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Money mismanagers owe the people

Add to the TARP and the other financial crisis losers that you list in your "TARP winners" editorial of 4/8/2010, the mass of our fellow...

Let them eat zebra mussels?

It looks like the City Council had a slow day Wednesday. Alderman Burnett thought the way to eliminate Asian carp was to feed it to the...

White Sox fans don't cheer Obama

Is there any way we (as loyal White Sox fans) can trade our "first fan" to the Cubs for one or more of their "celebrity fans?" We will even...

Antibiotics in food a growing concern

Amongst other current political issues, there is one rising public health issue that deserves to have more support both from the American...

How not to cover a Senate race

As a long time Chicago area resident, I would like to take issue with the Chicago Tribune's reporting on the upcoming US Senate race.

Social services, education funding should be the priority

What kind of Illinois do you want to live in?

Green-jacketed hypocrites

After hearing the president of Augusta National, a country club that not too long ago would not allow someone who looked like Tiger Woods...

Infrastructure investments will create jobs

While there have been encouraging signs of recovery over the last year, we remain locked in a historic economic crisis. Too many hard-...

Social Security creates charity cases

On 4/7 Helen Gambon asked "How many of these people who are against the insurance plan take Social Security checks and Medicare?"

Obama's overrated oratory

Why is it that when anyone criticizes Obama's policies they feel the need to preface their criticism with flowery compliments about his...

Support for Karzai dangerous, misguided

Uncle Sam sure doesn't make a good puppeteer.

How to fix the Cubs

Perhaps we should not predict how one team is going to perform during a long season by watching only one game. However, after observing...

Politicians' "phony" pretensions irrelevant

John Kass has me baffled once again. What, exactly, is the point of Wednesday's column? That President Obama is a poor excuse for a...

Dems' money matters

The RNC recently paid $2000 for a night out, and it's become big news. During the presidential campaign they paid $150,000 on clothing for...

Quigley should be commended on issues of women's rights

Illinoisans – and women in particular – owe a great deal of gratitude to Congressman Quigley for his courageous vote to reform our broken...

Everyone should have to pay for health care

I've come to the conclusion that people who feel they shouldn't be forced to purchase health insurance should get their wish. All that...

Good luck to the new Pump Room

The Pump Room is soon to be restored to its former lofty grandeur. The new hotel owner, Ian Schrager, promises that vision.

Lottery could save education

Governor Quinn brought the people of Illinois to the proverbial fork in the road and has presented us with two options: Either raise our...

Nuclear weapons policy is stupid

Barack Obama is now telling the world that we will not use nuclear weapons against any country unless that same country attacks or threatens...

Why people won't vote for Quinn

Governor Quinn is running for re-election.

Catholic church should be ashamed

The pope and the Catholic bishops are an embarrassment to the church. This is an objective fact.

Vote "none of the above" in November

We should finally have "none of the above" on the ballot in the upcoming election. It would state that the voter believed that none of the...

Thanks for the positive Easter message

The front page article of the Sunday Chicago Tribune, "A faith that can't be extinguished," was a positive statement of the real meaning...

The Obama/White Sox connection

I was heartened that President Obama put on a White Sox cap before he threw out the first pitch on Opening Day. Then I had a scary thought:...

CPS athletic cuts counterproductive

My son is a freshman at the Agricultural School in Mt. Greenwood, and has been practicing for a month on the freshman baseball team which is...

Troops shouldn't have to fight for Karzai

Our son is presently in Army basic training. He will probably be deployed to Afghanistan once he completes that. Is our son supposed to risk...

Mine safety a modern issue

My father was a coal miner in West Virginia for more than 40 years. He worked in no less than a dozen mines no farther than 20 miles from...

Public servants don't deserve salary cuts

Where does Dennis Byrne get the idea that public employees have not earned the salary and benefits they receive? I have been a public...

Personal irresponsibility leads to low Census returns

After reading the Tribune story on the low return rate of Census forms for Chicago and Cook County, I was left scratching my head at all the...

Planned Parenthood protests interfere with private decisions

As I was sitting in my car watching the protesters at Aurora's Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday I was thinking to myself how hard it must...

Long locks a source of pride

This letter is in response to Helen Tharp's comment in the April 3rd Voice of the People. Many of us women are proud of our long, beautiful...

Some airline stories have happy endings

I was recently scheduled to take a trip with my grandmother to Florida on Delta Airlines from Midway. On the day of the trip, she forgot...

Students with Diabetes act endangers school nurse jobs, schoolchildren

Dear Illinois public: Encourage your State Senator to vote "NO" to HB 6065/SB 3822 – Care of the Student with Diabetes Act – which allows...

Tobacco cessation bill would save lives

I am writing this letter in response to the opinion piece titled "Presidential smoking = public health opportunity," (Caplan et al, April 2,...

Both Senate candidates deserve equal scrutiny

You continue to crucify Democratic Senatorial candidate Alexi Giannoulias on the front pages of your newspaper. Your obvious political bias...

Don't water down NCAA basketball

The NCAA announced plans to expand the basketball tournament to 96 teams. They should realize that, if you dilute whiskey with enough...

A warm day in April

On April Fools day Mother Nature showed us she has a sense of humor.

Parental involvement leads to basketball success

Kudos is due to the Chicago Tribune and Anne Stein for an excellent piece on young basketball phenom Jaylin Fleming. As a rabid...

Auto insurers' age bias unfair

My auto insurance company charges me more for being male and under 25. Under President Obama's new insurance reform bill, can I claim that...

Accusing priesthood gays of child abuse 'outlandish'

Regarding the article "Painful revelations won't destroy Catholic church," March 30, 2010, by Tribune staff writer Matt C. Abbott.

Publicizing Catholic abuse scandals undermines faith

Cries for Pope Benedict XVI to step down over the priest abuse scandal are not about righting wrongs, but about silencing a man and a...

Spring brings new hope

It's never a coincidence that Passover, Easter, Spring and baseball all converge at this same time of year. It's that star-crossed time when...

No Toyota sign for Wrigley

If one were to imagine the most unattractive, inappropriate signage that could possibly be put up at Wrigley Field, it likely would...

Charter schools don't raise the bar

In an editorial on Monday, 'The Next Heat,' the Tribune calls for removing the cap on charter schools to make Illinois more competitive...

Pope is concerned for abuse victims

On behalf of the Catholic bishops of the United States, we, the members of the Executive Committee of the United States Conference of...

Government 'take back' supports education

So Dennis Byrne thinks it's a "government takeover" of the student loan program. I would characterize it as a "government take back" of the...

NASA shouldn't handle Toyota problems

I was appalled tonight to hear on the news that the "government" is going to bring in NASA scientists to delve into the sudden...

No one takes Byrne's anger seriously

Dennis Byrne, who for years has practiced a divisive, pit-bull style of commentary, now wonders aloud why no one takes his anger seriously?...

Give students the tools they need to succeed

As a former Chicago public school student I have noticed the recent decline in quality of education in our public schools system. My...

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