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Dimitar Berbatov the scapegoat as United's title hopes fade

Victory at Sunderland proves hardly satisfying as fans examine the reasons for United's decline

Dimitar Berbatov

Dimitar Berbatov missed several chances at the Stadium of Light and has become the fans' scapegoat. Photograph: Nigel Roddis/Reuters

In the circumstances, it was a Manchester United performance of class and achievement. Sir Alex Ferguson's players were quick to the ball, their passing was crisp and it was not until the final whistle that their body language betrayed them.

For a few seconds they just stood around, unsure perhaps how to react or whether it was appropriate to look pleased with themselves. Slowly, they started to move among one another, shaking hands, nodding in appreciation of each other's work but very little was said and it was all tinged with unmistakeable sadness.

They had just become only the third Premier League side to beat Sunderland on their own ground this season but the celebrations were restrained to say the least. No bearhugs, no piggy-backs, no let's-all-have-a-disco. Nobody even punched the air. Footballers usually like to get a bit silly when they have won away from home. But here was Rio Ferdinand with his hands on his hips. Paul Scholes looked like he had just lost the biggest match of his life. Dimitar Berbatov, on an afternoon of personal humiliation, headed straight down the tunnel. The others followed slowly; a brief clap to the away fans from just outside the centre circle but noticeably no closer and then they were gone.

Nani's 27th-minute goal had ensured the season must go to its final day before Chelsea can prise the championship trophy away from Old Trafford. Or, to put it another way, United had managed to prolong the agony for another week. Football can be a strange game and maybe Wigan Athletic can pull off something extraordinary at Stamford Bridge next Sunday but, then again, the chances are they probably won't. Wigan have taken only 11 points out of a possible 54 on their travels this season. They drew at Stamford Bridge two seasons ago with a last-minute goal from Emile Heskey, but Ferguson summed it up succinctly when he said: "Listen, we are clutching at straws a little bit."

And so, barring one last feat of escapology that would exceed anything David Blaine has done, the championship trophy will be leaving Old Trafford after three years. United have lost seven times in the league and there is a blame culture in football that means individuals will always be identified for special criticism. In this case, Berbatov has become the popular scapegoat and it is undeniable that he has endured a difficult year, particularly towards the business end of the season, but the reasons are more diverse than just one player's erratic form.

United can cite a luckless run of injuries (17 players have missed a month or more), the regression of players such as Michael Carrick and Ferdinand, and the way the team have missed Cristiano Ronaldo and, to a lesser extent, Carlos Tevez – two players who have scored over 50 goals between them this season for Real Madrid and Manchester City respectively.

Selling Ronaldo was always going to hurt the team, not just because of his goals but also because of the sapping effect his presence can have on opponents. That wow factor has gone this season, even if Nani and Antonio Valencia have been two of the better performers. Berbatov, the club's most expensive player, has flickered only sporadically and, on a personal level, this game was another ordeal.

"We were careless with our finishing," Ferguson grizzled, and everyone knew whom he meant after the Bulgarian's second-half misses. "Dimitar could have scored four."

But Berbatov is not the only player who has failed to excel. You look through United's squad to identify which players can legitimately be described as having brilliant seasons and the only ones who stand out are Rooney, Darren Fletcher and Patrice Evra. Too many have scored six or seven, but not eight or nine, out of 10. Last season, when the Professional Footballers' Association announced the shortlist for player-of-the-year, five of the six names came from Old Trafford. This year, Rooney was the club's only representative.

United are now relying on beating Stoke next weekend while hoping Chelsea, with only five points dropped at home all season, fail to beat Wigan. "You never know," Ferguson said.

"Football is a crazy game. I wouldn't insult Wigan in any shape or form because they are a really good football team and they will have a go." But in all honesty he didn't really look like he meant it.

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  • nonemorepunk nonemorepunk

    2 May 2010, 11:26PM

    It wasn't a great year for United, but then again other clubs have had mediocre form this season as well. They need to buy a goal poacher for next season and sort out the mdifield. That should be enough to mount a challenge again next season.

  • RainbowBrite RainbowBrite

    2 May 2010, 11:43PM

    He didn't have a good game today, but apart from 2-3 games he's actually played pretty well this season

    I must be the only United fan who defends him, I'm sick of hearing my fellow United fans cry out "he missed 3 sitters in one game SELL HIM!". He's very talented and it makes me upset that they can't see that.

    He's been lacking in confidence in the last few weeks, and slating him at every given opportunity will not help. It's about time we started to show that we support him, and he'll get some confidence back and be firing on all cylinders again.

  • Lardons Lardons

    2 May 2010, 11:49PM

    Berbatov is not a scapegoat. He's a 30 million quid player that has been a huge disappointment and who fluffs every important chance that comes his way. Two years and still looking like a stranger who has wandered into the wrong team.

    Looks an even bigger waste of money given that 30 mill is serious wedge given the Glazer debt - I still marvel at how they bought a club with its own money!

    Seems like a nice bloke and he'll do a pretty flick or pass the 5th goal into the net in extra time...but he just isn't going to ever look like a player that cost more than Torres.

  • willooi willooi

    2 May 2010, 11:50PM

    What's with the crazy, contradictory sensationalism?

    On the front page:

    Dimitar Berbatov has again failed Man Utd when it really mattered

    In the article:

    ... but the reasons are more diverse than just one player's erratic form


    But Berbatov is not the only player who has failed to excel

    He's good, he's crap, he's not that bad considering... make up your minds!

  • Mekus Mekus

    2 May 2010, 11:50PM

    Daniel, you are obviously as sad and disappointed as all us all. There is still no need to write this frankly rubbish article while still in the press room at the Stadium of Light.

  • nicgreaves nicgreaves

    2 May 2010, 11:56PM

    Agree with zoomtube : good examples of what happens when you throw money at players that don't fit your system.

    Then again, these days Wenger only seems to buy players that fit his system and it doesn't work out....

  • ratherbered ratherbered

    3 May 2010, 12:18AM

    I can't believe the negativity here. United have had a great season. Alright they came up just short in the Champions League and are about to lose the title to Chelsea but looking at how many key players were injured I think they have performed miracles to be where they are.

    Yes the players are disappointed and rightly so because the trophies haven't been won and the margin of failure is very very slim so obviously they will look at this match or that and think about that goal conceded or that chance missed.

    I'd simply like to say thanks lads. You've been magnificent and produced some great football and great moments of drama and entertainment this season.

    I'll remember this season as the one where Wayne Rooney really came of age and demonstrated that he is the best English player of his generation and one of the best players in the world.

  • donwendyagain donwendyagain

    3 May 2010, 12:30AM

    When Barcelona failed to make it back to the champion's league final in the week there was a general consensus among the media that this was just a blip and nothing to worry about, in fact more was made of how terrible it was that Inter had the temerity to outplay Barcelona over the tie.

    But United probably narrowly missing out on winning the league for a 4th successive season and failing get to a 3rd successive champion's league final will inevitably be the cue for a wailing and gnashing of teeth about where it all went wrong and how SAF is past it etc etc.

    Anyone could point to reasons why United will probably not win the league this season like injuries, loss of key players last summer, poor form etc but the real reason is simply that Chelsea have been marginally better.

  • Porthos Porthos

    3 May 2010, 12:47AM

    I agree, he's a bit of a scapegoat. But as a Spurs supporter, I'm not all that surprised.

    He was never right for United and was never going to fit. If we still had him at White Heart Lane, with Modric in particular feeding him passes, he'd be one of the best strikers in the world. Instead, he went glory-hunting to united without thinking it through.

    Finishing fourth would be wonderful, if only teach players like him and Carrick a lesson.

  • nyeastender nyeastender

    3 May 2010, 12:53AM

    Better team at the Bridge - ref gifts Chelsea the points. Outplayed at OT, ref still gifts the points.

    Tough to swallow, but, looking in the mirror, lose to Burnley, what can you expect (no disrespect to Burnley, but did United expect them to roll over?).

    Team without Ronaldo -- a better team imo (I'm entitled).

    We never really know what goes on behind the scenes, but United could have used the Ronaldo leverage to get Sneijder for virtual pennies.

    We are in desperate need for a midfielder that can see the field like Scholes. Sneijder was one of the few around, the right age, and not loved at RM (insufficient gel maybe).

    That gap in our midfield has not gone away.

  • Dixie1979 Dixie1979

    3 May 2010, 12:54AM

    Vidic has been brilliant since he came back into the team, Daniel. Valencia and Park have also had good seasons. Not vintage United but to suggest they've been poor is a bit of a piss take but indicative of the knee jerk reactionary spasticated football media we're privy to these days.

    Which is nice.

  • Kenaldo Kenaldo

    3 May 2010, 1:03AM

    If Spurs finish fourth, I'm sure Carrick will look at that achievement and wish he's stayed there, rather than wasting the last four seasons at United winning three league titles and a Champions League.

  • Philipaxis Philipaxis

    3 May 2010, 1:12AM

    Glazers... Check out Tampa Bay Buccaneers and watch the pinnacle go to the abyss..It's about the money folks and we should thank them for ending the empire that was Man U.

  • ActionJackson ActionJackson

    3 May 2010, 1:19AM

    Maybe it's just because United were playing Sunderland today, but I have to wonder what Bent would be like on United? What if the chances that have fallen to Berbatov this season had fallen to Bent? Bent has 25 goals on a medicore team. A strong argument could be made that he's a better finisher (but obviously less overall quality) than Rooney. Would Bent score 30+ on United? Just a thought.

    Berbatov...what a waste of money. At least when Rooney drops back into space he's fast and aggressive and races back up front get in a goal-scoring position.

  • Banmeifyoucan Banmeifyoucan

    3 May 2010, 1:24AM

    Nobody is scapegoating him but it is the press with their not so ambiguous uttering of that fact.
    United failed as a whole, blaming it on one fellow is not going to right any wrongs. I didn't see Carrick or Fletcher having a particularly stellar season... (or anyone else for that matter barring Rooney).

  • Ruprict Ruprict

    3 May 2010, 1:53AM

    Only the most deluded optimist in the world could imagine that Wigan will get a result at Chelsea , but we have massively exceeded the predictions of doom and terminal decline that accompanied the departure of Ronaldo and Tevez . Utd will come again as long as SAF is in charge . Congratulations to Chelsea , especially Lampard , who for some reason never gets the credit that he deserves .

  • Monctonian Monctonian

    3 May 2010, 2:12AM

    Only the most deluded optimist in the world could imagine that Wigan will get a result at Chelsea

    Like the one earlier in the season you mean? 3-1 to Wigan.

    Or the one a year or two back where Wigan dented Chelsea's title hopes? Or did I imagine that?

    I'm so deluded I even think Wigan came back from 2-0 to defeat Arsenal 3-2 just a couple of weeks ago.

    They won at Villa too.

    Not delusion, just recognition that although Chelsea have the advantage, football is riddled with the kind of result that would see ManU take the title.


    3 May 2010, 2:14AM

    To put it as succinctly as possible, injuries, the likes of carrick, and earlier in the season nani under performing, added to the fact we don't have a back up striker that can decide big games and the absence of another top class attacking player have left us just short this season.

    The solution: hope our back 4 won't be as injury prone next year, buy a top class creative attacker, expect the further prominence of the likes of the da silva twins, evans and macheda, and keep faith with players like carrick who have endured a poor season, but are proven quality. We already have the crux of a good squad, with possibly a couple of additions required.

    On the Berbatov issue, he's had a decent season, but he'll always be saddled by his price tag- for a £30m striker, he simply isn't productive enough against the best teams or in the big games.But he's worth keeping for next season. If player like Benzema is around at a decent price, it may be worth picking him up, as he can play out wide in big games when Fergie likes to play 4-3-3.

  • vodalus vodalus

    3 May 2010, 2:23AM

    Even Teddy Sheringham took several years to fully shine for United. And Berbatov, in all sorts of ways, is a similar player.

    Besides, it's not like United lost today. Berbatov should have scored (several) but goal difference is irrelevant at this point, frankly.

  • poetrysociety poetrysociety

    3 May 2010, 2:24AM

    The Man Utd era is over. The Glazer model doesn't work, interest payments take precedence over investment in players. Ferguson can't go on forever, the succesion will be a poisoned chalice. City have almost unlimited resources and will knock United "off their perch". Happy days!

  • sheedysleftpeg sheedysleftpeg

    3 May 2010, 3:15AM

    Wigan to draw 1-1 im putting money on Moses scoring the first then Chelsea huffing and puffing until Lamps AGAIN scores to equalize but to no avail. and im not a manc, I just need some money so why not bet crazy.

  • duncan23 duncan23

    3 May 2010, 3:27AM

    United got three points today in what was a bruising encounter. Sunderland should have had Cattermole sent off and (uncharacteristically) Malbranque.

    Dimitar Berbatov is an absolutely brilliant footballer. No player enjoys missing chances or being subbed but aren't we forgetting that Ferguson mentioned weeks ago that the player has an injury that may have to be dealt with over the summer.

    And should United get more points than Chelsea next weekend -which is still possible -some people are going to look much stupider than Dimitar Berbatov.

    I'm not a predicting kind of fellow but the words "Titus Bramble" keep popping into my head.

  • duncan23 duncan23

    3 May 2010, 3:30AM

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  • RatticusFinch RatticusFinch

    3 May 2010, 3:41AM

    Makes me laugh how some people are saying stupid things like 'The Man Utd era is over' etc.

    Chelsea finished 3rd, ca. 10 points off the top last year with practically the same team as this years. Liverpool tipped by many to win this year's league, sold one player and are now likely to finish 7th or thereabouts. I think United have done rather well considering injuries and loss of Ronaldo and the whole anti Glazer protests / financial turmoil and regular dosage of negative press.

    History suggests one team can't win everything year in year out - nobody would bother with football at all otherwise. Power shifts in varying degrees constantly. To scream 'end of an era' when United might loose the league on the last day of the season and went out of the CL quarter finals on away goals is clutching at straws.

    City, Spurs and Chelsea fans general bitterness lies in the knowledge that it will take them twenty years minimum to achieve the status that United or Liverpool enjoy.

  • Elfmeterpunk Elfmeterpunk

    3 May 2010, 4:05AM

    City, Spurs and Chelsea fans general bitterness lies in the knowledge that it will take them twenty years minimum to achieve the status that United or Liverpool enjoy.

    I agree, because football fans are pathetic. You can even buy a club and let its supporters pay for it. The ones who don't agree will still show up, just in different coloured scarves.

  • HannibalLecterMD HannibalLecterMD

    3 May 2010, 4:08AM

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  • 1caipiraintelectual 1caipiraintelectual

    3 May 2010, 5:15AM

    Stop this! Really! It's tired and it's old. Berbatov is an excellent player. Really I think that the failure is Ferguson's since he hasn't found a role for such a skilled player. An analogy would be that United bought a Ferrari and expected it to be a Volkswagen.

  • Pannasastra Pannasastra

    3 May 2010, 5:19AM

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and all, but it all comes down to a basic misjudgment. SAF prioritised Berbatov over Tevez. It was an understandable decision, but turns out to be the wrong one.

  • MUfrom81 MUfrom81

    3 May 2010, 5:25AM

    Congrats to Chelsea. They responded very positively to the defeat at Spurs.

    I am proud that United dragged the fight till the last game of the season. A lot keeps being made of the Ronaldo/Tevez departure, but United's points haul (probably 85) is not that much below last season.

    In fact, you could look at a little thing here or there that could easily have won us the title. For example, had Sir Alex fielded the right XI against Chelsea; Had Valencia's shot not hit the bar but gone in against Liverpool; and in the most defining moment of the season, when we were 0-1 down to Burnley, when Roonay and Berbatov broke through with no defender around... but left the ball to each other and it simply trickled out.

    I'm happy with the Carling Cup. It's as important as you make it. And we're the only team with a trophy so far. Chelsea may still finish empty-handed, and Good Luck to Portsmouth and Fulham.

  • TheRedBadboy TheRedBadboy

    3 May 2010, 5:59AM

    Porthos: "Finishing fourth would be wonderful, if only teach players like him (Berbatov) and Carrick a lesson"

    What lesson would that be, exactly?
    Given that both Carrick and Berbatov, since leaving Spurs, have won five Premiership titles between them (and still with an outside chance of another this year), a couple of League Cup winners medals and a European Champion's medal apiece - having played in consecutive finals - I'm not sure that they'd regret losing out on whatever medals they hand out for finishing fourth.

  • crustycroquette crustycroquette

    3 May 2010, 6:29AM

    It hasn't been a bad season by any means, come on.
    When we sold Ronaldo, we were the ones who would drop out of the top four, remember? Everyone was making noise about Liverpool winning the league, and the likes of City and Spurs making a move for the top four (as they have done) but at the expense of United rather than Liverpool.
    I never thought I'd see Nani become such a pivotal player for us. He's finally stepping out of Ronaldo's shadow, which is a brilliant thing given how precociously talented he is. I'd be shocked if he doesn't have a good World Cup.
    Valencia on the other flank has been equally impressive, if in a different manner. He's quick, and he's an absolutely incredible dribbler. The only thing is, just like Berbatov, he's goal shy.
    I'm not going to criticise Berbatov. I like the guy. He's got that aura about him, that sheer talent. I just wish he would work that bit harder.

    The mere fact that we are going to finish this season in the top two despite selling arguably two of our top three attacking players (as well as an unlucky quarter-final Champions League and the MickeyMouse trophy in the cabinet) is pretty damn awesome.
    If we can have better luck with injuries next season (I'm looking at the two Owens and Rio) there's no reason why we shouldn't be aiming to win the title back.

    Having said all of that, I will be donning Wigan's colours next weekend. The title race isn't over yet.

  • theKnowledge theKnowledge

    3 May 2010, 8:02AM

    Wow, almost 50 comments and the most used excuse of a United fan this season hasn't been used: "Not bad for a team in transition"

    I loved the one someone used above about if Valencia's shot blah, blah, and if Rooney and Berba when through on goal blah, blah,

    Here are some more: If they would have scored 2 more goals in the last game against Chelsea,
    If more people used beach balls against the teams Man United played this year.

    If more teams would just let them score at will.

    Then the title wouldn't be going to the final day!! If only.

    Carrick and Berba, learn your lessons!! It's obvious that the lesson is that it's more important to fight for (and eventually) achieve fourth place in the league than winning the league and other stuff such as Carling and European Cups!!

  • safeasmilk safeasmilk

    3 May 2010, 8:38AM

    Porthos Finishing fourth would be wonderful, if only teach players like him and Carrick a lesson.

    Spuds eh? Dont you just love 'em?

    I sometimes think there's a parallel universe where what they say makes sense.

  • Supersub09 Supersub09

    3 May 2010, 9:08AM

    I'm sure I've seen thjs article re-written a million different times this season by the same writer!

    All in all, a team that lost Ronaldo and one that could be fairly described as being in transition, I don't think losing to chelski by 1 point is something to be embarassed about. Not to mention the defensive injuries they have suffered.

    Hardly what I call a "decline"!

    However, berbatov is a flop - if you are not expecting much of a player that cost you £30million then I clearly have no sense of monetary value!

    Time he went....a poor,poor striker!

  • Hattiedad Hattiedad

    3 May 2010, 9:39AM

    Curious how football commentators are quick to deride the black-and-white nature of fans' judgements on teams and players, and then contribute to it themselves. United in decline? With just a stroke of good fortune here and there - Terry's goal being disallowed at Stamford Bridge earlier in the season, as it should have been - United would be going into the last game of the season with the title in their grasp. The commentariat would then be hailing a resilient United who had shrugged off the loss of Ronaldo to collect yet another title. The difference between that scenario - a draw at Stamford Bridge instead of a defeat - and the current circumstances is minute, and yet the difference in the evaluation is enormous. Doesn't make sense. Problem is that the real difference between last season's title-winning performance and this year's is Ronaldo. With Ronaldo in the side the title would probably be wrapped up by now. But I think that's simply too prosaic a view for the critics to accept. It's simple: United are a very good side who, with Ronaldo in their ranks, could be sure of beating nearly anyone. Without him they are a lesser team, but very nearly as good as Chelsea who, let's not forget, are still only a point ahead of United and haven't shed any influential players. What's the big deal? Oh, and by the way, it isn't over quite yet.

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