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2005 Results:
Conservative: 19268 (44.8%)
Labour: 13538 (31.5%)
Liberal Democrat: 7145 (16.6%)
Other: 3083 (7.2%)
Majority: 5730 (13.3%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 17364 (43.6%)
Labour: 14743 (37.1%)
Liberal Democrat: 6011 (15.1%)
UKIP: 1162 (2.9%)
Other: 509 (1.3%)
Majority: 2621 (6.6%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 21085 (43.6%)
Labour: 14827 (30.7%)
Liberal Democrat: 9479 (19.6%)
Referendum: 2538 (5.2%)
Other: 426 (0.9%)
Majority: 6258 (12.9%)

No Boundary Changes:


portraitOutgoing MP: Peter Viggers(Conservative) Will stand down at the next election (more information at They work for you)

portraitCaroline Dinenage (Conservative) Born 1971, Portsmouth, daughter of TV presenter Fred Dinenage. Educated at Wykeham House and Swansea University. Sales director. Former Winchester councillor. Contested Portsmouth South 2005.
portraitGraham Giles (Labour) Qualified probation officer and baptist minister. Founder of a charity helping disabled Romanian children. Associate professor at Bucharest University. Received an MBE in 2003 for services to disadvantaged children in Romania.
portraitRob Hylands (Liberal Democrat)
portraitAndrea Claire-Smith (Green) writer.
portraitAndrew Rice (UKIP)
portraitBob Shaw (English Democrat)

2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 91341
Male: 49%
Female: 51%
Under 18: 22.7%
Over 60: 21.7%
Born outside UK: 4.7%
White: 98.4%
Black: 0.2%
Asian: 0.4%
Mixed: 0.6%
Other: 0.4%
Christian: 76.2%
Full time students: 2.2%
Graduates 16-74: 14.8%
No Qualifications 16-74: 25.6%
Owner-Occupied: 74.6%
Social Housing: 16% (Council: 10.6%, Housing Ass.: 5.4%)
Privately Rented: 5.3%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 9.8%

203 Responses to “Gosport”

Pages:« 110 11 12 13 [14] Show All

  1. I think Barry Bennett is no longer standing here for the BNP – suggestion he may be now be Portsmouth N candidate

  2. Cons Hold= 9,000 maj

  3. Labour: 18500
    Conservative: 18000
    Liberal Democrat: 4000
    Other: 3083 (7.2%)
    Majority: 500

    Lab Gain from Lib Dem

  4. Gosport has 50000 electors (without Fareham) and the Isle of Wight 110000.

    Could Gosport not be extended to include part of the Isle of Wight instead, such as Ryde that is directly opposite?

  5. NO!

    Your prediction of a Labour gain looks quite eccentric-particularly since you have it starting as a Lib Dem seat!

  6. Shaun – methinks Dalek is kidding, although he often makes bona fide serious predictions. He may be trying to wind Peter Chegwyn up too, which several people might not mind too much………

  7. Con Hold

    Maj 6200

  8. I wasn’t too bothered by Dalek’s prediction Barnaby. Its nonsense, and I’m not that worried about it. My real horror was at his suggestion of pairing the Isle of Wight with the mainland.

Pages: « 110 11 12 13 [14] Show All

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