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2010 Results:
Conservative: 31090 (56.56%)
Labour: 5266 (9.58%)
Liberal Democrat: 13911 (25.31%)
UKIP: 3319 (6.04%)
Green: 1383 (2.52%)
Majority: 17179 (31.25%)

Notional 2005 Results:
Conservative: 24720 (52.7%)
Liberal Democrat: 10771 (22.9%)
Labour: 7833 (16.7%)
Other: 3622 (7.7%)
Majority: 13948 (29.7%)

Actual 2005 result
Conservative: 28975 (52.1%)
Labour: 9360 (16.8%)
Liberal Democrat: 13054 (23.5%)
Green: 2150 (3.9%)
UKIP: 2114 (3.8%)
Majority: 15921 (28.6%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 26279 (49.8%)
Labour: 10705 (20.3%)
Liberal Democrat: 12507 (23.7%)
UKIP: 1539 (2.9%)
Green: 1273 (2.4%)
Other: 453 (0.9%)
Majority: 13772 (26.1%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 29417 (49.8%)
Labour: 10185 (17.2%)
Liberal Democrat: 15213 (25.7%)
Referendum: 3527 (6%)
Other: 757 (1.3%)
Majority: 14204 (24%)

Boundary changes:


portraitCurrent MP: Charles Hendry(Conservative) (more information at They work for you)

2010 election candidates:
portraitCharles Hendry(Conservative) (more information at They work for you)
portraitLorna Blackmore (Labour)
portraitChris Bowers (Liberal Democrat) Lewes councillor.
portraitDavid Jonas (Green)
portraitDan Docker (UKIP)

2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 95649
Male: 48%
Female: 52%
Under 18: 23%
Over 60: 23.9%
Born outside UK: 6.7%
White: 98.1%
Black: 0.2%
Asian: 0.4%
Mixed: 0.7%
Other: 0.5%
Christian: 76.5%
Full time students: 2.4%
Graduates 16-74: 20.7%
No Qualifications 16-74: 22.1%
Owner-Occupied: 81.8%
Social Housing: 9.1% (Council: 6%, Housing Ass.: 3.1%)
Privately Rented: 5.8%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 4.3%

NB - Candidates lists are provisional, based on candidates declared before the campaign. They will be updated to reflect the final list of candidates as soon as possible following the close of nominations.

58 Responses to “Wealden”

Pages:« 1 2 3 [4] Show All

  1. There you are Harry told you!

  2. Thanks Pete

  3. Which wards comprised this constituency in 1983, and were there boundary changes in 1997? I know Wealden district is not wholly within this constituency, despite the name.

  4. Cons Hold= 16,000 maj

  5. Con Hold

    Maj 18 200

  6. Con maj 15,000

  7. Con Maj 16000

  8. Con majority 15,000


  10. Sir Geoffrey Johnson Smith has died.

    First elected for a seat in 1959, he was an MP for this part of the world from 1965 – 2001.

    He was 86.

  11. I knew very little of him, but he seemed quite a character.
    Sad news.

    I’m surprised the Green vote wasn’t higher here, given their successes in Forest Row.

    I’m pretty sure the LDs did retain about 3 points of their 1st debate surge in the election result (compared to what otherwise would have happened, and that some of this hit the small parties).

  12. The Greens took 1,002 votes here in 1992 which was a relatively good result then but haven’t been able to improve on it much in the years since then.

  13. I’m not a Green supporter, or a supporter of electoral reform, but I think it’s good that they won a seat.
    It would be good if UKIP could win a seat somewhere aswell.

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