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Wednesday 21 April 2010 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Daily Telegraph's Deputy Editor. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk.

David Cameron scraps his PEB for an expenses moment


The Conservative party broadcast planned for tonight has been ditched. Instead David Cameron has recorded a personal statement that aims to identify him – and not Nick Clegg – as the change candidate for those who want a new kind of politics. He’s done it direct to camera (if Mr Clegg can look the voter in the eye, so can Dave), and it is interspersed with greatest hits from the crucial moments when Mr Cameron stood out from the pack as someone who is on the side of an angry electorate (these include his expenses press conference last May, his ‘glad I got that off my chest’ answer to Joey Jones at the manifesto launch, his defence of marriage tax, etc). His emphasis will be on the Big Society – not the philosophy, but the specifics: recall your MP, cut ministerial salary, reduce the size of the Commons, etc. Be the change, Mr Tony told his party when he left. Mr Cameron wants to remind us why he, and not Mr Clegg, represents change.


  • Cameron represents a pocket full of small change.
    John Duckham

    Duckham on Apr 19th, 2010 at 12:44 pm
  • Cameron knows well enough what he needs to offer, a change from paying out billions annually to that monster EUssr.

    That would be the best change he could offer.

    There are other things that we require, but very little can be done until we run our own midden.

    Owd Al

    owdal80 on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:01 pm
  • Aaaah David Cameron, I remeber him. Wasn’t he the one who thought that he was going to be the future once !!!

    tommix on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:03 pm
  • Won’t help. Dave already blew his chance.

    Vote UKIP – But not before taking a long hard look at this succinct, conservative and sane manifesto.


    esotericist on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:03 pm
  • The Conservatives will get nowhere unless they acknowledge that there is considerable dissatisfaction with the EU. At very least there is the matter of documented corruption and the fact that the EU accounts have yet to be signed off by the auditor.

    Pragmatist on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:04 pm
  • But not sufficiently on the side of the majority of voters who want out of the EU and are tired of the climate change scam and want government off their backs telling them what to eat and how much, what to drink and how much, and what rubbish they can put out and how much.

    Rocky on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:14 pm
  • The problems Britain faces are crystal clear. Cameron will get nowhere bleating on about his w*anky deckchair abstracts like ‘Big Society’ when every voter in the land is keenly aware of the huge icebergs the country is heading towards.

    As a floating voter I need to hear Cameron make the following five COMMON-SENSE election pledges to the nation tonight:

    1. Economy – an honest assessment of the big cuts Britain will need.
    2. EU referendum – an in/out/trade-only vote for the British people.
    3. Immigration – a halt to all non-EU immigration into Britain
    4. Climate Change – a Royal Commission to audit the science/funding
    5. Crime – tough on all crime, tough on protecting British liberty.

    Principled, directly-targeted, authoritative and politically neither right or left wing. If Cameron refuses to commit to such obvious policies to meet the very real needs of Britain, he is unfit to be considered a leader. And my vote will float to UKIP.

    PeterS on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    LibDem policy on the EU
    Labour policy on the EU
    Conservative policy on the EU



    Rastus C. Tastey on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:23 pm
  • The trouble with YOUNG ‘leaders’ like Cameron (and Clegg) is that they are surrounded by even younger starry-eyed acolytes with even less life experience.

    In their childish devil’s kitchen, in between flirting with eachother and plotting their sycophantic political CAREER-PATHS… they cook up all sorts of hare-brained idealistic visions of the future. Few of which have any connection to the real world.

    NuLab did the same thing. Now Nucon is trying and NuLib is having a crack at it.

    Very depressing because like most childish endeavours it will end in tears.

    esotericist on Apr 19th, 2010 at 1:33 pm
  • Cameron should have thuht about who was in charge before he put in his lamentable performance in the TV debate. Commentators seem to have underestimated just how wet and hopless Cameron appeared.

    His ‘I feel your pain’ pitch and Blairish ‘I’m an ordinary bloke wot uses the NHS’ fell so far short of the mark and took no account of Clegg’s limelight stealing approach .

    At times Cameron seemed phased by the whole process and even lost for words -he was upstaged left and right and looked pale and tight lipped squashed in the middle.

    His new pitch had better be good or with the devious and dishonest Labur stategy of telling its own supporters to vote Lib Dem to block the Tories, Brown will be back stitching up Cleggy in a nasty little deal that will wreck the country.

    Where are the Tory posters? ‘Vote Clegg Get Brown’ -they should be all over the country by now.

    Davidjay on Apr 19th, 2010 at 2:01 pm
  • [...] Daily Telegraph’s Deputy Editor explains that the statement aims to: “identify him [David Cameron] – and not Nick Clegg – as the [...]

  • [...] will cap Lib Dem vote – Tom Clark Key moments from the foreign affairs debate – Politics Home David Cameron scraps his PEB for an expenses moment – Benedict Brogan The Clegg phenomenon and two hung parliament scenarios – Labour List New ICM [...]

  • Mr Cameron wants to remind us why he, and not Mr Clegg, represents change.

    I admire the honesty of the blurb at the top of this blog: His blog brings you … occasional insight into politics I guess today wasn’t a day for insight, just party line propaganda.

    Hear, hear to esotericist, BTW. The country went to the dogs when we allowed persons under 60 in possession of less than 1500 acres of land to vote. Not to mention the female sex, and our “friends” of the ‘coloured persuasion’ what, what!

    Dave Weeden on Apr 19th, 2010 at 7:12 pm
  • How can Cameron claim to have led the way in tackling the parliamentary expenses scandal when he kept the house-flipping George Osborne on his front bench?

    osterhagen on Apr 19th, 2010 at 10:39 pm


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