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The economy debate: Join us tonight

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Last week, 2,500 people joined us on LabourList for our Live Blog of the second leaders' debate, and another 500 joined in our joint LiveChat with the New Statesman, Liberal Conspiracy and Left Foot Forward. This week, for the final debate on the economy, we'll be repeating and expanding our online and offline events -- with a live stream of the debate itself and instant photos and news from our joint debate watch and campaigning...
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Third debate: LiveChat

Join us at 8:30 for our joint LiveChat with Left Foot Forward, the New Statesman and Liberal Conspiracy....
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Second debate: LiveChat

Join in the LiveChat now, below:...
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The second debate: Live blog

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 So, who won this week?  I thought Gordon Brown was very strong tonight. He seemed more comfortable in the setting, was knowledgeable and statesmanlike as you'd expect on matters of international affairs and diplomacy. His "get real, Nick, get real" line was the highlight of the debate, and with his "squabbling at bath time" line he also managed to crowbar in a couple of pre-prepared jokes with relative ease. On Afghanistan, he was humble and sombre. And...
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Cameron: The Naked Truth

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 I've just been alerted to this document via Twitter. It's a full dossier of what the author calls "a tongue in cheek look at the promises versus the reality" of Cameron's Conservatives.  It's as interesting for its use of many different web tools in the same place as it is for its content - none of which is new - but I thought it deserved a wider audience: We're sorry, your browser doesn't support IFrames....
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Join us for our second debate watch and campaigning party!

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Last week's TV debate between Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg is being called a 'game changer' which has projected the Lib Dems into the limelight. 9.4 million people watched the debate, but none were having more fun than us at our debate watch party and campaigning session. This, the 2nd debate of the series, will give Labour an opportunity to put international issues at the centre of our election campaign. To help spread...
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Labour's iPhone update as 300,000 contacts made weekly

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 With Labour activists now making 300,000 contacts a week -- compared with 100,000 per week at the same stage of the election campaign in 2005 -- Victoria Street has quickly updated its popular iPhone app to help supporters further connect with voters. The new update is based on further feedback from the app's users, and improvements are designed to deliver realworld outcomes in terms of voter ID and spreading the party's policies. Activists had told...
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100,000 Lib Dems mobilise in new Rage-inspired Facebook group: Could this really be an Obama moment?

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 When James Mills wrote in December of what political parties can learn from the success of the campaign to put Rage Against the Machine into the Christmas number 1 slot, I doubt he expected that his words would be taken so literally, so soon and by Liberal Democrat supporters. But that's what's been happening in the last few days, as Lib Dem supporters have been organising independently online via a new Facebook group, promoted by the man behind...
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Labour reaction to last night's debate

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Here are the assessments of some of the leading Labour people in the blogosphere on last night's debate. I thought Nick Clegg was both the net winner and the best performer on the night. He was clear and principled, and as had the advantage of being able - and keen - to attack both his opponents. Gordon Brown was strong throughout, particularly during the middle third, during which David Cameron was at his weakest. Some of Gordon's attack...
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Organising online, mobilising offline

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Last night, with LGBT Labour, London Young Labour and the Young Fabians, LabourList co-hosted a hugely successful debate watch party, with over 100 people joining us in London. We were joined by Labour's general secretary Ray Collins, Chris Bryant and Harriet Harman - who took the opportunity to launch Labour's LGBT manifesto. Both Chris Bryant and Harriet Harman criticised Chris Grayling's views on gay rights in B&Bs and said the Tory shadow home secretary should...
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The Debate: Live chat

Join us from 8pm for our debate live chat, with the New Statesman, Left Foot Forward and Liberal Conspiracy. We'll have exclusive and instant comment from Polly Toynbee, Will Straw, Sunder Katwala, Alex Smith, Sunny Hundal and the New Statesman's political team. You can also follow @LabourList and @alexsmith1982's tweets from our joint debate watch party in London tonight in the widgets below. And we're also gathering further views from top ativists, candidates and journalists in our regular widget on...
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Join our joint debate live chat this evening

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Alongise our joint offline debate watch event with the Young Fabians, London Young Labour and LGBT Labour tonight, during which we'll be leafleting and phone banking, you can also join LabourList, the New Statesman, Liberal Conspiracy and Left Foot Forward online for a special join livechat. We'll be bringing together immediate thoughts from leading commentators, including Polly Toynbee and Sunder Katwala, and reacting in realtime to the events of the debate. The livechat starts at...
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Same old Tories: Compass launch new web project

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Alongside their good work with Progress and LabourList in the David v Goliath campaign, Compass have today also launched a new website, Same Old Tories, with an ad on the Tories' "progressive" credentials based on David Cameron's embarrassing fumble in an interview with Gay Times magazine recently: The new project follows on from Compass' campaign to get people to sign up to a petition calling on David Cameron to sack Chris Grayling after the Tories'...
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#LabourDoorstep comes of age

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 With those words, last Good Friday, LabourList launched the Twitter hashtag #LabourDoorstep. It was originally an idea posed by Jessica Asato as a way for LabourList to try to mobilise the ever-growing number of Labour activists using Twitter, to communicate and mobilise and share stories of canvassing for Labour. Since then, thousands of people have left tens of thousands of tweets about their experiences on the doorstep. Although we never quite got around to arranging prizes for the...
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#Labour2015: Imagining the future

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 UPDATE: Some of the first tweets we've had - about a brighter future for us and our families under Labour - are now at the bottom of this post. When Labour came to office in 1997 it did so under the slogan, New Labour, New Britain - with the intention of transforming the public services that had suffered from the nearly two decades of Tory neglect that I remember well. Looking back on the last...
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Join us for our big debate watch party!

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 This year's unprecendented TV debates between Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg will be crucial points in the general election campaign. They are also an opportunity for Labour to reach a wide audience and spread the message of economic action and a future fair for all. To help spread that message and talk to people about the issues, join London Young Labour, LabourList, the Young Fabians and LGBT Labour at Bar Soho in London...
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In praise of Ellie Gellard - and the real story behind her rise

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 Tomorrow morning's front pages contain some meaningless stories about Ellie Gellard, who introduced this morning's manifesto event. I'm not going to link to them – you know how to find them if you must – but they reflect is churnalism at its worst, with little regard for the real story behind Ellie's rise to prominence over the last year. They are based on one part of a story, a much larger story than the reports themselves represent. The jist...
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Something stupid: Labour's first Twitter casualty?

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 UPDATE: The New Statesman is reporting that Stuart MacLennan has been sacked as candidate for Moray. We've always said that the real impact of the internet on this election might be a young candidate saying something out of line, which is picked up by social media and quickly becomes a problem. Earlier in the year, I told Politics.co.uk: "The web really concentrates and intensifies news - and disseminates information quickly. If some young candidate quietly says...
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The other campaign: Who's winning the battle for Twitter?

By Paul Afshar With over 2.5 million UK users, and millions of daily Tweets, it’s hard to ignore the influence of social media site Twitter on conversation around Election 2010. But what influence will it have on the election campaign?   Using Edelman’s Political TweetLevel tool we’re able to measure and track the influence, trust engagement and popularity of the top 150 politicians, bloggers, candidates and journalists, ranked by their influence on Twitter during the campaign. This is measured on a...
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The Facebook election: Snap poll of 16,000 users points to hung parliament with significant numbers of undecideds

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982 With the online space an ever-increasingly important aspect of campaigning in British politics, some have asked whether Twitter can help influence or predict the result of the May 6th ballot. Others say, with its 21 million users in the UK, this could be the first Facebook election. Certainly, Facebook has the potential to reach millions of voters - and it's a tool Labour is using well with campaigns including Save Our Sure Start and the...
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