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Greedy Associates - The FindLaw Legal Lifestyle and Career Blog

Rutgers law clinic on trialThe "where does your funding come from" question directed towards law school clinics.

Kagan '81 rumored to be top candidate for Supreme Court. Princeton law grads hoping to bat 3/3 in recent SOTUS confirmations.

Kaplan Survey: Pre-Law Students Confident About Law School Decision. 1L to classmate: "good luck in the job market, you'll need it."

Just off the heels of Easter, if you walk into a grocery store, drug store, or convenient store this week you will see them.  Donning familiar pastel pinks, yellows,  and blues, they will likely be relegated to clearance bins, marked with "50% Off" stickers, or headlined under "Buy 1 Get 1 Free".

They are Peeps.

Otherwise known as those marshmallowy confections shaped like curious versions of animals. Hundreds of millions of Peeps are whisked off of store shelves each year.  So, what happens to the heaps of Peeps that survive Easter? And what in a chick's name is the connection of Peeps and law...well, the ABA Journal has found a definitive link through their photo gallery "Peeps in Law":

Footnotes: Law School Clinic Tug of War, GPA Bump & More

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parkbenchnewspaper.jpg A new week, a new docket of law school news.

Supreme Court Rules for Student Seeking Discharge of Loan DebtIn law student v. loans, one point for law students.

Right to Name Minor League Stadium Will Cost Cooley Law School $1.48M. The country's largest law school to headline the home of the Lugnuts.

John Grisham is Going Tween

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Make some space at the lunch table, Stephanie Meyers and JK Rowlings, there's a new tween writer on the scene.  That's right, John Grisham his casting his legal fiction genre to adolescent light.

As reported by the ABA Journal, the series' protagonist will be a 13-year old son of two lawyers.  The first book, "Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer" will be published by Penguin.

Monday Footnotes: Health Care, Haiti, Bobbleheads & More

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parkbenchnewspaper.jpg Manic Mondays just got a little more manageable...we are moving our regular feature "Friday Footnotes" to Mondays so you can reign supreme in water cooler law school news at the start of the week.  Want to hold on to that crown? Check back on our blog or consult the archives for the new, the interesting, and the humorous in legal lifestyle news.

So, welcome back to your new weekly dose of "Monday Footnotes"...


House delivers health care victory for President ObamaPassing 219-212, could this mean health care for struggling law students?

Law Students Raise $140,000 for Haiti Relief EffortsCounting for change.

Relax, Legal Scholars: Bobbleheads Are Safe at Yale. It's enough to make Dwight Schrute jealous. 

Because You Love "the Office"...and its Legal Liabilities

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It's Thursday. And if you're one of millions of Thursday night tv-viewers you know that it means another episode of "The Office". If you've been an avid--or even occasional--fan of this mockumentary-style show, you might have caught yourself asking "is that even legal?"  to Michael Scott's blissful oblivion to employment law, HR considerations, and other workplace norms.

Well, you're not alone.

The blog, "That's What She Said" offers a weekly legal look into legalities of "the Office" as issue-spotted by attorneys from Ford & Harrison.  

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Resume Humor, the Gift that Keeps On Giving

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It's been a few months since our last installment of resume humor as collected, compiled, and commented on by Resumania.com. In that time the economy has slowly begun to show hints of recovery and recoil and job seekers are still keeping steady with applying, networking, and hoping as they contemplate their next cubicle or corner office. 

And with no shortage of job applicants, there is also plenty of ripe job application humor.  Laugh with us....then go review your resumes and cover letters for unintended mistakes.

Son of a...Lawyer. And Daughters Too.

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It's not easy being green, and it's probably not easiest being the son or daughter of an attorney either.  The bar is set high, no pun intended (okay, maybe a little one) and arguing for your freedom becomes all the more challenging when the case is made to professional arguers.  But that never stopped anyone from finding their own spotlight.

Coming off the heels of the Oscars, here are a few notable celebs who have found stardom of their own, despite--or maybe because of -their litigating parental(s).  A nod to the circa-2004 legal lifestyle mag "Jungle Law" for the topic concept...whatever happened to them.

Friday Footnotes: The Law School Rank Effect & More

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A round-up of recent law school news, served fresh.
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US News Rankings Czar: Our Methods Don't Affect Law School Diversity. Does emphasis on LSAT and GPA undermine law school diversity?

Court refuses Husson law school request, again.  No Bar exam for these future law grads.

CUNY Spends $155M for New Law School Home, Spurring Outcry.  Queens cost of living, 101.