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West Ham United
Posted by Billy Blagg 4 days ago

A real end-of-term affair in which the highlight was the return, after a season long injury, of Luis Boa Morte who scored a delightful goal before criticising owner David Sullivan in equally impressive terms.

Manchester City equalised the Hammer's opener within three minutes when Wright-Phillips - all 2' 6" of him - rose like a salmon to head home. It was that type of day!

Around the goal action, it was mainly Manchester City who had the territorial advantage with the visitors nifty wingers exposing the Hammers frailities in both full-back positions. It really is time that this club started a season with decent backs and it will surely be something that any manager, be it the friendly little Italian or whoever, will need to address as a matter of urgency.

Diamanti, whose excellent back-heel had put Boa Morte in for the goal, clipped the post with a low shot and City had strong penalty claims waved aside, quite rightly, after Upson got a nick to a Johnson drive into the box.

Carlos Tevez got his customary ovation when he came on as a second-half sub and the Argentinian nearly spoilt the party when just toe-ending a shot over Green and the bar. Other than that though it was fairly tame stuff from two sides who were both probably hoping for something a little more from the campaign although, ultimately, at both ends the teams came up a bit short.

Boa Morte's request for Chairman David Sullivan to stop opening his mouth and putting his foot in it was unexpected but welcome sideshow before the crowds drifted home and the Martin Peters Tea Bar served up its last cup of Rosy for the season.

It's been emotional but I need the rest...


Posted by kerry 3 days, 12 hours ago

I live in Australia and have followed the hammers since i lived in pommy land (1974-80). I just wish for once we keep a Tevez, BennyUN and Mashpotato. Players want to come to us (lucas neill tosser), not washed up hassed beens and never was beens. Our season is filled with positives, 5-4 loss is rewarded by EPL for bringing people through gates. 0-0 a waste of time and money (but will win championships). Not negatives ie who will buy our club, who is our new manager, who wants to leave. My feeling: if our brand of football doesn't excite you F--- off! if you dont love the east end F--- off! if you want to play 4 matches a season (see above). Make every contract performance based ie no play no pay. No player is bigger than our club, criticize manager/club take their generally overpaid wages from them and F--- Them Off! Reward our defence for a fabulous goal difference this season (well done Robert Green and friends). If you want proof of money wont buy success Man City will do it 4 u

Blagg: Errr.... is there something in the water there in Oz?Chill out dude - you'll give yourself a coronary. And STOP swearing. It's not big nor clever....

Posted by simo 2 days, 21 hours ago

From a neutrals point of view it would seen however that your directors are an interfering bunch who follow the hollywood adage that any publicity is good publicity - Boa Morte was quite right

Posted by A Raj 2 days, 15 hours ago

Blagg - Do you see this as Zola's last game? For all the talk of West Ham playing football the right way, it seems like the last half of the season our offensive strategy has been to lump the ball forward to Cole and see what happens. The build up to Boa Morte's goal was one of the few that involved passing the ball on the ground. Part of me wants Zola to stay, just to see if he can get everything turned around. At the same time, bringing in an established manager who has the approval of Gold/Sullivan may make for a smoother run team next year.

@Kerry, what defense were you watching this season? Only 4 teams in the league gave up more goals than us this season.

Blagg: I think it will be his last game ...

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Billy Blagg Born at an early age a mere defenders spit from the Boleyn ground, Billy Blagg has seen every West Ham game from 1898 onwards. Blagg was mentioned by Kenneth Wolstenholme in 1966 as one of the people on the pitch during the famous Hammers win over West Germany that lifted the World Cup and he returned to the pitch again for the 1975 FA Cup Final but stayed on the terrace for 1980 FA Cup victory. Blagg, 26, now lives with his eighth wife and innumerable children in a small semi-detached with chintz curtains in Dagenham, Essex and still attends every Hammers match and training session.
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