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Please consider making a donation to sustain LabourList

Motif only LL admin contributorAs a grassroots, Labour supporting website, LabourList relies on donations from our readers and from people who share our aims, in order just to survive and continue our work.

Please consider supporting LabourList by donating £25, £50 or £100, or an amount of your choosing. If you would like to contact us regarding funding, please contact the editor at mail@labourlist.org.


200th LunchtimeList email appeal, 16/10/2009

After nine months and a lot of ups and downs, LabourList is today sending out its 200th LunchtimeList daily email. At times it's been a struggle, but I know people are proud of what we've achieved so far.


During those nine months, LabourList has received over 2 million hits from over 250,000 individual readers. We've championed the many voices within our movement and we've developed policy ideas, shaped the media agenda and helped amplify Labour's proud grassroots voices - becoming one of the most influential websites in Europe as a result. This has all been done because people like you care about our party and want to contribute to the debate about its future.


As we go into the long general election campaign, we'll be fighting against a strong, long-established and well-funded Conservative online operation. As if that wasn't enough of a challenge, Lord Ashcroft recently invested £1.3million into ConservativeHome to improve the quality and increase the frequency of their output - and to pay for a team of viral video production specialists.


In contrast - and contrary to popular rumour - LabourList is not funded by large organisations. It is run with no office, no support staff and no real funding. Since April, it's been run out of my kitchen in North London.


Now we need your help. If you value what we do at LabourList, please consider making a small donation to help save, sustain and improve our work so we can continue to survive over the next 200 days and more. All money raised will be put towards hiring a second pair of hands to help the fightback, to hire interns and to set up an office ahead of the election.


You can donate £25, £50, £100 or an amount of your choosing by clicking here.


I hope you'll support us in continuing our valuable work,




“Alex has been working tirelessly to create a site that zings and will have a big role to play in the future of Labour politics. If it didn’t exist then we’d have to invent it. Luckily, Alex has devoted himself 24/7 to doing that for us. It needs support; let’s do it. I’ll pledge £100, if 20 people make donations of £25 by the end of today.”

Anthony Painter, Guest Editor and columinst

"LabourList is an invaluable website, allowing contributors and readers alike to debate ideas and challenge policy. I would add my support to those hoping that the site can raise funds, to allow it to continue and grow." 
Rachel Reeves, contributor and PPC for Leeds West

"LabourList has grown to become the ‘must read’ website for Labour supporters and activists. It has managed to bring together disgruntled Labour voters with passionate party champions in a way which, despite strong disagreements, adds to a sense that Labour now has its own online community. But if LabourList is going to continue to grow and try and reach new progressive audiences it will need money. As befits a grassroots organisation this money will have to be found from us, the users. If you’ve ever appreciated a post or left a terse comment, please consider donating. Obama’s campaign was built on the generosity of ordinary people, and so should LabourList be. Let’s keep it going for another 200 days and more."
Jessica Asato, contributor and Acting Director of Progress

Posted on Sep 25, 2009 at 03:30pm

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