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Affirmative Action Publications and Materials

To order hardcopies of any of our publications, please send an e-mail to information@advancingequality.org.

Interview with Aarathi Haig on Salaam India:

Please click here to view photos from the "Stimulating Change Leadership Roundatable," co-hosted by NCAABA and AAJC in partnership with the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus on June 4, 2009.
Equal Access: Unlocking Government Doors for Asian American Businesses
Most Asian immigrants to the United States came in search of the “American Dream,” seeking a better life for themselves and their families. Like many minorities, however, they have been denied opportunities and advancement because of race and national origin discrimination. Today, Asian American entrepreneurs have made progress towards fully participating in the mainstream American economy. However, Asian American-owned businesses lag behind their white counterparts, suggesting continuing unequal access to business opportunities.

Asian Pacific Americans and Public Contracting: Equal Opportunity Laws and Policies
This handbook discusses the debate over equal opportunity and addresses the past and present discriminatory practices involving public sector contracting that have led to the underutilization of minority-owned business enterprises (MBEs), particularly Asian Pacific American-owned business enterprises and women-owned business enterprises (WBEs).

Study Refutes Claim that Asian Pacific Americans are Main Beneficiaries of Ending Affirmative Action. New research concludes that Asian Pacific Americans achieved only minimal gains when affirmative action was banned at selective law schools in three states, and projected gains at America’s most prestigious undergraduate institutions have been substantially overstated, the article claims.

Bilingual Education

  • The 30th Anniversary of Lau v. Nichols - An overview of the history and repurcussions of Lau v. Nichols (1974), the Supreme Court case that launched the modern bilingual education movement that provides children of many different nationalities the ability to learn effectively and comprehensively in English and their native language.

  • Lau v. Nichols Q&A - Answers questions and provides talking points for Lau v. Nichols and the importance of bilingual education.

Affirmative Action Rhetorical Tools

Cases Issues

  • Brown v. Board of Education: An Asian American Perspective - The 1954 landmark decision Brown v. Board of Education was a major victory for not only African Americans, but for communities of all races and ethnicities. This analysis outlines the importance of that decision for Asian Americans.

  • University of Michigan Affirmative Action Cases: Myth v. Reality - For students of color, these cases are as significant as Brown v. Board of Education, because they will determine whether colleges and universities have an affirmative duty to provide equal access to higher education. This paper debunks some of the more pervasive myths surrounding affirmative action programs at universities.

  • California Proposition 54 Fact Sheet - Proposition 54 sought to prevent state and local agencies in California from collecting or using information based on race, ethnicity or national origin. If passed, it stood to have a devastating effect on the ability of national policymakers to identify, track and address Asian American community needs and disparities on a national level.
