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No Doubt in Band Hero

No Doubt publicly expressed disapproval over their appearance in "Band Hero" last year by filing a lawsuit against Activision. Just as Courtney Love became angered over Kurt Cobain's use in "Guitar Hero 5," the band claimed "Band Hero" crossed a line by allowing them to be used singing other performers' songs. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Kenji Machida made at least one decision in the band's favor last Thursday, but Activision has announced that they will appeal.


Super Mario Galaxy 2

We already knew that "Super Mario Galaxy 2" would have co-op. After all, the first game did, what with the whole "assist" element using another remote. It wasn't exactly involved or, for that matter, helpful, but it did make the game feel a bit more multiplayer.

Seems that Nintendo liked the idea so much that they'll be improving on the co-op in some way. The above screenshot was taken from the official Nintendo site for Japan and seems to show that a second player will have direct control of one of Mario's star-shaped friends. Details don't go much beyond that above screenshot, but it does seem to imply a more involved co-op experience, since the second player actually has a character to control.


Wii Balance Board

The Wii Balance Board was meant to get gamers off their couches and experiencing the Wii in a new way, and it's since been tested for hunting terrorists, but I don't think a story out of the U.K. about a young woman developing a sex addiction was quite what Nintendo had in mind. A doctor reportedly diagnosed the Manchester resident with "persistent sexual arousal syndrome due to a damaged nerve" after she fell from her Balance Board and began experiencing cravings 10 times a day.


Green Day: Rock Band

The full track list for "Green Day: Rock Band" became official yesterday, and the group's Dookie, American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown albums got the most attention. Part of the announcement included DLC tracks that "Rock Band 2" players may recognize, however, leading some astute readers to wonder if original DLC tracks are in the works as well. At the moment, it sounds like the answer is no.


Green Day: Rock Band

"Green Day: Rock Band" clearly kept its focus on Dookie and everything after, judging from the full, freshly released track list. While Jason and I didn't get our "Christie Road" wish, the official set list does include "Burnout," "Basketcase," "F.O.D." and everything else off of their their breakout 1994 album (minus the classic bonus track "All By Myself," unless there's something that's been left off the press release). American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown era lovers come out as the big winners, though. Check out what else made the cut after the jump.


The Last Airbender

M. Night Shyamalan's "The Last Airbender" film may have dropped "Avatar" from its title, but the movie proceed on into theaters as well as games from THQ. An official tie-in will ship in June for the Wii and DS in conjunction with Shyamalan's live-action adaptation, and bending will occur.

"'The Last Airbender' video game boasts original gameplay elements that create an experience never previously seen before on the Wii system," THQ Kids, Family & Casual Games executive VP Doug Clemmer said in a press release. "The artistic in-game graphics and dynamic combat were designed to fully engage players, while providing an exhilarating and interactive gaming moment."


While digging through the last remaining bits and pieces of footage taken during GDC, I came across this informative and adorable walk-through of the very first boss fight in "Super Meat Boy." The fight has SMB attempting to bring down Dr. Fetus' tree-cutting device using the ground up carcasses of cute and cuddly squirrels.

Incidentally, I have a lot more footage from the "Super Meat Boy" guys. Unfortunately, running it would probably max out our bleep budget for the rest of the year. Just know that the members of Team Meat are as charming as they are verbose.


I went in-depth with "NBA Jam" yesterday in a hands-on preview and some info about legendary players making an appearance. There was, however, something I was so taken with about the upcoming Wii reboot that I thought it worthy of a post on its own: The heads.


Larry Bird

You probably already know that there's a new "NBA Jam" coming for the Wii. If you don't, hit that link for some hands-on impressions of the game.

It seems that a lot of effort is being focused on bringing "old school" gamers back to the franchise, and, in order to do that, you'll need old school players. Enter Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.

In an interview with the "NBA Jam" creative director, Trey Smith, I asked about some of the modes in the game. In describing one such mode, Classic Campaign, Smith let slip that the tournament-style mode will culminate with a legendary game against two of the NBA's greats: Johnson and Bird.


Red Steel 2

Forget everything you know about "Red Steel," Ubisoft's Nintendo Wii launch title, a FPS that was meant to wow gamers with its guns-'n-swordplay action. Or don't. Because your memories of that sorry experience will only make "Red Steel 2," at best described as a spiritual successor to the original 2006 release, look all that much better by comparison.