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Labour and Conservatives Neck and Neck

The monthly YouGov poll for the Telegraph suggests that Labour have so far survived the recent furore over party loans unscathed, while some of the shine has begun to wear off of David Cameron. The topline figures, with changes from the YouGov/Sunday Times polls earlier in the month are CON 36%(-2), LAB 36%(+1), LDEM 18%(-1).
The [...]

Populus on Inheritance Tax

It will probably still be a day or two before there are any polls to gauge reaction to the budget, but there was a rather surprising Populus poll commissioned for the BBC’s run-up to the budget.
The poll covered the subject of inheritance tax. While this is a highly emotive subject for a small section of [...]

YouGov on the Labour Loans

A new YouGov poll suggests that the majority of the public think that Tony Blair is sleazy, the way honours are distributed are corrupt and that rich donors have too much influence over the Labour party.
The topline voting intention figures for the poll in the Sunday Times are CON 38% (nc) LAB 35%(-1) LDEM [...]

Cameron the BMW level with Brown the Tank

The ICM poll for the Guardian also included a voting intention question with Brown as Labour leader, which showed the now normal pattern of the Conservatives doing better against Labour with Brown instead of Blair. The full figures were CON 37%, LAB 37%, LDEM 19% (as ever bear in mind that polls don’t predict, they [...]

ICM puts Labour back in the lead

A surprising ICM poll in tomorrow’s Guardian puts Labour back ahead with a good 3 point lead – a reversal of last months figures: CON 34% (-3), LAB 37%(+3), LDEM 21% (nc).
Voting intention polls tend to shift for identifiable reasons – Charlie Kennedy is ousted as party leader and the Lib Dems go down; Tories [...]

Labour Party Members agree with education rebels

The other contentious (and rather more high profile) Commons vote this week is on the Education Bill. YouGov have carried out a poll of Labour party members asking their opinions of the proposals in the Bill, and their opinions seem to be closer to the Labour rebels than the Government.
Only 5% agree with the original [...]