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Language Access Publications & Materials

To order hardcopies of any of our publications, please send an e-mail to information@advancingequality.org.

Language Rights: An Integration Agenda for Immigrant Communities
This briefing book intends to educate staff on (1) the demographics of the LEP community; (2) the law supporting the rights of this minority community; (3) the sectors where language access most impacts language minorities; (4) recent English Only legislation in Congress; and (5) a proactive approach to ensuring the civil rights of the LEP community, while enhancing their language acquisition.

Adult Literacy Education in Immigrant Communities: Identifying Policy and Program Priorities for Helping Newcomers Learn English
This groundbreaking report offers an in-depth exploration of the pressing language barriers facing the estimated 2.23 million adults in this country who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) – and how best to solve them. English language skills are a must when it comes to increasing immigrants’ ability to participate in the economic and civic life of their communities. But long waiting lists, overcrowded classrooms, programs of uneven quality and a lack of a national strategy to address these issues currently characterize immigrants’ access to high-quality adult literacy programs, even though English programs are available in most localities. This report provides an overview of issues discussed at the Adult Literacy Education in Immigrant Communities summit held in Washington, D.C. Led by AAJC and held in partnership with the National Immigration Forum and the National Council of La Raza, along with more than 50 stakeholders, the meeting and this study have brought to the fore new, innovative ways to best help this underserved population.

Because the Asian American community is largely foreign-born, language policies have a disproportionate impact on Asian American immigrants. Moreover, lack of translated information and oral assistance as well as linguistically and culturally appropriate information and outreach means that Asian Americans who are limited English proficient (LEP) are less likely to understand and exercise their rights and obligations and less able to access government services such as healthcare.  As substantiated through medical research, policy analysis, community town hall discussions, and the growing statistics of the underinsured or uninsured, Asian American children and families will continue to face ethnic disparities in health and healthcare. For more information, please visit our our national partner, the National Health Law Program (NHELP).

EQUAL JUSTICE, UNEQUAL ACCESS: Immigrants & America's Legal System - With this report, NAPALC hopes to sound a clarion call and draw attention to how and why millions of immigrants have very limited or no access to American courts. It provides a comprehensive framework of recommendations and action steps for the legal community to understand the cultural and linguistic barriers of the immigrant community, to learn about promising practices, and to take action so as to ensure equal justice and equal access for all. This is a companion report to NAPALC's Asian American Access to Justice Project.

Community Action Toolkit

  • The Politics of Language: Your Handbook on English-Only Laws and Policies - Provides language minority communities the tools necessary to fight against English-only legislation. Sets forth an overview of the English-only movement, distinguishes the myths from the realities in the debate, and offers tips on how to successfully mobilize around this issue.
  • English-Only Laws: Talking Points - There is a movement in this country to pass and implement national, state and local laws that would limit the use of languages other than English and that would make English the "official" language. This fact sheet addresses the negative impact of such English-only legislation and provides talking points for informing and debating.
  • Federal Protection Against National Origin Discrimination - This brochure from the U.S. Department of Justice explains the laws prohibiting national origin discrimination and provides directions for reporting complaints of discrimination. Available in 10 languages.
  • Developing and Maintaining a Successful Legal Referral Hotline for Immigrant Communities - This "how-to" handbook is intended for organizations of any size that are interested in developing a bilingual or multilingual legal referral hotline to assist recent immigrant communities with their legal needs.

Education Materials

Bilingual Education

  • The 30th Anniversary of Lau v. Nichols - An overview of the history and repurcussions of Lau v. Nichols (1974), the Supreme Court case that launched the modern bilingual education movement that provides children of many different nationalities the ability to learn effectively and comprehensively in English and their native language.
  • Lau v. Nichols Q&A - Answers questions and provides talking points for Lau v. Nichols and the importance of bilingual education.

Executive Order 13166
In recognition of the difficulties faced by limited English proficicent (LEP) individuals, Executive Order 13166 was issued on August 11, 2000. Under the Order, federal institutions were given a two-fold decree. First, the order required that federal agencies provide guidance to all recipients of federal funds administered by that agency in order to ensure meaningful access for LEP individuals to important federal and federally funded rights, information, benefits, and services.  Second, the federal institutions were themselves required to create their own internal guidance and policy such that they would comply with the Executive Order and ultimately to the mandates of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


  • Let Everyone Participate - Clearinghouse Web site providing guidance and linking to information, tools, and technical assistance regarding limited English proficiency and language access for federal agencies, recipients of federal funds, users of federal programs and federally assisted programs, and others
  • Department of Justice - Government Web site that provides EO 13166 guidance and more.