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Andrew Lomas

Andrew Lomas

Andrew Lomas is Labour’s PPC in Wycombe. He is currently working on a PhD in cancer research at Oxford University, alongside which he teaches undergraduate chemistry.

In 2006 Andrew authored Rewiring Democracy which looked at using the internet and other technologies to make government both more citizen-centred and more efficient. He is the Director of the Oxford Branch of the Henry Jackson Society, reflecting a long-standing interest in foreign policy and security issues and is also a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Scientists for Labour and the University and College Union, reflecting his interests in education (especially HE), science, technology and innovation, and questions surrounding the misuse of drugs.

Politically, Andrew is influenced by the ideas of J.S.Mill, G.D.H.Cole and Amartya Sen and would describe himself as being firmly on the liberal wing of the party.

Andrew can be followed on Facebook and Twitter.

Posted on Apr 28, 2009 at 11:32am

Contributor's latest posts

The politics of proxy: National Insurance or National Interest?

1:49 pm, Thu 8th Apr 2010
The politics of proxy: National Insurance or National Interest? By Andrew Lomas There comes a time in the life of a school-child when “my dad is better than your dad” loses its lustre as a rhetorical device. Unfortunately, the...
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Fair funding for all

9:22 am, Mon 22nd Mar 2010
Fair funding for all By Andrew Lomas / @AndrewLomas Higher education funding has been under pressure recently; the real terms reduction in the Higher Education Funding Council for England grant for institutions across England has...
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The denigration of science for political expediency is wrong

3:32 pm, Sat 31st Oct 2009
The denigration of science for political expediency is wrong By Andrew Lomas / @andrewlomas Professor David Nutt was, until the end of this week, head of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs and therefore the senior government...
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The left is about redistributing wealth and power

4:26 pm, Fri 4th Sep 2009
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Parts of Labour are at odds with reality – inequality cannot be overcome by legislation alone

12:06 pm, Thu 6th Aug 2009
Parts of Labour are at odds with reality – inequality cannot be overcome by legislation alone By Andrew Lomas / @andrewlomas Out of her tree. Lost the plot. Such are the continued howls of derision that have greeted Harriet Harman’s various ill-judged pronouncements on men generally...
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What is Labour for?

10:32 am, Fri 12th Jun 2009
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Activism is not enough. We need a clear sense of direction

11:36 am, Tue 28th Apr 2009
Activism is not enough. We need a clear sense of direction By Andrew Lomas / @andrewlomas To date this year I have been involved in two council by-elections, both of which came about as the result of the untimely deaths of...
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