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After Tuesday's episode of "The Hills" aired, Lo Bosworth took to her Twitter to try and set things straight -- she and Stephanie Pratt weren't responsible for spreading the nasty rumors in Whoville Hillsville! Kristin Cavallari wrote back, and she's obviously still not buying it. (We're anxious to get to the bottom of this whole thing ourselves.)

Elsewhere, Diddy encouraged people to ask for what they want and Asher Roth might be a great lyricist, but it sounds like he's totally lost in the kitchen.

Check out their Tweets below:

If anyone from "The Hills" should be doling out rumor-coping advice, it's Kristin Cavallari. While last night's "Hills" whodunit really didn't get her anywhere, she stuck to her guns and pushed hard to find the source.

Check out this clip from the "After Show," where hosts Jessi and Dan kicked off a new segment called "What Would Kristin Do?" A high school teen asks K-Cav how to deal with gossip, and K-Cav's wise advice is to just ignore the drams. (Too bad she didn't take her own suggestion!)

How bad was the vibe at Kristin Cavallari's party? So bad we almost wrote a list of seedy bar bathrooms we'd rather be stuck in for hours without hand sanitizer ... but that would have taken all night. Instead, we came up with this here list of party tricks that could've maybe helped lighten the mood.

1. Use surprise guests as conversation starters.
All people get giddy around harmless things that are soft to the touch -- like babies, and cocker spaniels. But if you don't have one of those neato items to show off, we recommend renting a small circus pet, preferably of the furry/toothy/grinny variety. (Spider Monkeys are guaranteed to work wonders.) You'd be surprised how many interesting conversations can come from letting a wild animal run loose on the patio!

2. Pass out crystals as party favors!
Spencer's housewarming gift (pictured above) was quite thoughtful, and potentially therapeutic. According to some experts, crystals worn around the body are one of the oldest remedies around and can be used for anything from psychic awareness to healing an emotional wound -- or bringing about love, money or protection. Fancy that, everyone could've been as calm as Spence if he'd only offered to share some of his accessories. (Dibs on the Key to Atlantis next time!)

3. Serve food.
Was it just us, or did every girl there look really hungry? We know it's not necessarily sexy to stuff your face at a party with wings or pigs in a blanket, but a carrot stick, shot of vitamin water and cube or two of cheese would only have cost about 35 calories and could have made all the difference in Stephanie's teary confrontation with her bro.

4. Play Pictionary, or something equally as dorky.
OK, so board games don't normally come to mind when you envision a swanky L.A. gathering, but we've never known an "uncool" activity like this to fail in cranking up the fun factor, or getting people's minds off all the petty BS they've been bitching about since their first trip to the party ball. Even gossipy lushes have an eternal kid lurking inside!

5. Get shy guests moving with a crack-filled piñata.
Hey, if you can't beat the rumors ...

Ooh, we love gossip! But apparently, Kristin Cavallari does not (at least, not when it's about her!). The first thing Kristin did when she returned from Miami was hit up Audrina’s pad to find out exactly who was masterminding the nasty rumors being spread. 'Drina played clueless but still managed to sorta throw Lo and Stephanie under the bus Range Rover, confirming K-Cav's original suspicions.

Kristin thinks Steph's a nosy sh** talker (Brody agrees, even though his opinion is kinda irrelevant in the matter, don't ya think?) and Steph thinks Kristin is just looking to point the finger. Either way, someone needs to bite the bullet and apologize ... or do they? Take the poll and let us know what you think.

During last week's premieres of "The Hills" and "The City," it was a challenge to find the right words for the live blog. But now that the seal is broken and we're fully invested in learning the truth about K-Cav's supposed drug habit, hearing reactions to Heidi's plastic surgery and seeing more of Kelly Cutrone's happy tears, I'm hoping tonight things'll flow more easily. Really hoping. As they say in tween action films and Facebook status updates, let's do this ...

10:01 p.m. Kristin opens the episode with a knock on is-she-or-isn’t-she friend Audrina’s door. Speaking of which, where’s the guy who got these girls clawing at each other in the first place? Justin Bobby, isn’t it about time you broke into one of their kitchens and microwaved some penne?

10:02 p.m. Kristin just invited Drina to her upcoming house party, where according to this week's previews, Heidi will debut her new self to the crew and Spencer will show the first signs of clinical madness.

Side note: Kristin looks well-rested -- not "cracked out" at all to me -- but, hey, I don’t have Lo here to explain the warning signs. Cut to …

10:03 p.m. Lo and Stephanie are now chatting about K-Cav’s alleged cocaine habit. We’re so not in Laguna anymore, Toto.

10:05 p.m. Steph says she hasn’t seen Spencer in months. But here’s the real question: Has she heard about his crystal addiction? (No sillies, not meth … actual crystals!)

10:07 p.m. Out to lunch, Heidi tells Spencer that she’s excited to show off her new bod at K-Cav’s party. (Too bad we already saw you bust it out in Vegas, baby.) Spencer says he’s hesitant to see his sister, who he hasn’t talked to since her DUI (it was “the last straw”). Whoops, we almost forgot about Stephanie’s drinking snafus with all this chatter about K-Cav’s coke prob. Poor Steph’s always getting one-upped :(

10:08 p.m. While Kristin’s pouring her heart out to Stacie about the rumors she’s a drug addict, Stacie insists on pouring Kristin a drink because -- wait for it -- she “needs it.” Wonder if Stacie’s aware of her knack for satire. Stacie also encourages Kristin to kick Stephanie’s ass, which sounds like a perfectly rational way to end talk that she’s spinning out of control.

10:11 p.m. And we’re back from commercial break with a little gossiping between the other girls on the show: Frankie and Brody. Apparently, Brody wants to "assess the situation" at Kristin’s party before he decides whether he wants to "hit it" with Audrina. Funny, she's talking like such a dude.

10:14 p.m. Uh oh, sounds like there’s some bad blood between Brody and Drina's new tall-haired boyfriend, Ryan Cabrera -- and we know it’s serious by the way Brody totally LEAVES HIM HANGING at Kristin’s party. Way to embarrass a bro on his first “Hills” appearance, Brody.

10:16 p.m. 1,000 times better than Heidi’s “surgery hug” for Kristin is Spencer’s housewarming gift: a gigantic (F cup?) crystal.

10:17 p.m. Heidi just told Audrina she’s considering another chest upgrade: “Hs for Heidi.” Is that the modern equivalent of a Carrie necklace?

10:18 p.m. Good to see that Spencer and Brody are still on speaking terms. It’s probably because Spencer is now “vibrationally tuned in.” But riddle me this: Why would someone who holds "The Key to Atlantis" deny a relation to his own sister?

[Deep breath] Quickly, can I just comment that I feel like I’m a fly on the wall of Bizzarroland? [Deep breath]

10:20 p.m. Double whammy for Steph tonight -- hit once by the host of the party, and two minutes later a super below-the-belt attack from Spencer, who seems to be jonesing for more crystal crystals.

10:21 p.m. Stephanie just stormed out of the party, crying. Spencer’s still shouting about her irrelevance from inside, proving Drina’s point that he might just be “off his rocker.”

Side note again (hmm, or is a live blog just one big side note?): That shot of the humungo crystal juxtaposed with the Bellini is glorious. Adam DiVello = 21st-century Ansel Adams.

Commercial Break #2: This new "Sex and the City in the Desert" movie looks pretty atrocious.

10:25 p.m. Charlie’s got some good insight for Spencer, as in “ya lost it.” Not what we’d call professional help, but hey, at least there’s a voice of reason beneath that 'stache.

10:28 p.m. Kristin’s all business when Stephanie comes to meet her for dinner a major pounding. She makes it pretty clear that they’re not gonna be friends, or even frenemies. Nada.

10:29 p.m. Somewhat cruel but comical mimicking by Kristin of Steph’s reaction ensues, then exit stage left stage right wherever the other girl isn't standing.

Next on "The Hills": Spencer refers to Heidi and Holly's mom as a "vagina." Looks like the live-blogging won't be getting any easier ...

10:32 p.m. Woot woot! WWD gave Whitney a rave review for her runway collection, and now Mama Cutrone is beaming with pride. (It's not tears, but we'll take it.)

10:33 p.m. Whitney and Roxy sound like church bells as they high-five their two dozen bracelets together.

10:35 p.m. Erin just swallowed her pride and complimented Olivia on the Anna Sui video interview. So far so good with last week’s proposed peace treaty. Well, until someone runs out of smile glue.

10:37 p.m. Roxy is introduced to a guy who photographs naked girls on the subway. Naturally, there's an attraction. Wonder if he likes crotch tats?

10:39 p.m. Why oh why is Olivia so angered by Roxy’s invitation to Whitney's showroom? Is it because she needs a calligraphied invitation sent with a prestamped envelope?

10:44 p.m. We're back from the commercial break, still wildly confused by Olivia's social ineptitude but relieved to see she's actually made it to the Whitney Eve Editors' Meeting. Liv is icy toward her old coworker, as usual. She mentions that she’s focusing on interviewing young designers for ELLE.com but turns dead silent when Kelly suggests she feature Whitney. This makes no sense.

10:48 p.m. Zach's giving Rox the sexy eyes, and after a productive day together he now wants to know what’s going on with her “situation.” We'll tell you what the situation is, Zach. Situationally speaking, your situation would be lucky to get into her situation station. Now, meet our friend Mike.

10:50 p.m. Apparently, Whitney's line is too "inconsistent" for ELLE.com. Liv just can't seem to understand why Erin thinks the collection would be a good fit for the brand. Sometimes reality TV gets way existential, ya know?

10:54 p.m. Elle has a new fashion director: Alexis. Could she be the next coworker Olivia goes up against? Can she be, please? (Alexis totes looks like she can kick some "social" booty.)

10:57 p.m. Everyone at ELLE except Olivia is excited about Whitney’s look book. Because why wouldn't they be?

10:59 p.m. Ah, OK. Whit's just now finding out that she was chosen for the Young Emerging Designer feature -- and she thinks Olivia actually helped it along. Well, this primes next week's episode for double drama. Maybe Whit will finally learn the art of the bitch-slap? According to Roxy, she does now owe Olivia a favor ...

Next on "The City": Olivia blows off her interview with Whitney, then gets called out for being a "complete bitch." (Can you smell that slap a-comin'?) And Roxy goes on a date with a seemingly solid guy!

Everyone's wondering whether or not Lauren Conrad will make a grand re-entrance on the last season of "The Hills," and that might be partly due to gossip girl Kristin Cavallari. During an interview with "Access Hollywood," she mentioned that it was a definite possibility. "I know that they’re trying to get her to [come back],” K-Cav said. "I hope that she does because I think that it would just be amazing." (Really? Don't you guys, like, have a rough history?)

Either way, SOMEONE should make a surprising comeback! Check out a few veterans we'd love to see, then cast your vote.

Oh, The Possibilities: We know that Whit's living the good life as a fashion designer and close personal friend of Kelly Cutrone, but what would happen if she went back to her old life? Would Whitney be completely over the catty Hollywood scene, or would she embrace her old buds and blend right in?

Oh, The Possibilities: Spencer lost it when Heidi's goody two-shoes ex-boyfriend Colby was in town to spread the gospel catch up on old times. Can you imagine how much Mr. Pratt would flip if Jordan returned and demanded Heidi back? (We haven't really thought this one through -- it could go very wrong.)

Oh, The Possibilities: Lauren's ex-boyfriend was the original heartbreaker on "The Hills" -- dating him even gave her a questionable rep (she's "the girl who didn't go to Paris"). If Wahler returned, would he and Spencer spark a new bromance, or is there only room for one bad boy now?

Oh, The Possibilities: Even though she eventually made nice with Lauren, we'll never forget that Bunney went behind LC's back and hooked up with Brody. If she showed up in town, not only would there would be a three-way maybe-fight between the Brody-struck ladies, but we anticipate some serious backstabbing.

Oh, The Possibilities: This former "Laguna Beach" stud has dated both K-Cav and Lauren, and we say, "Why stop there?" Bet if he were to waltz in that a certain boy-crazy Pratt sister (ahem, Stephanie) might take notice ...

"The Hills" frenemies friends whatevers Kristin Cavallari and Audrina Patridge are really fickle with their distaste for one another. While last night's premiere showed them kinda/sorta getting along, it also reminded us of why there's so much beef between them. Well, it looks like their relationship's on an upswing because the two were spotted chillin' together yesterday! What's bringing them together now? Hair.

Joining the John Frieda Style Tour, the Hillzies hung out in Times Square to get their 'do's done by the pros. They also took advantage of BCBGMAXAZRIA's pop-up shop and slipped on some chic (and short!) summer dresses. As long as there are no boys around, it seems like these girls get along just fine.

+ What do you think of Drina and K-Cav's final look? They're certainly prettier when they're not shouting at each other!

After last night's "Hills" premiere aired, we posted a poll about whether you thought Lo, Stephanie and Audrina were judging Kristin too harshly for her Miami all-nighters. So far, 40 percent of you have responded "yes" -- though a solid 30 percent say K-Cav may actually be headed for trouble, and her friends are right to be concerned. (Another 30 percent think it's too early to tell.)

Well, the best thing to do when opinions are split is to go straight to the source and ask for the truth, and that's exactly what "After Show" hosts Jessi and Dan did last night when they invited Kristin onto the hot seat.

Check out a clip from Kristin's interview, in which she explains her distance from the girls that weekend and chalks up the partying to being 23 years old and having some fun at the Super Bowl.

Months ago, the tabloids unveiled all sorts of goss surrounding Kristin Cavallari's social life, and rather than eat it up/jump to a million conclusions, we decided to wait for Season 6 to find out the real story for ourselves. Well, we've got (some) clarity after tonight's "Hills" premiere.

While in Miami for the Super Bowl, Kristin split off from her fellow Hillzies and did her own thing. (Was it because Brody was mackin' on Audrina? Or maybe she just doesn't like those ladies anymore?) Stephanie, Lo and Audrina assumed the worst, and after a few of Kristin's all-nighters, they tag teamed her (they tend to do that) with accusations of some serious stuff -- like being a crackhead.

+ Think the girls were overreacting, or does K-Cav really look like she's headed for trouble? Take the poll!

We're quickly nearing the end of MTV News' Most Buzzed About "Hills" Moments countdown. And you know what that means! Or maybe you don't. In case it's been a while since you've swung by Remote Control (tsk tsk), it means Season 6 of "The Hills" premieres tomorrow night (10/9c), and you'll finally see what happens when Heidi's mom stops being polite -- and starts getting real. Until then, take a look back at some of the most gossip-inducing scenes in the history of the series:

#4: Heidi Moves Out of Hillside Villas, into Pratt Territory

#5: K-Cav Declares War on Her New Castmates

#6: Heidi and Spencer Tie the Knot (Twice!)