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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bug Fixes for 6/15

Late last week we fixed a few bugs in Blogger’s Data API implementation:
  • POSTs to the feed on the blog’s domain (rather than www.blogger.com) now correctly return the entry XML in the 201 response. This was the cause of a variety of strange errors, particularly when using the client libraries.
  • Posts created via the API now correctly reflect the blog’s “Comments Default for Posts” setting. [Issue 1242]
  • The tracker image in feed entries is now consistently served over HTTPS, instead of leaving the scheme relative, to fix a crash with Microsoft Outlook.
Having a reproducable problem? Please file a report in the issue tracker and we’ll investigate.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Bug Fixes and Changes for 3/12

Last night we pushed two Blogger Data API bug fixes:
With these fixes you should see more reliable results for authenticated and V2 feeds.

We have also started to include a <div class="blogger-post-footer"> in each feed entry’s content element. Apologies if this has disrupted your app. We’re working on preventing this from appearing in authenticated requests, and that fix should be rolled out early next week.

API clients can and should in general ignore the “blogger-post-footer” element however, as it will be present if a blog admin specifies a Post Feed Footer in Settings > Site Feed.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Google Blog Converters 1.0 Released

JJ writes on the Open Source at Google blog:
Blog authors around the world, Google would like to remind you that it's your blog, your data. Now that Blogger allows users the ability to export all contents of their blog, the Data Liberation team would like to announce the Google Blog Converters project. This new Open Source project provides the ability to easily move blog posts and comments from service to service. This initial release provides Python libraries and runnable scripts that convert between the export formats of Blogger, LiveJournal, MovableType, and WordPress.
Give it a spin. We’ve also released templates to run the converters on Google App Engine.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bug Fixes for October 1

We released a few bug fixes tonight for regressions introduced last week:
  • Issue 795: Blog metafeed did not contain rel="self" links in entries. This had the even more unfortunate side effect of breaking some of our sample code, which was using these links to derive blog IDs.
  • Issue 798: Query parameters were being repeated in the rel="next" and rel="prev" links in feeds, leading to invalid duplicate parameters.
  • Issue 803: Unable to fetch blog documents.
We apologize for these regressions, and hope that they’ve been fixed satisfactorily.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feeds now include Media RSS thumbnails

With the most recent release of Blogger we’ve added Media RSS <media:thumbnail> elements to both Atom and RSS feeds.

The <media:thumbnail> element links to a 72x72 pixel version of the first image in the post. Only images uploaded through Blogger to PicasaWeb are available as thumbnails.

We hope that you’ll be able to find fun uses for this new element. We’ve added thumbnail support to Blogger’s Blog List page element as a new option: Blog Lists can now display the most recent thumbnail from Blogger and other Media RSS–enabled feeds.