delves into some of the politics in Hawaii and the behind-the-scenes reasons why same sex marriage and civil unions have both been banned in the state. That's what first came to mind when I saw this post. If you haven't seen the documentary, I really encourage you to. It's incredibly well done.

[0+] Author Profile Page dark_morgaine said:

There is absolutely no reason for gay marriage not to be passed. Except prejudice. And that's not valid.

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