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Sunday 23 May 2010 | Outdoor equipment feed


Outdoor gadgets: On the trail of Kit Man

Gadgets that bring home comforts to the great outdoors have given rise to a new breed of outdoor adventurer. But purists are unconvinced.

TwoNav Aventura: gadgets for the hi-tech hiker
Hi-tech hiking gadgets lik this TwoNav Aventura are all well and good, but they're no substitute for basic outdoors survival skills

Up there, in the clear, fresh air, it isn’t just the stars that are glowing. You can Climb Every Mountain, as the old song says, but at the top of them you will find a bleeping nightmare of hi-tech gadgetry and hardship-avoidance devices. The great outdoors has surrendered to the Call of the Wired, and the purists don’t like it.

Missing that rich taste of real coffee as you slog up Snowdon? Then pack the Handpresso portable outdoor espresso maker, only £84 in a leather case. Worried about getting lost? Relax with the TwoNav Aventura handheld GPS unit featuring 3D and aerial displays plus built-in compass and barometric altimeter for £500.

Even the sacred covenant between outdoor types and wet socks has come unravelled with the development of “hydrophobic” fabrics which repel all moisture, including the two pints a hiker’s feet can release in a day. Danalco, a leading outdoor gear company, says its socks will now stay dry “even when fully immersed in water”.

At next month’s Outdoors Show, to be held at Birmingham’s National Exhibition Centre, all this kit and more will be on display for an audience which, seemingly, can’t get enough of it. “When we ask people what they come to the show for, they list two things,” says the event’s sales manager, Mike Simmonds. “One is the inspiration to get outdoors in the first place, and the other is to see the new gear, the gadgets, the breakthroughs. That’s what they love.”

The nine-year-old event – the showcase of Britain’s booming adventure business – is expected to attract up to 35,000 visitors, with around 200 exhibitors showing off everything the tech-savvy adventurer could wish for, from solar-heated sleeping bags to remote-controlled lanterns. “The problem with the old-fashioned lanterns was that you had to get up and switch them off,” says Julian Zambianco, boss of E-Z Manufacturing, the American company that makes them. The firm also markets a collapsible armchair which the comfort-loving outdoorsman can now complement with a folding footstool.

The rise of Kit Man – as the gizmo-fixated menace of the 21st century mountains has been christened – reflects both changing social trends and the dizzying speed of scientific advance. Modern hikers have moved on from the Spartan routines of 50 years ago, when discomfort, bad food and danger were seen as part of the authentic outdoor experience. They also have more money and a conditioned attachment to life’s luxuries.

However, basic pioneering disciplines – map-reading, camp-laying, First Aid – have declined, to be shakily replaced by the virtual skills offered by technology. With so much gear now available, Kit Man and his kind stand accused by the old-schoolers of being interested only in reaching the summits of gadgetry.

“I think these people are completely missing the point,” huffs author and TV presenter Guy Grieve, who spent a year living alone in the Alaskan wilderness. “The whole idea of going into the wild is to get away from the things that tie you in knots at home. I’d prefer to take as little as possible – a tent, a rifle and a few pots and pans. All this technology, I mean, it might look fantastic on paper, but when the s--t hits the fan it’s almost certainly going to let you down. What will see you through is the old stuff, the maps and the bits of rope. There are times when you need that kind of dependability. Who’d want to be stranded out in the wild with a gadget freak?”

Travel and adventure writer Clive Tully, author of The A to Z Guide for Lightweight Travellers, agrees. “Be suspicious of anything that claims to make your life easier,” he warns. “My experience is that people who depend on technology are woefully ill-prepared in other ways. You still need to be able to read a map, and do the basic stuff. I remember going to Scandinavia, and I’d been given this new gadget that was supposed to keep the mozzies away. They said it worked by mimicking the sound that the male mosquito makes at the moment of orgasm, which was supposed to make the females, who do the biting, lose interest and go somewhere else for a partner. So we hung it up in the tent, and it made this irritating noise all night, and when we woke up we’d been bitten to shreds.”

None of which is sufficient to keep Kit Man from his toys. From Ben Nevis to the Himalayas, the hills are alive with the sound of ringing mobiles, beeping biometric pressure meters, clicking ultra-violet radiation sensors, and the whirring of the current ultimate in gadget chic – the Parrot AR drone, a micro-helicopter which can be controlled from an iPod to send back live pictures of the route ahead!

Thus tooled-up, Kit Man must consider what he is to wear. And as any visit to a contemporary outdoor store shows, this involves not only acquiring new clobber, but new jargon. When he asks about a pair of pants, he will learn about moisture vapour transfer rate and hydrostatic head resistance, and wickability. He’ll be told that the vest he’s interested in is fitted with a polytetrafluroethylene membrane, and that the boots which caught his eye have a built in air-conditioning system, with advanced longitudinal flex, and heel-and-toe shock absorbers.

All this amounts to big business. According to Profile, a market research group, Britons spent £1,360 million on outdoor products in 2008, the last year for which figures are available and, at a time when the overall leisure market is shrinking, sales are rising fast. “These are exciting times for the outdoor industry,” says the group’s latest report. “The level of participation and general interest in the outdoors is at an all-time high. Traditional outdoor activities such as walking, camping and cycling appeal to a broad and growing sector of today’s more leisure-conscious society."

It is tempting to scoff at Kit Man. Especially for the poor wife who gets a Shewee (“the world’s leading portable urination device for women”) for Christmas. But not everyone sides with the romantics. Many in the adventure business say gadgets have encouraged thousands who would otherwise not have ventured into the great outdoors. Evidence from the American market also suggests that tech has had a positive environmental impact, and increased safety standards.

Then there’s the latest research from Germany’s Institute for Biological Cybernetics, which suggests that, left to their own devices, humans are doomed to wander round in circles. “We cannot trust our own senses,” says its director Dr Jan Souman. “The déjà vu that you feel when you are lost in the woods is real. The brain will bring you back to where you started.”

Better to have the satnav and the portable focaccia oven and treat the abuse as part of life’s long journey.

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