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Be the difference

Last updated: 11 Apr 2010
First aid box First aid box

Up to 150,000 people a year could be dying unnecessarily if more people knew first aid - find tips and test your knowledge

Thousands of people are dying each year in situations where first aid could have made the difference. This includes:

  • nearly 900 people who choke to death
  • 2,500 who asphyxiate from a blocked airway
  • 29,000 who die from heart attacks

First aid could make a dramatic difference in these situations, either through direct intervention, in the case of choking, or by recognising life-threatening signs, such as a heart attack, and caring for someone until medical help arrives.

The startling figure is more than four times the number who die of lung cancer each year, the most common cause of death from cancer.

Lack of knowledge

Research commissioned by St John Ambulance has also revealed that:

  • Nearly two-thirds of people (59%) wouldn't feel confident enough to try to save a life
  • A quarter (24%) would do nothing and wait for an ambulance to arrive or hope that a passer-by knows first aid.

The charity is urging everyone to get a free pocket-sized guide featuring first aid skills that can help in five common life-threatening situation. The message is supported by a dramatic new advertising campaign depicting these five situations in which first aid could have been the difference between a life lost and a life saved. The public are also encouraged to donate to the charity to help others become 'the difference'.

Sue Killen, CEO, St John Ambulance comments: 'We believe that anyone who needs first aid should receive it. Our latest research shows that's just not happening. We can't rely on other people to have the skills - everyone should take the responsibility to learn first aid themselves. Armed with this knowledge we can all be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.'

Sue continues: 'Around 2,500 people die each year from a blocked airway, but if someone had known the recovery position, lives could have been saved. We're urging everyone to text to claim a free first aid guide today.'

Be the difference between a life saved and a life lost. There are 5 situations that could happen every day where simple first aid can make the difference:

  • 1) choking,
  • 2) dealing with someone unconscious (recovery position needed),
  • 3) dealing with someone who isn't breathing (CPR needed),
  • 4) severe bleeding
  • 5) a heart attack

Click on the link above to find out more about the campaign