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Crewe and Nantwich

Only one day to go till London and the local elections, but let’s have a quick break to discuss Crewe and Nantwich, the by-election for which is to be called on the 22nd May.
On paper Crewe and Nantwich is quite a distant target for the Conservatives. On its existing boundaries it requires a swing of [...]

Will poor registration affect the London race?

The Electoral Commission have released a study by NOP into how many people in London aren’t actually registered to vote. NOP found 20% of people in London between 18 and 25 weren’t registered and 27% of people between 25 and 34 weren’t. In comparison, only 5% of over 65s and 8% of 55-64s are unregistered.
It [...]

One more London poll to go

Despite the report in today’s Telegraph, which managed to publish ICM’s polls from a couple of week’s back as a brand new one, there will not after all be another ICM poll on the mayoral elections. That means YouGov’s “morning-of-poll” effort is the only one left to go before the results on Friday.

ComRes show 14 point Tory lead

ComRes’s monthly poll for the Independent has a Conservative lead of 14 points. The full topline figures with changes from last month are CON 40%(+2), LAB 26%(-5), LDEM 20%(+3). The poll was conducted between Apr 25th and 27th.
Nothing much new here but a confirmation of the trend, the Conservatives seem to have an increasingly stable [...]

So, is Ken or Boris ahead?

There may yet be a final London mayoral election poll from Ipsos MORI and I understand there will be one from YouGov, so we may yet get polls that show closer figures, but on the figures we’ve got at the moment there is an almost unbridgable gulf between them. MORI show Ken Livingstone ahead on [...]

YouGov – Boris ahead by 11

YouGov’s weekly mayoral election poll for the Evening Standard is out – this will the last Monday poll, though there may yet be a final eve-of-poll effort – and with four days to go shows Boris Johnson with a solid lead. The first round voting intention figures are JOHNSON 46%(+2), LIVINGSTONE 35%(-2) (Brian Paddick’s figure [...]