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2009-11-20 14:24:21

Just a reply to both Tom and Louise's comments.

In my time we had two kids who's parents feature prominently in the newspapers in my year alone, two others who's parents work is known nationwide, and lots of other "Z" list celebs children.

About the high staff turnover, whilst this is true, other schools have suffered this same fate and still manage to have a high standard of teaching. At my previous school to Fortismere, I had a different science teacher every year for 5 years and yet the class still managed to come out with a B average at GCSE. One year we had 3 different science teachers!

I personally, and many other students, have experienced the annoyance of asking for help and staying behind to get it, only to be ignored. Case in point: two music students (who came to Fortismere from other schools) once stayed behind for coursework help until 6.30pm, in that whole time the teacher (who had been at Fortismere for some years and praised for the running of the music department) did not acknowledge them until 6.20pm when she had finished helping another student (who had been at fortismere since 11) who had been there since we had arrived.

This happened in other departments as well, though it would be naive to say that every department was this bad, some were stellar. The point is that, at 16 children should still be pushed by their teachers to unlock their potential, and personally I find schools like Fortismere are too into letting kids get on with it until they speak up. Some kids never speak up out of shame or embarassment.

They're just as talented, but they need the teacher to see that within them and help them achieve it without them having to ask. After all, the job of a teacher is not just to teach but to spot talent and nurture it, it's hard to do that if you're waiting for the talented to come and make themselves known.

bishop brennan

2009-11-17 18:34:18

Errr, you must have been watching a different show to the one I saw. Fiona Millar came across as an obnoxious, 'I know better than parents what's best for their children', typical freedom-hating socialist. When will you lot learn that other people's children are not there simply to be part of some great social experiment that you want to carry out? Do it on your own money, with your own children, not with mine.

And try reading the To Miss With Love blog to see just how the wonderful comprehensive education system is destroying the life chances of poor, mostly black kids in English inner cities. A British Barack Obama? Not a chance in Labour Britain.


2009-11-17 13:00:45

I also went to Fortismere and although I mostly agree with Tom's comment I'd just like to make a couple of corrections his and JW's comment. The reason the intake is "surprisingly mixed" is, I believe, because they still operate a desegregation busing system allowing children from outside the borough to attend. JW's comment about it attract the children of the famous who want to be with real people is, I think, slightly inaccurate. The ethos of many of the parents of children at Fortismere is closer to a liberal belief in state schools as Toby Young does. Unfortunately for him though he does not live in an area like Muswell Hill where the other parents have passed on a typically middle class work ethic to their children so that his local comprehensive underperforms. And just to clarify, very few actual 'celebs' send their children to Fortismere, it's mostly Guardian journalists.


2009-11-16 08:44:19

Just a quick comment to defend Fortismere (my alma mater) as I really don't recognize the portrayal of it below.

Yes, it's a school ruled by catchment (with some additional legacy places from the sibling rule which takes in areas otherwise outside the catchment) - but that's surely a good thing? What's the fair alternative to selection by proximity? I certainly don't see how "we'll accept anyone who lives within X distance" fits with it being a "state-funded private school" - Muswell Hill is a pretty middle-class area, sure, but the intake is suprisingly mixed.

Nor do I recognize the charge that the teachers, as a whole, ignore weaker pupils in favour of a handful of stars. Maybe JW had a poor selection of teachers - the one huge problem Fortismere had at that time (and JW would be a contemporary of mine, though I have to say I can't figure out who from the initials) was a ridiculous staff turnover, pushing 20-25% a year, so there were some pretty bad teachers in there at times. But of the twelve (like I said, there was a high staff turnover) teachers I had for A-levels, while a few weren't great teachers, and there were a couple I didn't like personally, I can only think of one who was not particularly helpful to all students (and she was equally unhelpful to everyone, including the Oxbridge-bound).

The impression it always left me with was a school where, if you wanted to push yourself, the opportunities were there, and if you wanted help, the offer was there. And if you were happy to just get on with it, you'd probably be left to do so rather than being pushed harder (as one of the teachers roughly said on the "Don't Mess With Miss Beckles" TV programme a few years back, they'd rather have students getting Bs, than students getting As and an eating disorder). Which is probably why it's not an academically excellent school - its value-added score is lower than several in the borough, and occasionally even dips below 100 - but it made for a pleasant atmosphere (the lack of uniforms and lack of any religious ethos helped, too).

peter farley

2009-11-15 22:54:34

It's all a bit sad that after the "Education, education & education" mantra of over 12 years ago we are still having this debate. School standards have gone backwards in almost direct proportion to the amount of money that has been poured into the system. Any re-dirction of funds managed by people with more interest in the well being of children than the meeting of bureaucratic targets would have to be an improvement.

Alan Quinn

2009-11-15 22:21:03

Cheers Fiona, I'll havee a look at the tories plans and pass them on to my fellow governors.
If those clowns get in it's look ominous for the state schools.

Toby Young

2009-11-15 22:08:52

I'm reluctant to be cast in the role of the lone Tory defending the Party's education policy, but Fiona Millar does make one crucial mistake in her reply below. She says that the Tories are planning to use 25 per cent of the money in the BSF budget to fund "free schools" and that since the BSF money has been earmarked for existing schools that means, ipso facto, the money to fund "free schools" will be diverted from existing schools. In fact, that particular pot of money is not just for improving and expanding existing schools, but for building new ones. In the London Borough of Ealing, for instance, BSF money has been earmarked for the building of a new high school in Greenford. If we lived in Greenford, my parents group would undoubtedly be putting all its energy into making a bid to run that school, but unfortunately it's just too far away from Acton. We need a new secondary school here, too, and we're hoping to persuade the DCSF to allocate some additional funding for setting up a small, three-form entry Academy which will open in September, 2011.

Given increased demand for pupil places in my area, the question is who should run the new school, Ealing Council or a parents group? We're not proposing to staff the school, just be the official "sponsor" so we'd have a majority on the Board of Governors. And we're not just a bunch of know-nothing middle class hand-wringers. Our Steering Committee consists mainly of teachers, including a head of year at Mill Hill County School, a former head of faculty at Burlington Danes and the head of academic development at Latymer Upper School.

The general consensus on my Steering Committee is that the key factor in creating a high-performing state secondary school is not the intake, but the ethos and the curriculum. If you can get that right, you're off to the races.

The issue, then, is whether the local authority is best placed to set up and run a new secondary school or a parents group like ours. I believe it's the latter because we'll be less hidebound by local politics and competing ideologies and because ... well, it's our children who'll be educated at the school. Once our children have been through the school, we'll be replaced by a new set of parents, ad infinitum.

Can parents groups set up good schools? The shining example in this country is the Elmgreen School in West Norwood which was set up by a Parent Promoters group established in 2003 and admitted its first Year Sevens in 2007. Check out its website. It's dazzlingly impressive.

However, my favourite example is the Renaissance Arts Academy, a charter school in East LA that I visited recently. This is a truly inspiring school. It was set up by two mums, both classical music lovers who wanted a school where their own children's love of classical music would be encouraged. Every child at the school has to learn a stringed instrument and practice for an hour a day and Latin is compulsory up to the age of 18. In other words, the ethos and curriculum are very similar to the school my group wants to set up -- we want Latin to be compulsory up to the age of 16 -- but it by no means attracts a disproportionately high number of middle class students, as Fiona fears ours will. In fact, more than 50 per cent of its intake is eligible for free school meals and only 18 per cent is Caucasian, with the majority being Hispanic and African-American. Not only does it offer a superb liberal education, but it consistently gets the best results in the East LA School District. If we can set up a school like the Renaissance Arts Academy in Acton we'll all be able to die happy.

I hope Fiona won't continue to oppose our plans. We believe that children throughout Britain will be best served by a wide diversity of different schools so parents can choose the school in their area that's most suited to their child and reflects their values. There is already a very good traditional comprehensive in our area in the form of Acton High and we have no wish to divert resources from that school. We just think there should be an alternative for parents who want their children to have a more academically rigorous education, regardless of ability.

Eddy Anderson

2009-11-15 21:09:17

Educating Fiona about split infinitives? You're going TO BOLDY GO where no man has gone before!


2009-11-15 20:48:49

I must apologise to regular visitors, who like me abhor split infinitives and misuse of apostrophes, for the split infinitive and the missing apostrophe in the opening lines of a recent comment from a Fiona Millar. It does indeed lower the tone. Assuming as I do that this is the same Fiona Millar about whom I wrote this morning, I shall be seeking once more to educate her in these two important areas ... once she has cooked my dinner.

Graham MArsh

2009-11-15 20:43:37

Thank you to both of you for standing up for State schools. The relentless diet of negative stories about state schools is bound to have a detrimental impact on morale among teachers and parents alike. I am retired now but I know it did when I was a maths teacher in a Midlands inner city comprehensive school. I think we gave a good education to pupils, many of them from very difficult backgrounds, but the constant comparisons with better funded private schools, catering only for children from well off and well motivated families, was debilitating.


2009-11-15 20:41:49

I missed the debate, but I would just like to reply to Toby Young's comment about high performing schools such as Fortismere.

As a girl who went to Fortismere Sixth Form from an all-girls "bog standard" comp (a comp which outperformed every other school in Islington that was not private in 2002 on GCSE results mind), I can attest that the results attained at Fortismere are not indicative of a) the experience of the child whilst at the school or b)the ability of the teachers.

I managed to leave with 5 A-Levels, but choosing that sixth form is a decision I still regret some 6 years after leaving. Why? Because it's a school ruled by catchment. It's a catchment system that determines which kids can start at 11 and which can start at 16. This leaves many children who would like to go there and live all of 5 minutes outside of the catchment area, unable to attend.

Then when you get there aged 16, a good majority of the teachers are pre-occupied with the students they've already spent 5 years prepping for Oxbridge that only the brightest of the new influx benefit from the "stellar" standards of the school, the others are left to fall by the wayside. Bright children who need a little encouragement and time from the teachers to achieve their full potential are left to rot because it's more important that the Oxbridge students get in. Fortismere is, in effect, a state-funded private school for the middle class and local celebs to send their children and feel like they're still "Joe/Jane Average".

Schools like Fortismere are only the answer if the teachers are committed to teaching all the kids equally, and not just the ones they think are going to get them up the schools league table. Sadly, this is not the case for Fortismere.

Paula Mellor

2009-11-15 20:40:43

Come on ... tell us ... who was the News International high bod? If it ain't Rupe, I ain't impressed? And even if it's Rupe, I ain't that impressed.

Fiona Millar

2009-11-15 20:18:11

Sorry to further lower the tone by making another political point.
The Tories education policy explicitly states that there is no new money for building their 'free' schools/academies - they are planning to siphon off 25% from the Building Schools for the Future budget, in other words taking money that is currently intended for existing schools.
They are also clear that there is no extra revenue funding (ie money to fund the running costs) for their new free schools. Those schools which will have to rely on their ability to attract pupils (again) from existing schools, which then lose that funding. Check out the policy paper on the Tories website if you don't believe that.
Or to quote Michael Gove last week 'parents will have the power to take their child out of a state school , apply to an new Academy, and automatically transfer the 'per pupil' funding from the old school to the new Academy. Good schools will grow, bad schools will change and the poorest will benefit most'....apart from those left in the old schools of course.
Same old Tories, same old discredited ideas about using markets to ratchet up standards.
No wonder Toby Young has swiftly jumped ship ...

Tristan Rudgard

2009-11-15 18:10:40

I didn't see the Sky debate as I live in the United States, but have just seen a very interesting discussion on education reform on Meet The Press between the Education Secretary (Arne Duncan) Rev. Al Sharpton and Newt Gingrich. Three more unlikely bedfellows you might never expect to find, but these guys are traveling around the country and working TOGETHER in a bipartisan way to tackle education reform. As a former teacher myself, their message of working in a team across political lines to put the children first was inspiring.

Mr Campbell, your sniping comments about Toby Young and crowing at political points scored about such a vitally important issue sadden me. It should be about the kids and not Labour vs Conservative and it reminds me why I emigrated from the United Kingdom five years ago.


2009-11-15 17:26:27

Do the words bog standard comprehensive ring any bells with you?


2009-11-15 16:47:27

A further general comment:

Both my parents became secondary school teachers in later life, after following different careers.

Much as they loved the actual teaching, and working with children, they were astounded by the continuous mountain of paperwork, marking and box ticking that had become the norm. Most nights were spent marking until about 2am.The pressures were enormous.They just about managed to cope, and were considered excellent teachers; but many in their department were "dropping like flies" from stress related illnesses.These included many experienced and senior teachers, as well as the younger ones coming into the profession.The schools they taught at were considered excellent, and had excellent ofsted ratings.

They look back with great frustration, and a sigh of "never again." But it seems so wrong that teachers themselves cannot be more involved in shaping policies and priorities in our children's education.

This target driven culture is detracting from other priorities, and disempowering to teachers and parents.

I really do think we should look more closely at other successful systems, as in Scotland, and have a good debate- not just amongst policy makers.


2009-11-15 16:17:22

Hi again,

I'd like to add a few points about our local area on the Notts/Derbys border.

I'm afraid to say there can be a wide disparity between standards and criteria for admission to state secondary schools in our area.
There are indeed commonly known "bog standard" or average comprehensives- as many average parents re aware.(Not all middle class hand ringers!)

If every comp was excellent in every area(as many are,) there would be less angst amongst parents.

I agree there needs be genuine choice in schools available.
The reality is, as one head teacher commented recently at a presentation evening, that parental choice is very very limited- and at the mercy of a distant education authority.
We are also limited by geographical area(catchments)and the quality of schools available in each area- often very average indeed.

I do agree standards have improved generally, but secondary schools in particular need to improve up and down the country.

Also I'd vote to ban SATS for Year 6 pupils- completely unnecessary pressure that detracts from a rounded education...!!!

Personally, I like what I've seen of the Scottish system, and in Scandanavia.They put a great emhasis on decent education and pastoral care.

I'd also like to say that although I'm not in favour of elitism persae, the old Grammar schools were generally excellent, and I'm pretty sure many parents would like to see them back.(or something that equated to the same standards.)

Above all- could ministers and policy makers PLEASE consult with teachers on the ground, parents and children!!!!

Thanks again.

Jerry Trentham

2009-11-15 15:13:08

I was part of the middle class angst a few years ago ... took our son, then 13, out of the local comp and sent him to a nearby private school ... he hated it ... five years later, I am so glad we put him back in the local comp.

Harry Gee

2009-11-15 15:11:42

I note you did not rebut the 'wanked out poliico pals' part of your friend's message! Who could he have in mind?

Polly Melton

2009-11-15 15:10:40

I agree with your general stance, but I also agree that Toby Young's plan can be seen as acting in concert with your views, not against them. I feel that he is trying to use choice - very Blairite - to lever up standards in the state sector and so stop the drift to private schools, which I agree has a negative effect on local communities

Melanie George

2009-11-15 15:08:41

Didn't see Sky but I think it is great that you and Fiona have always used local state schools for your children. I think we don't do enough to promote the community and the environmental benefits of this. I speak as someone who lives near two private schools, one nursery, one secondary, whose carbon footprint every morning and afternoon is terrifying as the army of Volvos and BMWs does the drop off and pick up


2009-11-15 15:06:41

Toby, thanks for taking the trouble to reply. Ok, trouncing was also an expression of loyalty! You and Fiona should have a regular rematch as the process develops. I am glad you share my disdain for the middle class handwringers who talk down the State sector to justify their own choices.

Toby Young

2009-11-15 14:54:34

Your partner is undoubtedly a formidable debater, but I think "trounced" is a little strong. I thought we each held our own equally well.

Your partner is undoubtedly a formidable debater, but I think "trounced" is a little strong. I thought we each held our own equally well.

My parents group has decided to try and set up an Academy under the existing rules, rather than wait for the Tories to be elected and change them, because the need for a new secondary school in Acton is so urgent, not because trying to set up a "free school" would leave us vulnerable to the charge that we'd be draining resources from existing schools in the neighbourhood. The Tories have stated they want an excess of supply -- that is, more secondary school places than there is sufficient demand for, in order to stimulate competition. So they're committed to funding additional school places, on top of those the DCSF is already funding. In short, the argument that "free schools" will take money from existing secondary schools is a red herring.

I don't think it's fair to accuse me of knowing less about Acton High School than Fiona, either. Acton High School is what you'd call a "bog standard comprehensive" -- that is, a secondary school firmly committed to the ideology of inclusion -- and fulfills that role very well. I'm not arguing it should be replaced by a high-performing "comprehensive grammar"; only that there's room for both types of schools in my area.

Fiona's argument is that it's better that parents who care about academic attainment should be forced to send their children to the local comprehensive because that will raise standards within that school. My argument is that there should be a variety of schools in every area -- both "bog standard comprehensives" and "comprehensive grammars" -- so parents can choose which school they think is best suited to their child.

Let's not forget, increasing choice for parents in the the state education sector is a Blairite policy -- that is, a policy you share some responsibility for promoting. In trying to set up a small City Academy that will share the same ethos and curriculum as high-performing secondary schools like Camden School for Girls and Fortismere, I'm simply trying to take advantage of that policy. You and Fiona may not have sent any of your three children to Camden -- sorry for getting that wrong -- but Tony Blair sent his son to the Brompton Oratory. For those of us who can't get into an excellent church secondary school, it doesn't seem unreasonable to want a similar sort of school, but for Christians and non-Christians alike. Why should your former boss enjoy an opportunity denied to members of my parents group?

It's simply untrue, as Fiona repeatedly claimed, that our school will be a niche school for the local middle classes. Yes, the sort of school we're going to set up will appeal to them, but I know from knocking on doors and telling local people about my school than it will also appeals to non-middle class people, particularly members of ethnic minorities. That fact, as well as the fact that our school will be bound by the admissions code, means its students will reflect the socially and ethnically mixed nature of the area.

I share your disdain for those middle class liberals who write hand-ringing pieces about deciding to send their children to fee-paying schools. That isn't me and it isn't anyone else in my parents group. I went to three state secondary schools and I want my four children to do the same. Like Fiona, I want more middle class parents to send their children to the local state school -- and the way to ensure that happens is not to browbeat them into sending them to the local "bog standard comprehensive", but to allow groups like mine to set up schools that middle class people will feel comfortable about sending their children to. If you accept that these schools won't just be populated by middle class children, but will reflect the social and ethnic mix of the areas they're in, as the admissions code is designed to ensure, then the overall social benefit of allowing groups like mine to set up schools will be greater than preventing them from doing so.

At present, middle class parents either opt out altogether or cluster around "good" state secondaries by moving into their catchment areas. If you allow groups like mine to start "comprehensive grammars" the net result will be more middle class people choosing to educate their children in the state sector -- and they'll be more evenly spread out than those middle class people are at present.

Finally, there's no evidence that allowing parents groups to set up schools will have a negative effect on existing state secondary schools. In Sweden, where parents have been allowed to set up schools since 1992, 17 per cent of children of secondary school age are educated in "free schools", yet the overall effect of this has been to improve the level of attainment in the "municipal" sector (Sweden's equivalent of comprehensives). You can see chapter and verse on this at my website www.westlondonfreeschool.com

So be fair. Both Fiona and I are equally passionate about this. But please accept that there is a strong case to answer on both sides.

Simon Leonard

2009-11-15 14:24:22

Hey Alastair,

If the Tories win you and Fiona should get married because (a) it would make your relationship stronger and (b) you'd get £20 a week regardless of whether you needed it or not - result.

(tongue firmly in cheek in case it wasn't obvious)

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Fiona Millar 5 Toby Young 0

2009-11-15 13:18:38

Well done to Fiona Millar - I shall declare an interest shortly - in her just televised debate with Toby Young, who wants to set up his own school in West London.

Ah yes, it was that Fiona, the one I have lived with for 30 years? As readers of The Blair Years will know, those 30 years have had their fair share of arguments, and in case Toby finds himself in the position of arguing with her again, I can give him a bit of advice.

First off, be sure of your ground, and don't leave room for factual correction. She's lethal when you get your facts wrong.

Also, don't shift your ground, because she will spot it quickly, and seize on it. It was blatantly obvious to anyone who read your original articles on this idea that you have indeed shifted your ground to try - unsuccessfully I fear - to deal with the charge that taking State money for your project will require funding to be shifted from other schools which happen to be improving while serving a broader catchment that the Tories' planned 'free schools' will.

And come on Toby, I know it is Sunday morning, and you probably want to be out with the kids somewhere on a nice autumn London day like this rather than talking to Adam Boulton on Sky, but it was a bit embarrassing that Fiona was so evidently more familiar with the Ofsted reports on your local schools than you are. I can indeed vouch for the fact that she was up at 7 am reading them.

Nor was your case helped by the innuendo suggesting that hers was weakened by the use for her own children  of Camden School for Girls. If you're going to play the (wo)man, not the ball, then for heaven's sake do a bit of research.

For 66.6 recurring per cent of our kids, Camden School for Girls would have been an odd and difficult choice for their secondary education, as they are boys. For the remaining 33.3 per cent, our daughter, though there would be nothing wrong with her going to Camden, as it happens she doesn't, because as the boys did before going to university, she attends the comprehensive school nearest to home. These are choices none of us have ever regretted, despite the swirls of middle class angst about (vastly improved) State schools that so pollute this debate, so dominated in the media by editors and journalists who have chosen the private sector for their own kids, and distort their coverage to justify their choice.

So whilst freely accepting I am biased, I have to say I felt she won the debate easily, because she was sure of her ground, passionate about her beliefs, and unwilling to let either Toby or Boulton misrepresent her views.

I was not alone. In pinged an immediate text from my former Mirror colleague Alastair McQueen. Subtle as ever, he said 'Fiona is so much better on TV than you. And all of your wanked out politico pals. She would also run Question Time much better than the cretinous Dimbleby.' Like I say, he was always prone to hiding what he really thought behind diplomacy.

And then another, this time from someone in the News International high command who said 'Fiona was great on schools on Boulton. She rocks.' Something tells me they are not universally signed up to the 'Vote Dave' strategy down Wapping way!



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Now let's have less process more policy

Publish date: 2010-04-23 10:03:27

Press Clegg-bashing not helping Cameron. Debate should be on policy

Publish date: 2010-04-22 12:33:25

Clegg's debate strategy hardly new honest politics

Publish date: 2010-04-21 12:48:09

More policy on the telly please

Publish date: 2010-04-20 19:03:23

As Cameron revises body language, focus should be Lib Dem policy

Publish date: 2010-04-20 10:25:50

Cameron junks broadcast - is he morphing into John Major?

Publish date: 2010-04-19 14:56:02

Come on Dave and Nick - stop the carping

Publish date: 2010-04-19 09:49:59

A friendly letter to David Cameron

Publish date: 2010-04-18 10:24:08

Clegg rise good news for the campaign

Publish date: 2010-04-17 10:02:47

The election landscape has changed. Exciting times

Publish date: 2010-04-16 14:45:39

Clegg wins on style, Brown on substance, Cameron on shallowness

Publish date: 2010-04-16 01:32:41

Bring on the big debate. And don't miss Eddie Izzard tomorrow

Publish date: 2010-04-15 18:58:37

Cameron's preference for process over policy in pre debate blather

Publish date: 2010-04-14 15:59:32

Black hole plus DIY public services - Cameron's second manifesto

Publish date: 2010-04-13 10:37:52

Never mind 5 more years of GB. It's three more weeks of DC people worry about

Publish date: 2010-04-12 11:16:02

Ashdown spot on about Tories' Sarah Palin moment

Publish date: 2010-04-11 12:10:44

London Marathon the best of British

Publish date: 2010-04-10 12:37:42

Pressure needs to be kept on Tories over NICs

Publish date: 2010-04-09 13:15:17

Tories wrong on recession wrong on recovery

Publish date: 2010-04-08 11:47:59

Cameron's deception goes beyond the businessmen

Publish date: 2010-04-07 19:55:22

Labour's greater scope for positive campaign

Publish date: 2010-04-06 13:14:53

Cameron uncut - message matters more than money

Publish date: 2010-04-05 11:33:17

Key election questions remain the same and the answer is still Labour

Publish date: 2010-04-04 17:43:56

Osborne should heed his own words

Publish date: 2010-04-03 16:01:39

The 25th Hour

Publish date: 2010-04-02 11:13:31

Hardly surprising if business prefers tax cut to waste

Publish date: 2010-04-01 11:43:48

Tories really ought to listen to TB and Mr Kaletsky

Publish date: 2010-03-31 09:59:37

TB's return to fray a reminder of Cameron strategy failure

Publish date: 2010-03-30 10:44:34

A chance to design Labour's next poster

Publish date: 2010-03-29 09:47:29

Right pledges, at the right time

Publish date: 2010-03-27 11:32:06

Can't wait to hear what George's tax wheeze is

Publish date: 2010-03-26 14:55:00

Darling credible, Mandy exciting, Tories panicking over ads

Publish date: 2010-03-25 11:21:25

Today is all about credibility

Publish date: 2010-03-24 09:38:11

Obama's win good news for politics everywhere

Publish date: 2010-03-23 10:11:13

I take my hat off to a genius briefer

Publish date: 2010-03-22 17:21:23

With Hague disabled, Labour team v Tory team even more important

Publish date: 2010-03-19 11:43:25

Tory lack of clarity gets candidates jittering

Publish date: 2010-03-18 10:12:25

Is Kate Winslet's split more important than Michael Foot's funeral?

Publish date: 2010-03-17 11:38:52

Why Sir Trevor did no favours for Cameron

Publish date: 2010-03-16 10:57:18

Support the Street Kids World Cup

Publish date: 2010-03-15 11:25:17

Bumping into Peter M on the fundraising campaign trail

Publish date: 2010-03-14 00:27:35

Adonis shows the way on transport, and debates

Publish date: 2010-03-12 12:22:05

The record needs a better hearing - Labour and Tory

Publish date: 2010-03-11 08:50:51

What happened to the detoxification of the Tory brand?

Publish date: 2010-03-06 12:00:38

Support, activism and hope returning to Labour

Publish date: 2010-03-05 09:46:34

Happy Birthday Lord Ashcroft HB2U

Publish date: 2010-03-04 10:59:48

Michael Foot ... above all else a lovely man

Publish date: 2010-03-03 14:22:46

Elvis support for Labour lifts the mood further

Publish date: 2010-03-03 10:16:30

Hoovergate - the rebuttal amid hope of Labour win

Publish date: 2010-03-02 13:00:35

At least Britney knows what she is singing about

Publish date: 2010-03-01 10:57:28

News blackout on Olympian success story

Publish date: 2010-02-28 14:52:49

Kseniya Simonova's got talent

Publish date: 2010-02-27 21:14:58

Debate expectations in a good place for GB and Clegg

Publish date: 2010-02-26 10:21:53

We all agree - Carlisle is cleverer than DC

Publish date: 2010-02-25 11:59:11

On News International phone-hacking and Cameron

Publish date: 2010-02-24 09:40:08

GB, temper or not, a better leader for Britain than DC

Publish date: 2010-02-23 10:24:48

Cameron inquiry call says more about him than GB

Publish date: 2010-02-22 15:15:59

Some great stuff in The Observer today

Publish date: 2010-02-21 11:00:46

Game definitely on. If polls narrow more, Tory jitters set in

Publish date: 2010-02-20 14:35:40

Cameron so right about pigs in pokes

Publish date: 2010-02-19 09:12:50

How twitter is changing balance of power in film indsutry

Publish date: 2010-02-18 12:00:19

Thanks for the thanks. Is online shopping not always like this?

Publish date: 2010-02-17 10:44:30

There'll be another New Big Idea along in a moment

Publish date: 2010-02-16 09:53:22

People may listen more to the political GB having heard the personal GB

Publish date: 2010-02-15 13:11:57

Happy Valentine's Day. My present to you is Jacques Brel

Publish date: 2010-02-14 12:06:54

A celeb fest in my weekend of culture

Publish date: 2010-02-13 10:38:58

Alan Johnson right to stand up for security services

Publish date: 2010-02-12 14:27:56

Time to turn up volume on sport schools revolution

Publish date: 2010-02-11 10:17:54

Let's give Cameron a Doris Day moment over Ashcroft

Publish date: 2010-02-10 10:29:05

Time for Maya's voice to be heard amid the non-tears

Publish date: 2010-02-09 09:04:22

Marr needs to explain his 'sexed up' question re casualties

Publish date: 2010-02-08 13:55:36

On GB's tears with Piers, and my emotional moment with Marr

Publish date: 2010-02-07 16:04:56

On NI, Tory fears of Labour spinsters, and headbands in sport

Publish date: 2010-02-06 10:00:25

Daily Mail tells truth shock horror

Publish date: 2010-02-05 08:54:36

Welcome to the virtual Maya launch party

Publish date: 2010-02-04 10:38:44

Public ahead of press on the mess that is Cameron

Publish date: 2010-02-03 13:52:26

Cameron winning on media support but losing on leadership

Publish date: 2010-02-02 10:47:50

Buy The Blair Years and raise cash for Labour

Publish date: 2010-02-01 09:00:00

A lesson in campaign mindset from young Labour students

Publish date: 2010-01-31 13:14:19

Media tweets show the real agenda

Publish date: 2010-01-29 21:18:59

TB made a judgement, and is defending it well

Publish date: 2010-01-29 14:04:38

On inequality, special advisers, Ireland, and TB/Iraq

Publish date: 2010-01-28 13:45:08

Message machine Mandelson on form today

Publish date: 2010-01-27 12:15:42

Only one place to be tonight

Publish date: 2010-01-26 09:20:26

Cameron and tweeting ought to be natural fit

Publish date: 2010-01-25 11:55:58

Big bucks campaigning not what it's cracked out to be

Publish date: 2010-01-24 10:28:57

A life in unemployment statistics

Publish date: 2010-01-22 09:39:21

Learning the wrong Iraq lessons for Afghan war

Publish date: 2010-01-21 10:24:46

Denis MacShane MP on the rewriting of history re Iraq war

Publish date: 2010-01-20 10:44:07

Darling v Gove, Osborne and help the rich squad is No Contest

Publish date: 2010-01-19 10:12:27

Dacre's Downfall

Publish date: 2010-01-18 03:30:21

Rebutting the good and the bad, and support from football fans

Publish date: 2010-01-17 12:45:38

Mandela is a great man, Invictus a great film

Publish date: 2010-01-16 08:54:48

Is Paul Dacre hiding a guilty secret that explains his deranged paper?

Publish date: 2010-01-15 09:56:24

What's the real fight to be had?

Publish date: 2010-01-14 10:20:20

On Owen Coyle and Brian Laws

Publish date: 2010-01-13 18:27:58

Thanks to friend and foe alike for helping yesterday go by

Publish date: 2010-01-13 08:49:25

So far so good in campaign to remove discriminatory law

Publish date: 2010-01-11 09:48:15

Thanks to Will Hutton for talking sense on 'class war'

Publish date: 2010-01-10 12:56:48

In defence of airbrushed posters

Publish date: 2010-01-09 16:45:29

Fire is always best turned on the Tories

Publish date: 2010-01-07 15:41:19

On Hoon-Hewitt and John Prescott

Publish date: 2010-01-07 00:55:10

Sad and baffled to see Coyle go

Publish date: 2010-01-05 16:26:05

Cameron's wobble the product of his team saying what their audiences want to hear

Publish date: 2010-01-05 10:50:58

New Tory slogan - if you've got the cash, splash it on crap ads

Publish date: 2010-01-02 12:11:18

And the musicians of the decade were ... The Beatles and The King

Publish date: 2009-12-31 18:52:25

Prepare for avalanche of Ashcroft posters for Tories

Publish date: 2009-12-30 15:06:06

Here's Good Luck to you, Mrs Robinson

Publish date: 2009-12-29 12:22:42

One man's White Christmas joy is another's football disaster

Publish date: 2009-12-24 13:36:05

My favourite fact of the day - a French decimal time system

Publish date: 2009-12-23 16:48:00

A few crisis management tips for Eurostar

Publish date: 2009-12-22 11:49:35

Do we need same approach to booze as smoking?

Publish date: 2009-12-19 09:13:28

Prepare for tears, tantrums and an imperfect but miraculous Copenhagen conclusion

Publish date: 2009-12-18 10:23:03

London 2012 and Copenhagen today ... different approaches to tight deadlines

Publish date: 2009-12-16 11:13:21

Tiger cut off at the knees. I bet he'll be back

Publish date: 2009-12-14 11:03:17

Cameron Shameron on the need for new laws to clarify Ashcroft tax status

Publish date: 2009-12-13 17:06:56

When poor mental health creates great art ...

Publish date: 2009-12-12 15:21:13

Giggs gets my Sports Personality vote, but I'll miss the big moment

Publish date: 2009-12-11 13:56:15

Tough day for Labour, but tough questions for Tories too

Publish date: 2009-12-10 10:03:13

Alistair Darling's quiet authority key part of recovery.

Publish date: 2009-12-09 11:03:25

Clegg risks squeeze as election nears

Publish date: 2009-12-08 15:30:58

Copenhagen really matters. Guardian front page sets scene well

Publish date: 2009-12-07 10:26:33

Four years on, what do we think of Cameron's leadership?

Publish date: 2009-12-06 13:55:17

Boris and Waddles, an everyday tale of Tory croneyism

Publish date: 2009-12-05 09:53:35

The Speaker's wife is a credit to him, and spot on about Cameron's Toryism

Publish date: 2009-12-04 10:52:37

PMQs win for GB was a direct result of Cameron's strategic failure

Publish date: 2009-12-03 08:21:10

Cameron's conkers add to his problem with serious opinion

Publish date: 2009-12-02 10:59:45

Sarko at risk of riling Obama and GB. Cameron on conkers

Publish date: 2009-12-01 10:29:48

The life and death of the man who made the link between exercise and health

Publish date: 2009-11-28 11:37:29

Even top Tories think Dave and Co can't do piss up in a brewery

Publish date: 2009-11-27 20:51:29

Well done BBC Inside Sport. Shame on media for news blackout on Coulson bullying case

Publish date: 2009-11-26 13:59:57

Well done BBC in Mental Health Media awards. Looking forward to Inside Sport on depression tonight

Publish date: 2009-11-25 10:26:22

BBC main bulletin blackout on leaders' speeches bizarre

Publish date: 2009-11-24 10:17:48

Business right to be worried about Tory axe on RDAs

Publish date: 2009-11-23 10:17:12

Why should Brown and Cameron apologise for being seen to pay tribute to the war dead?

Publish date: 2009-11-22 11:12:38

Beware climate change denial dressed up as 'commonsense'

Publish date: 2009-11-21 12:54:27

Something for the weekend - a long lazy blog lifted from interviews

Publish date: 2009-11-20 12:35:23

If France and FIFA won't act on Thierry Henry, let's have a boycott of Gillette razors

Publish date: 2009-11-19 10:09:00

Never in the history of human taxation has so much been promised from so many to so few

Publish date: 2009-11-18 18:32:39

Tories far from 'effete and unfamiliar' when it comes to twisted tax priorities

Publish date: 2009-11-18 09:52:12

Two very different stories of depression

Publish date: 2009-11-17 17:17:11

Congrats to Ellie on PPB campaign, and Willy Hague on getting van Rompuy

Publish date: 2009-11-17 11:40:14

Private schools worse than State schools - unless it's drugs you're after. Discuss

Publish date: 2009-11-16 12:10:25

Where we fight we win

Publish date: 2009-11-13 11:22:00

Good luck to Number 10 on 'lobby' review. And a big NO to the other PR

Publish date: 2009-11-12 14:39:11

Robert Enke RIP. May his death increase understanding of depression

Publish date: 2009-11-11 17:59:53

On the exploitation of grief to get Gordon

Publish date: 2009-11-11 08:59:01

Why Tories are not home and dry, and wrong to call GB callous

Publish date: 2009-11-10 13:00:20

Labour needs more of the winning mentality

Publish date: 2009-11-09 10:30:44

The scandal of friendship and the shame of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Publish date: 2009-11-07 10:53:53

US clarity of strategy required for full explanation on Afghanistan

Publish date: 2009-11-06 10:31:48

Just because he is French doesn't mean he's wrong

Publish date: 2009-11-05 10:58:46

Congratulations to David Cameron and Trevor Kavanagh

Publish date: 2009-11-04 10:34:36

Is there a Sun blackout on Cameron's dumping of 'cast iron guarantee' on Europe?

Publish date: 2009-11-03 20:37:04

Johnson seems to get it on immigration. Right on advisors advising too

Publish date: 2009-11-03 11:58:59

Public opinion on climate change - the public might be the problem

Publish date: 2009-11-02 11:37:23

In praise of Stephen Fry, who should tweet or not as he sees fit

Publish date: 2009-11-01 09:29:34

John Sergeant spot on re TB. TB's Olympics legacy. Liam Gallagher's generosity

Publish date: 2009-10-30 11:50:44

Conservative contortions on Europe and Blair

Publish date: 2009-10-29 11:44:12

Two-jobs Osborne suffering credibility deficit

Publish date: 2009-10-28 09:14:22

Canaries win AC spin award with dark nights productivity survey

Publish date: 2009-10-27 09:41:48

Blair - dead big in Japan!

Publish date: 2009-10-26 17:21:17

No complacency, variants on a theme

Publish date: 2009-10-24 09:48:46

Griffin may have been dreadful, but there can be no complacency

Publish date: 2009-10-23 11:57:29

Margaret Hodge MP on how to fight the BNP

Publish date: 2009-10-22 16:48:39

Thanks to Charlie Falconer and Dominic Grieve - yes, I know he is a Tory

Publish date: 2009-10-21 17:24:18

On Biscuitgate, barmy Tory policy, and BNP v Generals

Publish date: 2009-10-21 10:36:15

More on Obergruppenfuhrer Dacre, Biscuitgate and Bullingdon Conservatism

Publish date: 2009-10-20 12:16:37

Biscuitgate and Susan Boyle, no win territory for GB

Publish date: 2009-10-19 12:31:00

Hating the Mail - a mindset worth having

Publish date: 2009-10-17 11:28:12

A line by line guide to the Mail statement on Gately article outrage

Publish date: 2009-10-16 19:12:36

Hit the Mail where it hurts

Publish date: 2009-10-16 16:36:02

Talking Cameron and Obama with US Democrats. Progressive Convervatism? No, he can't

Publish date: 2009-10-16 10:02:40

Inspired by kids' green passion

Publish date: 2009-10-14 18:24:13

Good news on leukaemia, good news on student activism

Publish date: 2009-10-13 08:24:21

Musings from Bertie Ahern, and how I won the Nobel prize for literature

Publish date: 2009-10-12 09:26:18

Continuing double standards in the media

Publish date: 2009-10-11 11:36:21

The best policies in Cameron's speech were those of Labour Big Government

Publish date: 2009-10-08 17:07:40

Tongues slipping all over the place

Publish date: 2009-10-08 09:00:07

Cameron confuses strategy and tactics and puts Union at risk

Publish date: 2009-10-07 10:29:26

Osborne inspires apathy at BBC Leeds

Publish date: 2009-10-06 16:01:59

Let's see more of the Tory candidates please

Publish date: 2009-10-06 09:23:11

Labour needs to fight on record to stop Tory vandalism

Publish date: 2009-10-05 14:28:40

VacuDave goes all peevish at difficult questions. Bring on the debates

Publish date: 2009-10-04 23:33:52

Lots of joking around in Jersey, though nothing as hysterical as Dave's Europe position

Publish date: 2009-10-03 10:31:22

On The Sun, Obama in Copenhagen and Alistair McGowan on the loo

Publish date: 2009-10-01 10:59:49

Sun switches ain't wot they used to be

Publish date: 2009-09-30 10:17:14

Darling and Mandelson show what I mean by authenticity

Publish date: 2009-09-28 16:28:18

Serious Politics 1 Low Journalism 0

Publish date: 2009-09-27 11:55:54

Media's love for Cameron should be turned into a weakness

Publish date: 2009-09-26 10:30:03

Time for ministers to stand up and fight

Publish date: 2009-09-25 09:40:26

Today's media double standards watch

Publish date: 2009-09-24 09:29:45

Breaking News - GB wins award, Lib Dems face all ways

Publish date: 2009-09-23 09:43:49

Why authenticity is the key to comms, and why Merkel will win

Publish date: 2009-09-22 08:29:13

Why I love NHS walk-in centres

Publish date: 2009-09-21 12:13:03

Here goes with the smoked Salmond

Publish date: 2009-09-20 10:40:21

Breaking News - Cameron's vacuousness an impersonator's nightmare

Publish date: 2009-09-19 11:06:09

Cameron has an army of spin doctors - aka journalists

Publish date: 2009-09-18 10:07:06

On Scottish independence, Cameron's short-termism, and Jimmy Carter being right

Publish date: 2009-09-17 09:56:56

Is Cameron Alex Salmond's Trojan Horse?

Publish date: 2009-09-15 10:13:42

On the TUC, Roy of the Rovers and Anna Wintour

Publish date: 2009-09-14 11:04:46

Memo to Apple boss Steve Jobs

Publish date: 2009-09-13 17:36:31

A day in the life of a (crap) City trader

Publish date: 2009-09-11 17:52:25

Defend record with pride, attack Tories with gusto

Publish date: 2009-09-10 11:06:36

Cameron's Conservatism beyond parody

Publish date: 2009-09-09 10:38:00

On transforned cities, and tales of Princess Di and Laura Bush

Publish date: 2009-09-08 09:45:54

Labour should put minister up against Griffin on Question Time

Publish date: 2009-09-06 12:39:56

School speech the latest source of right-wing frothing at Obama

Publish date: 2009-09-05 08:23:02

More horse's mouth, less Beeb blah please

Publish date: 2009-09-04 22:49:20

Real respect for sport can be Olympic legacy

Publish date: 2009-09-04 09:27:34

First ladies watch out for Japanese bombshell

Publish date: 2009-09-03 10:47:19

TV debate - good idea in theory, but ...

Publish date: 2009-09-02 15:37:43

'No worries' - the new response to thanks

Publish date: 2009-09-01 12:25:19

Tremors of Japanese political earthquake will be felt far and wide

Publish date: 2009-08-30 15:50:54

Pressure on Ed Miliband can help get a climate change deal

Publish date: 2009-08-28 13:39:08

Why Tories and media cannot stomach GCSE success story

Publish date: 2009-08-27 16:03:34

Exposing the absurdity of Chris Grayling

Publish date: 2009-08-26 13:20:19

Joy and beauty and a night of magic

Publish date: 2009-08-20 10:55:11

Twitter NHS backlash good for Obama

Publish date: 2009-08-14 15:44:49

A lifetime's ambition fulfilled

Publish date: 2009-08-08 16:59:02

Breaking the blog-a-day spell as warm up to holiday

Publish date: 2009-07-20 17:44:49

No hiding place from Twitter, me on the bike, JP in DC

Publish date: 2009-07-17 18:17:09

At last - something Obama cannot do well

Publish date: 2009-07-16 10:05:47

Will MPs take the lead in the debate on euthanasia?

Publish date: 2009-07-15 12:30:01

Berlin brothel leads the way to a greener world

Publish date: 2009-07-14 10:57:25

A time for GB to explain the whole picture

Publish date: 2009-07-13 12:37:54

All hail Monty, Jimmy and Collie!

Publish date: 2009-07-12 20:06:36

First triathlon of the summer for me, education award for Fiona

Publish date: 2009-07-12 09:43:06

Of Burnley's friendly and Obama's wandering eye

Publish date: 2009-07-11 12:38:52

Two great early morning moments

Publish date: 2009-07-10 10:27:07

Cameron had better be sure he's right

Publish date: 2009-07-09 11:06:22

Guardian scoop has big questions for press, cops and Cameron

Publish date: 2009-07-08 20:40:54

Divisive legend: Lance Armstrong

Publish date: 2009-07-07 10:38:23

First hug a hoodie, now grab a gay

Publish date: 2009-07-06 12:57:09

Mail on Scumday's wonderful account of Lansley's kipperdom

Publish date: 2009-07-05 13:14:51

Ecclestone undermines his own success with alarming views on Hitler

Publish date: 2009-07-04 14:04:04

When the conmen move more quickly than the council

Publish date: 2009-07-03 10:19:52

Andrew Lansley done up like a kipper

Publish date: 2009-07-02 10:10:52

A day spent interviewing footballers, then being interviewed by a transvestite comedian

Publish date: 2009-07-01 14:47:40

When the power of black eyes fades

Publish date: 2009-06-30 09:24:59

Farewell to Henry Hodge

Publish date: 2009-06-29 20:41:12

Honouring the power of sport to do good

Publish date: 2009-06-29 14:49:42

Andy Murray is a winner. Is that why some Brits don't like him?

Publish date: 2009-06-28 09:19:20

New Parliament will look very different. The younger the better

Publish date: 2009-06-27 17:34:26

Two nice surprises, sad end to day

Publish date: 2009-06-26 09:16:33

Apology from the Spectator on Iraq boosts Henry Hodge fund

Publish date: 2009-06-25 19:57:26

Thanks to Mr Harper on mental health, rebuttal of Mr Hague on Iraq

Publish date: 2009-06-24 23:47:54

Glad to find Eric Cantona in a quiet cinema ...

Publish date: 2009-06-24 00:46:23

By Dave's friends shall we know him?

Publish date: 2009-06-23 11:30:20

The Speaker has to balance tradition and change - but defend Parliament

Publish date: 2009-06-22 11:58:44

Less a blog than an apology for not having done one

Publish date: 2009-06-21 20:07:43

The day Lions skipper Paul O'Connell took my trousers down

Publish date: 2009-06-20 11:48:28

On the Iraq inquiry, Independent article wrong

Publish date: 2009-06-19 20:28:24

Thank you to three readers, now please get involved

Publish date: 2009-06-19 09:13:35

A tribute to a lovely man

Publish date: 2009-06-18 17:19:40

Bad times in Belfast, great day for Burnley, odd statement from Ed Balls

Publish date: 2009-06-18 10:04:47

A plea for five-figure cyber-donations

Publish date: 2009-06-17 07:40:42

On two inquiries

Publish date: 2009-06-16 08:57:39

From India to Iran to Labour wit

Publish date: 2009-06-15 10:13:17

Memories of Princess Diana

Publish date: 2009-06-14 09:54:55

A House Divided?

Publish date: 2009-06-13 02:53:47

A humbling NHS experience, a media row and a good GB speech

Publish date: 2009-06-12 10:48:46

Psychiatrists heading for relegation in 'disease prestige' league table

Publish date: 2009-06-11 10:25:35

The shrinks await

Publish date: 2009-06-10 09:44:16

As Obama fights for healthcare, let's celebrate the record here

Publish date: 2009-06-09 12:52:55

Anger at BNP seats must be turned into activism

Publish date: 2009-06-08 14:11:10

Can today be as frenzied as Friday?

Publish date: 2009-06-07 10:31:04

Take heart from a win in Lambeth

Publish date: 2009-06-06 18:46:40

JP is right there was no proper campaign but Tories still weak

Publish date: 2009-06-05 13:47:20

Do we care more about the NHS or moats?

Publish date: 2009-06-04 00:21:23

Guardian of social justice or attention-seeker?

Publish date: 2009-06-03 10:19:33

Who says Britain can't deliver the best?

Publish date: 2009-06-02 08:08:38

Mainstream has a duty to vote against BNP

Publish date: 2009-06-01 11:03:29

Let Diversity inspire a vote against the hate-filled BNP

Publish date: 2009-05-31 12:24:20

White House whack at UK media well-timed but sure to be ignored

Publish date: 2009-05-30 13:41:00

Elvis has a plan to make MPs King again

Publish date: 2009-05-29 12:09:44

At least there's a campaign on in Italy

Publish date: 2009-05-28 09:04:32

A blow to gay rights and a boost for Cameron's short-termism

Publish date: 2009-05-27 11:27:41

It's my blog and I'll be a big kid if I want to

Publish date: 2009-05-26 23:25:58

Highs feel better after so many lows

Publish date: 2009-05-26 10:13:12

Only one present counts

Publish date: 2009-05-25 11:05:46

Contrast Cheney and Bush

Publish date: 2009-05-24 12:11:45

Sex (or at least the female form) obsessed Britain

Publish date: 2009-05-23 20:49:57

Sport at both ends of the financial spectrum

Publish date: 2009-05-23 09:57:23

Stronger together - whether Scotland or expenses

Publish date: 2009-05-22 10:22:36

Back to Number 10, familiar faces, familiar arguments

Publish date: 2009-05-21 10:14:34

Speaking up for Parliament

Publish date: 2009-05-20 11:44:17

Peace in the Middle East - yes he can

Publish date: 2009-05-19 09:37:35

Breaking news - one frenzy at a time

Publish date: 2009-05-18 10:34:30

Getting a good look at Vince Cable

Publish date: 2009-05-17 09:36:55

How do you solve a problem like Silvio?

Publish date: 2009-05-16 09:32:21

It was the internet wot won it

Publish date: 2009-05-15 10:04:57

There now follows ... a good whack at Cameron

Publish date: 2009-05-14 17:21:28

They got their kit off - so you get your cash out

Publish date: 2009-05-14 07:41:11

Expenses row must not obscure Tory intentions on minimum wage

Publish date: 2009-05-13 16:12:08

We love you Burnley, we do ... what a night

Publish date: 2009-05-13 02:37:17

A tweet cannot express the wonders of TGV

Publish date: 2009-05-12 08:48:31

It's Mind week - Get it off your Chest with me and Stephen Fry

Publish date: 2009-05-11 06:29:15

Hate the Mail, love Obama

Publish date: 2009-05-10 10:04:00

Burnley 1 Reading 0 - a biased report

Publish date: 2009-05-09 21:26:32

MPs expenses - time for party leaders to meet again

Publish date: 2009-05-09 09:50:19

Should happiness replace prosperity as national goal?

Publish date: 2009-05-08 08:43:23

Musings from a sleepless night

Publish date: 2009-05-07 07:33:49

Darren Fletcher - an injustice that has to be righted

Publish date: 2009-05-06 09:52:29

Maggie's legacy not as great as she thinks

Publish date: 2009-05-05 08:33:02

Here's hoping Cardiff is metaphor for Cameron

Publish date: 2009-05-04 09:38:30

More Mr Benn and Co please

Publish date: 2009-05-03 10:03:00

Going Fourth with JP

Publish date: 2009-05-02 18:25:41

Journalism - print first, think later

Publish date: 2009-05-02 09:10:01

In praise of two poets

Publish date: 2009-05-01 10:26:36

JP hits the road again

Publish date: 2009-04-29 18:52:11

My night with Eddie Izzard

Publish date: 2009-04-29 10:53:25

Explaining the 50p top tax rate

Publish date: 2009-04-28 09:22:53

George Best and Martin McGuinness

Publish date: 2009-04-27 09:02:35

Cameron confused over indepdendence and impartiality

Publish date: 2009-04-26 12:20:56

Guide ro Marathon running part 2

Publish date: 2009-04-25 11:01:34

Good signals on coal and the Olympics

Publish date: 2009-04-24 10:45:28

Tips for the London Marathon

Publish date: 2009-04-23 17:29:27

Missed the Budget, saw why it mattered

Publish date: 2009-04-22 23:09:31

Football good, politics bad. Allegedly

Publish date: 2009-04-22 00:00:24

The Great Wall gets greater

Publish date: 2009-04-21 09:55:22

Two sides to police story

Publish date: 2009-04-20 11:39:54

Budgets, Balls, billionaires and Susan Boyle

Publish date: 2009-04-19 12:31:45

Do muscles have memories?

Publish date: 2009-04-18 09:44:44

Bring back standing at football

Publish date: 2009-04-17 14:50:22

When Facebook friends fall out

Publish date: 2009-04-16 12:29:16

Guardian sightings and the email and bath plug agenda

Publish date: 2009-04-15 11:32:16

The spin is all in the prism

Publish date: 2009-04-14 09:22:41

A setback, not a crisis

Publish date: 2009-04-13 12:55:19

The real lessons from Damian McBride

Publish date: 2009-04-12 10:49:47

Will English always be the dominant language?

Publish date: 2009-04-11 10:02:02

On the pipes and what makes a Scot

Publish date: 2009-04-10 11:06:20

John Prescott lazy? NO WAY

Publish date: 2009-04-09 09:11:31

David Frost is seventy

Publish date: 2009-04-08 08:48:38

The Speaker, BBC2, tonight and tomorrow 8pm

Publish date: 2009-04-07 14:25:31

Obama, colds and being woken by Korean missiles

Publish date: 2009-04-06 11:59:24

When a call matters more than protocol

Publish date: 2009-04-05 11:33:42

Green Cities Champions League

Publish date: 2009-04-04 10:19:53

Could Cameron have delivered the G20 deal?

Publish date: 2009-04-03 10:11:59

Of Benn and Bono

Publish date: 2009-04-02 08:21:16

Memo to Sarko - allez vite a Londres

Publish date: 2009-04-01 08:46:17

Happy April Fool's Day

Publish date: 2009-04-01 01:44:05

Eurostar, Le Monde and a thought for the G20 sherpas

Publish date: 2009-03-31 09:17:22

Why Kevin Rudd made an impact

Publish date: 2009-03-30 10:24:41

Pre-G20 hype matters less than post-G20 process

Publish date: 2009-03-29 13:17:28

The Damned United

Publish date: 2009-03-28 10:37:04

A hobby horse, a plug and a bit of sport

Publish date: 2009-03-27 10:22:23

Cloughie - he had a lot to be big-headed about

Publish date: 2009-03-26 09:38:36

A sad sight of the old fearing the young

Publish date: 2009-03-25 17:03:07

Post-modern, post-structural, or bullshit?

Publish date: 2009-03-25 08:18:02

Learning the right lessons from Obama

Publish date: 2009-03-24 08:53:15

Lazy Dave needs to keep an eye on lazy Ken

Publish date: 2009-03-23 11:16:14

Farewell favourite restaurant, hello hometown

Publish date: 2009-03-22 08:18:09

Dave, Danny and have the Tories really changed?

Publish date: 2009-03-21 08:55:13

Life beyond Dover ...

Publish date: 2009-03-20 10:11:21

My friends in The New Statesman - Fergie, Fiona, Tony, Sarah, Kevin, 'Dacre,' and a great GB idea for the G20

Publish date: 2009-03-18 10:38:22

Iraq, Iran, GB, Obama and diplomatic chess

Publish date: 2009-03-17 10:07:13

The Age of Stupid

Publish date: 2009-03-16 08:27:13

Is all change good?

Publish date: 2009-03-15 10:00:06

The pressure of being a post-modern sex god

Publish date: 2009-03-14 10:00:55

Cameron still hasn't sealed the deal with business

Publish date: 2009-03-13 09:21:49

Stand up for social workers

Publish date: 2009-03-12 08:31:17

Surely Malcolm Tucker could have told Armando Ianucci ... You can't spin a spinner

Publish date: 2009-03-11 10:58:25

Start of a new approach from Labour?

Publish date: 2009-03-10 09:54:12

A peace process still strong

Publish date: 2009-03-09 08:21:05

Day of destiny for the real footballer of the year

Publish date: 2009-03-08 09:21:06

Private advice to Peggy Mitchell - the leaked note in full

Publish date: 2009-03-07 08:17:21

Boris, the Tories and the tummy-tickling poodle press

Publish date: 2009-03-06 09:49:37

A day in the life of the self-obsessed TV reporter

Publish date: 2009-03-05 07:55:47

GB - good speech, well delivered

Publish date: 2009-03-04 19:31:05

Notes on the environment, a role in EastEnders

Publish date: 2009-03-04 10:58:56

She may be my 'wife' but it is time to rebut!

Publish date: 2009-03-03 10:52:59

Some speeches matter more than others

Publish date: 2009-03-02 12:04:45

Mental health and the Carling Cup Final

Publish date: 2009-03-01 09:08:17

Inside the chocolate factory

Publish date: 2009-02-28 10:23:59

GB on the G20, JP on Jeremy Kyle

Publish date: 2009-02-27 09:14:36

Charity and the credit crunch, please give generously!

Publish date: 2009-02-26 08:55:12

Why oh why are the Tories not home and dry?

Publish date: 2009-02-24 09:44:59

Me, Dermot and ten top songs

Publish date: 2009-02-23 10:02:19

Names round-up

Publish date: 2009-02-22 08:43:39

What's in a name?

Publish date: 2009-02-21 09:58:14

Editing the New Statesman

Publish date: 2009-02-20 11:42:36

Salute Peter M’s proper use of the F word

Publish date: 2009-02-19 09:58:58

Labour's communications challenge for the NHS

Publish date: 2009-02-18 10:34:39

In praise of Keighley

Publish date: 2009-02-17 14:33:57

A night at the Emirates

Publish date: 2009-02-17 00:06:51

When marriage is tested

Publish date: 2009-02-16 13:36:35

Spare me the myths and the whining

Publish date: 2009-02-15 13:29:50

Dave Cameron - is that all there is?

Publish date: 2009-02-14 11:11:55

Boris Johnson: F is for ...

Publish date: 2009-02-13 07:55:10

The Cameron vacuum

Publish date: 2009-02-12 14:48:33

Lincoln, Obama, Blair and the 24 hour media culture

Publish date: 2009-02-11 10:28:47

Eighteen interviews later ...

Publish date: 2009-02-10 19:24:45

Time to talk about Time to Change on Newsnight

Publish date: 2009-02-09 22:47:49

So that’s what they mean by online community?

Publish date: 2009-02-08 12:12:51

First blog

Publish date: 2009-02-05 15:23:57