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Press Releases - News for Asian American Justice Center

The top 50 press releases in our database are displayed below.
49 Record(s) Found. Displaying Page 1:

President Obama Urges Congress to Push Forward Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation

Today, President Obama called on Congress to address the urgent need to fix our broken immigration system. The Asian American Justice Center, Asian Law Caucus, Asian Pacific American Legal Center and Asian American Institute—all members of the new Asian American Center for Advancing Justice—welcomed the president’s renewed push to get comprehensive immigration reform passed this year.
Click to read President Obama Urges Congress to Push Forward Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation

Leading Asian American Civil Rights Organizations Announce New Shared Brand at the 2010 Advancing Justice Conference

Four leading Asian American civil rights organizations announced during their annual conference today that they are formally affiliating under a new name, Asian American Center for Advancing Justice.
Click to read Leading Asian American Civil Rights Organizations Announce New Shared Brand at the 2010 Advancing Justice Conference

Asian American Civil Rights Organizations Oppose Arizona’s New Anti-Immigrant Law in National Day of Action

On Saturday, May 29, tens of thousands of community members and advocates will participate in the National Day of Action Against SB 1070, both in Arizona and in solidarity actions nationwide. The Asian American Justice Center, Asian Law Caucus, Asian American Institute and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California will join civil and human rights advocates across the country in demanding an end to SB 1070, an anti-immigrant ...
Click to read Asian American Civil Rights Organizations Oppose Arizona’s New Anti-Immigrant Law in National Day of Action

The Impact of Arizona’s New Immigration Law on Asian Americans

Last week, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC) and Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), members of Asian American Center for Advancing Justice, jointly filed a federal lawsuit with other civil rights groups to challenge SB 1070, Arizona’s unconstitutional anti-immigrant law that requires police to demand "papers" from people they stop that they “reasonably suspect” are undocumented.
Click to read The Impact of Arizona’s New Immigration Law on Asian Americans

Asian American Civil Rights Groups Announce Intent to Join National Civil Rights Groups in Challenge to Anti-Immigrant Arizona Law

Leaders of the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), Asian Law Caucus (ALC) and Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC) announced today that their organizations will jointly challenge SB 1070, a sweeping and profoundly anti-immigrant piece of state legislation that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law April 23.
Click to read Asian American Civil Rights Groups Announce Intent to Join National Civil Rights Groups in Challenge to Anti-Immigrant Arizona Law

Asian American Justice Center Welcomes Effort by Senate Leadership to Jump Start the Legislative Process on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON—Today Democratic Sens. Harry Reid (Nev.), Charles Schumer (N.Y.) and Robert Menendez (N.J.), joined by Sens. Durbin (Ill.), Feinstein (Calif.) and Leahy (Vt.), released a framework for bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation. This serious invitation to Republicans to negotiate is a step forward in the immigration reform debate— something the country desperately needs as community breakdown in Arizona ...
Click to read Asian American Justice Center Welcomes Effort by Senate Leadership to Jump Start the Legislative Process on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

White House Task Force on Minority Contracting Good for AAPIs

Asian American leaders thank President Obama for signing an executive order that will benefit Asian American and Pacific Islander communities and are excited about the opportunities a new task force will bring AAPI business owners.
Click to read White House Task Force on Minority Contracting Good for AAPIs

AAJC Condemns Passage of Anti-Immigrant Arizona Law

The Asian American Justice Center is extremely disappointed that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has put politics above the Constitution by signing an unnecessarily harsh, xenophobic state law that will do nothing to make Arizonans safer and everything to make people of color feel unwelcome.
Click to read AAJC Condemns Passage of Anti-Immigrant Arizona Law

Congressional Leaders Optimistic about CIR

In response to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s statement that she would “welcome” a Senate-passed comprehensive immigration reform bill this year, which came on the heels of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s statement that he has 56 votes for the legislation, Karen K. Narasaki, president and executive director of the Asian American Justice Center, said:
Click to read Congressional Leaders Optimistic about CIR

Judge Denny Chin Becomes First Asian Pacific American Federal Appellate Court Judge Nominated and Confirmed Outside of the Ninth Circuit

Today, the Senate confirmed by a 98-0 vote Judge Denny Chin to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, making him the only active Asian Pacific American federal appellate court judge, out of approximately 175 such judges.
Click to read Judge Denny Chin Becomes First Asian Pacific American Federal Appellate Court Judge Nominated and Confirmed Outside of the Ninth Circuit

NAPABA and AAJC Applaud Nominations of the Honorable Leslie E. Kobayashi and Edmond E. Chang to Federal District Court

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama nominated the Honorable Leslie E. Kobayashi to serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii and Edmond E. Chang to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. If confirmed, Judge Kobayashi would be only the second female Asian Pacific American Article III judge in the District of Hawaii. Mr. Chang is the first-ever Asian Pacific American to be nominated ...
Click to read NAPABA and AAJC Applaud Nominations of the Honorable Leslie E. Kobayashi and Edmond E. Chang to Federal District Court

APA Leaders Pleased With Goodwin Liu’s Testimony

WASHINGTON – On Friday, the U.S. Senate took the first step towards confirming Professor Goodwin Liu to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Liu was nominated on Feb. 24, and is the sixth Asian Pacific American nominated to the federal bench by President Obama. Liu’s hearing was chaired by Sen. Dianne Feinstein and attended by members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus including Chair Mike Honda ...
Click to read APA Leaders Pleased With Goodwin Liu’s Testimony

AAJC Mourns Passing of Dr. Dorothy Height

WASHINGTON—Statement of AAJC President and Executive Director Karen K. Narasaki on the Passing of Dr. Dorothy Height: “The Asian American Justice Center deeply mourns the passing of civil rights hero Dr. Dorothy Height. As president of the National Council of Negro Women and chairwoman of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, she helped our nation close the Jim Crow and segregation era. In her tireless ...
Click to read AAJC Mourns Passing of Dr. Dorothy Height

NAPABA and AAJC Provide Testimony for Historic Confirmation Hearing of Professor Goodwin H. Liu

WASHINGTON – The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) and the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) provided testimony for the federal judicial confirmation hearing of Professor Goodwin H. Liu, who was nominated by President Obama to be a Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Professor Liu is only the second Asian Pacific American nominee for the federal appellate courts in the past ...
Click to read NAPABA and AAJC Provide Testimony for Historic Confirmation Hearing of Professor Goodwin H. Liu

NAPABA and AAJC Thank Democratic Senators for Cloture Motion on the Nomination of Judge Denny Chin

WASHINGTON–Today, Democratic Senators filed a cloture motion to put the nomination of Judge Denny Chin to a full Senate vote. Judge Chin was nominated by President Barack Obama to serve on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on October 6, 2009, and was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee by unanimous consent on December 10, 2009. “We appreciate Senator Schumer’s and Senator Leahy’s ...
Click to read NAPABA and AAJC Thank Democratic Senators for Cloture Motion on the Nomination of Judge Denny Chin

Anti-Immigrant Bill in Arizona Must Be Vetoed, Renews Urgency for CIR

WASHINGTON— Wednesday, the Arizona House of Representatives passed the so-called Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (SB 1070), an anti-immigrant enforcement measure that would, among other things, permit law enforcement to stop anyone of whom they are “reasonable suspicious" is in the country illegally and criminalize this civil offense. This bill opens the door for Arizona police to target minorities they ...
Click to read Anti-Immigrant Bill in Arizona Must Be Vetoed, Renews Urgency for CIR

AAJC Thanks Census Bureau for Expanding Chinese Hotline

WASHINGTON—The Asian American Justice Center thanked the Census Bureau for quickly responding to its request to expand its Chinese telephone questionnaire assistance hotline. The Asian American Justice Center received a complaint from the Asian Pacific American Senior Coalition, its community partner in Oregon, that the Census Bureau's Chinese language hotline operators spoke only the Mandarin dialect and could not provide assistance ...
Click to read AAJC Thanks Census Bureau for Expanding Chinese Hotline

AAJC Applauds Supreme Court Decision in Padilla v. Kentucky

WASHINGTON—Asian American leaders are pleased with the Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision last Wednesday upholding an immigrant’s constitutional right to be informed by his lawyers that pleading guilty to a crime could lead to deportation. The Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) and its affiliates—the Asian American Institute of Chicago, Asian Law Caucus of San Francisco and Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Los ...
Click to read AAJC Applauds Supreme Court Decision in Padilla v. Kentucky

Credibility of Homeland Security Department Undermined by Unauthorized ICE Memo on Enforcement and Detention and new Review of 287(g) Program

WASHINGTON— The unearthing of internal Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) memoranda setting high detention and deportation goals, including a recent memoranda calling for a redoubling of deportations to meet quotas, and a new DHS inspector’s general report calling ICE’s policy of delegating enforcement powers to local police departments fundamentally flawed reveals major inconsistencies between stated federal immigration ...
Click to read Credibility of Homeland Security Department Undermined by Unauthorized ICE Memo on Enforcement and Detention and new Review of 287(g) Program

AAJC Welcomes Secretary Napolitano’s Census Confidentiality Reassurance

WASHINGTON — With Census Day, April 1, rapidly approaching, AAJC is pleased with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s recent promise that immigration enforcement will not hinder Census 2010. And for her commitment to maintaining the integrity of the information it collects. In meetings with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano last December and this March, AAJC President and Executive Director ...
Click to read AAJC Welcomes Secretary Napolitano’s Census Confidentiality Reassurance
