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Anti-Democrat T-Shirts and Bumper Stickers

Posted by: wryteacher
Posted on: Jul 24
Viewed 9429 times

Purchase at: http://www.veertotheright.com


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over 2 years Ago



You would think that after 6 years of republican rule, that you guys would have MORE to run on than Petty Insults directed at the democrats, huh?

Guess not!

over 2 years Ago


Well…we have to speak a language that you can comprehend. The Facts don’t seem to have any effect on you guys.

over 2 years Ago


Great Vid!! It was hillaryious. Unfortunately the libs don’t even have the slightest idea which topics those clips were responding to.
Decepticon…great name for a socialist in democratic clothing. :) Sounds like you have swallowed the entire Marxist doctrine. Hmm…6years of Republican rule…booming economy the likes the World has never seen even after a despicable attack on our own American soil that had economic repercussions that would have brought a lesser Nation down to its knees. I Guess those TAX CUTS DON’T WORK YOU IDIOT! Petty little insults?? Well I guess all of those Kill Bush bumper stickers or the Not 4 more years bumper stickers qualify the left as the morons that Care more and feel your pain more than those petty insults we throw. More like We think more and are Correct more than those Dem Jac@a55e5. Have a Good Day Demonacon.

over 2 years Ago

Elroy Smiley

ah yes the facts, like Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, Global warming isn’t happening, man walked with the Dinos, tax cuts for the rich during a time of war is good for the economy, by the way the euro is kicking our ass. At least Halliburton stocks are doing well.

over 2 years Ago


hey elroy go watch this video


seems democrats couldn’t stop whining about Saddam and weapons long before the war.

yes, the earth is getting warmer, the argument is about WHAT is causing it.

eh, why bother with this. I need to go make a bumper sticker that says MAN ONCE WALKED WITH DINOSAURS BUT NOW WALKS WITH DEMOCRATS. WHAT’S SCARIER?

over 2 years Ago


Excellent job, wryteacher! I think you just wrote the Republican platform for ‘08, as well as what SHOULD be the Republican strategy for taking back the Congress! As for Mr. Smiley, we’ll just see how the economy does if Queen Hillary ascends the throne. Anyone remember the last time a Democrat occuppied the White House with Democrats controlling Congress? Can you say Jimmah Cahtah? Yeah, those were really the glory days for the US of A, huh?

over 2 years Ago

Elroy Smiley

hehehehe I love that we have to borrow a billion dollars a day from the Chinese to keep our economy alive. So much for fiscal conservitism. Hey remeber the 90’s when a Clinton was in the Whitehouse? the middle class was better off, there were fewer families falling below the poverty line, and a war was won without any Americans lives being lost. Can’t wait for Hill to wipe her ass with whoever the republicants put up. hehehe I love this site :)

over 2 years Ago


Yeah I remember. Clinton was more worried about where to put a cigar than responding to the terrorist attack on the world trade center in ‘93. hohoho, those were the days! And remember the bombing of the USS Cole where Clinton didn’t do a damn thing again? Oh man, your right, I miss those days when he had a foreign policy twit in the White House. Good times, Elroy, good times.

over 2 years Ago

Elroy Smiley

Lets add how many American soldiers died under Clinton and how many have died under Bush. Its hard to keep up because every day more Americans die for Bush and co. Man that Bush foriegn policy is working very well Good timez man :)

over 2 years Ago


Using the number of soldiers killed while president as criterion, Elroy, Democrats FDR and Woodrow Wilson would be the worst presidents in our nation’s history. Care to rethink your criterion?

over 2 years Ago


no he wouldn’t because elroy doesn’t think much. he just spouts liberal drivel.

over 2 years Ago


actually, abe lincoln would be the worst president

over 2 years Ago


Where was the “BILLARY PLANTED ANOTHER ONE” at the Republican youtube CNN debate from Wednesday 11-28-07. CNN and the Klintons are at it again. What a dangerous joke those two are.

over 2 years Ago


are you chanelling dead crazy people. I seriously didn’t understand a word you just said.

over 2 years Ago


Ok i just realized what you said. I honestly think its cool. Finally, Our world has been completely hijacked by liberals. Let the apocalypse happen, this will insure the liberal victory,and let the Roman orgies begin. Depravity and Debauchery for all.

over 2 years Ago


LEAVE THE ROMAN ORGIES OUT OF THIS. Elroy Smiley is right during the Clinton 90’s the economy was booming, the American word had value more than a joke, and the military was not over stretched with the possibility of a draft.

about 1 year Ago


That was beautiful but most of all honest, unlike LIBERALS! America can’t afford to get screwed by another Democrat President. Long live Charleton Heston! If CHUCK was our next President he would nuke Iraq and Iran and just be done with their garbage.
about 1 year Ago


So like whut happened to Deception?
Was that Al Gore?

about 1 year Ago


First of all everyone, learn to spell. It’s pretty bad…

And since when is the “Marxist Doctrine” to “not direct insults at the democrats”??? Did anyone else catch that little parcel of stupidity?

Personally, I can bring myself to vote republican again when Bush, McCain and their ilk are replaced with ACTUAL conservatives, but until then, I guess I’m just supposed to buy into drivel, meaningless words on bumper stickers, and idiots telling me “democrats’ll ruin this country” while tweedle-dumb is sitting in the whitehouse…

about 1 year Ago


One stunning achievement of the Pelosi/Reid rule of Congress is the 60% increase in the cost of a gallon of gasoline. Quite the legislative success.

about 1 year Ago


Excellent video.
