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Emergency Preparedness

To order hardcopies of any of our publications, please send an e-mail to information@advancingequality.org.
Hurricane Katrina: Models for Effective Emergency Response in the Asian American Community: A study by the Asian American Justice Center as part of the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California and the Tomas Rivera Policy Institute’s project on Disaster Preparedness in Urban Communities: Lessons Learned from the Recent Catastrophes Relevant to Asian and Latino Communities in Southern California, this case study details best practices that emerged from the national and regional response to Hurricane Katrina within the Asian American community, including national advocacy efforts, education of federal officials, groundbreaking Asian American legal clinics, and the formation of vital national and local coalitions to promote effective disaster response for Gulf Coast Asian American populations.

Fact Sheet – Language Rights and the Stafford Act: What You Should Know About Disasters and Limited English Proficient Populations: This is an easy reference outlining the new federal mandate that requires FEMA to plan for LEP populations in disasters, disseminate disaster information in formats that LEP populations can understand, and create a clearinghouse of best practices.

AAJC Comments to Proposed National Response Framework (NRF): AAJC is deeply concerned that the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency have not released their respective LEP guidances pursuant to EO 13166. The NRF does not stipulate that interpreters must be provided during a disaster without undue delay, nor does it reflect the recent mandate from the new Stafford Act that FEMA must plan for LEP populations in disasters. 

Emergency Preparedness Info from the Center for Disease Control

Federal Assistance Information from U.S. Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS)

Federal Assistance Information from FEMA 

Federal Assistance Information from Department of Health and Human Services

  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Fact Sheet - The CMS has acted to assure that the Medicare, Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs will flex to accommodate the emergency health care needs of beneficiaries and medical providers in the Hurricane Katrina devastated states.

Federal Assistance Information from Social Security Administration

  • SSA's Program Operations Manual System - SSA's internal emergency procedures that SSA employees receive to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina.  Individuals with concerns regarding lost documents and SSI can be found here.

Immigration Related Information

Historical Materials from Hurricane Katrina Advocacy

Additional Resources

Resources from NCAPA Members
