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The 20 Hottest Alien Girls of All Time

Posted by Jason Dorough

Hot alien girls have been a staple of science fiction for nearly as long as the genre has existed. Last week James Cameron added another to the pantheon of otherworldly girls with Neytiri’s debut in Avatar. Since the guys, bald and unconventional alike, have been getting a lot of attention here lately, I thought it was time to turn our focus to the females with a look at the 20 hottest alien girls. The characters come from movies, video games, comics, and more, and the list is limited to female or female-analogue biological entities from a different world than the main protagonist. I also took “alien” to mean these women come from cultures recognizably different from wherever they end up. That means you won’t find any Cylons, Earth mutants, or amorphous blobs here… just classic and awesome space gals. On with the list!

20. Martian Girl (Mars Attacks!)


More creepy than actually hot, the Martian Girl (played by Tim Burton’s then-girlfriend Lisa Marie) manages to seduce her way into the White House via Martin Short’s perhaps questionable libido in order to assassinate the President. She makes it quite a ways before being distracted by a parakeet and shot dead.

19. Lilandra Neramani (Marvel Comics)


Most commonly known as Professor Xavier’s outer space girlfriend, Lilandra is the Empress of the Shi’ar Empire, an advanced alien species of bird people. She has funky feathers for hair, hollow bones, and lays eggs, but she sure knows how to wear a metal bodysuit.

18. Isabel Evans (Roswell)


Isabel is an alien hybrid who was found roaming the desert with her equally spacey brother Max. Raised by humans, she’s managed to blend into high school cliques and maintains a firmly human façade, despite her innate ability to manipulate matter on a molecular level and to be played by Katherine Heigl.

17. Chiana (Farscape)


A rebellious Nebari out of place in her home planet’s Orwellian society, Chiana hooks up with the crew of the Moya for high adventures in space and beyond. No list of alien girls would be complete without this grey skinned, white haired thief played by Gigi Edgley.

16. Liara T’soni (Mass Effect)


It’s somewhat ironic that Liara, as the daughter of the Asari Matriarch and a Prothean researcher, found herself at the center of a Fox News sex scandal after a grossly uninformed talking head heard a rumor that this blue alien girl gets naked in Mass Effect. Nevertheless Liara, voiced by Ali Hillis and based on Jillian Murray’s likeness, became cemented as an alien sex symbol.

15. Serleena (Men in Black 2)


Lara Flynn Boyle plays this villainous Kylothian shapeshifter in the sequel to the original Men in Black. While her character might not really be all that menacing, her wardrobe choices go a long way toward landing her a spot on this list.

14. Oola (Star Wars)


Oola (Femi Taylor), the ill-fated Twi’lek dancing girl in Jabba’s throne room, lived just long enough to do a little dance, throw a hissy fit, and get eaten by a Rancor, but that was ample time to win her a place in the hearts of Star Wars fans.

13. Princess Aura (Flash Gordon)


Portrayed by a number of actresses over the years and even represented in the animated series, Aura is the daughter of Ming the Merciless, the wicked Emperor of the planet Mongo. Smitten by Flash Gordon, Aura is at times a villain and foil for Dale Arden and at times a rebel, helping our heroes in their plight.

12. Anna / Diana (V)


An envoy on behalf of the aliens in the original V miniseries, Diana (Jane Badler) becomes Anna (Morena Baccarin), the leader of the Visitors in the 2009 series revamp. In either carnation, she’s equally seductive, managing to win the trust and love of nearly an entire planet through guile and deception.

11. Gaila (Star Trek)


The Orion Slave Girls of the original Star Trek series are the prototypical hot alien girls. The character type gets an overhaul in JJ Abrams’s Star Trek as Gaila, one of James T. Kirk’s Starfleet Academy classmates. Played by Rachel Nichols, she still has the trademark green skin, but this Orion girl is anything but a slave.

10. Starfire (DC Comics)


Koriand’r, codename Starfire, is an alien princess from the planet Tamaran. Fleeing her home, she ends up on Earth where she joins the Teen Titans. Possessing the power to blast energy, the ability to fly, and a propensity to show up in weird purple strappy space swimsuit outfits, Starfire is a no-brainer on the hot aliens list.

9. Aayla Secura (Star Wars)


Although she appears only briefly in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith before being gunned down on ET’s home planet (I’m not joking about that) like a punk, Aayla Secura (Amy Allen) has become a fan favorite character. She’s the second Twi’lek on this list but the first to be able to throw you across the room with her brain.

8. Neytiri (Avatar)


The Na’vi princess who inspired this entire list is a ten-foot-tall blue feline alien from the moon Pandora. Exotic and devoted to her tribe, Neytiri (voiced and played by Zoe Saldana) wins the heart of human interloper Jake Sully and redefines the alien girl archetype.

7. Supergirl (DC Comics)


With a twisty history that spans at least a couple of reboots and DC Universe crises, Supergirl’s history might be malleable, but her fandom love is firm and unwavering. Since her first appearance in 1958 and all through her various incarnations, Supergirl has been a fan favorite alien from Krypton.

6. Leeloo (The Fifth Element)


Debatably alien but undeniably lovable and weird, Leeloominaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebatis is one of Milla Jovovich’s landmark roles. Leeloo made the word “multipass” her own, and she pioneered medical tape as interstellar fashion.

5. Power Girl (DC Comics)


While Supergirl might be the hottest Kryptonian girl on Earth, Power Girl just might outshine her after dimensionally porting over from Earth-2. With a history as labyrinthine as Supergirl’s, Kara Zor-L is, in fact, the alternate Earth’s counterpart to “our” Supergirl. Although her bosom-baring costume often outshines her awesomeness, she has risen to prominence as a fascinating character at the center of the modern DC Universe.

4. Dejah Thoris (John Carter of Mars)


The love interest of the title character in Edgar Rice Burroughs’s John Carter of Mars, Dejah Thoris is a Martian princess who would seem equally at home as a Conan damsel in distress. Oh, and her people wear no clothes. Hello, early twentieth century literary gratuity!

3. Sil (Species)


Sil is grown from spliced alien DNA in a lab to grow rapidly from an ovum to a fully adult Natasha Henstridge. After escaping the lab that created and then tried to kill her, the alien Sil goes on a rampage through the city, trying to mate with men in the hopes of spawning more aliens to take over the planet.

2. T’Pol (Star Trek)


Enterprise’s Spock counterpart was every bit as logical and straightlaced as her Original Series inspiration, but T’Pol’s sexual tension with Captain Archer isn’t based on any Kirk-Spock shenanigans of which I’m aware. Played by Jolene Blaylock, this Vulcan became the Seven of Nine for a new wave of Star Trek fans.

1. Xev Bellringer / Zev Bellringer (Lexx)


Zev Bellringer (later to become “Xev” after a death and resurrection) begins her journey on Lexx by being imprisoned and sentenced to becoming a love slave. The transition process gets as far as modifying her body, but a roaming lizard creature breaks the machine before Zev’s mind can be rewritten. As a bonus, her DNA fuses with the lizard’s, turning her into a highly libidinous and extremely conflicted space girl with disturbing reptilian superpowers. Originally played by Eva Habermann and later (after the “Xev” transition) Xenia Seeberg, Zev is our number one alien girl.

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