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Ladies and gentlemen, your President is a robot. Or a wax sculpture. Maybe a cardboard cutout. All I know is no human being has a photo smile this amazingly consistent.

On Wednesday, the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, during which they stood for 130 photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries in town for the UN meeting. The President has exactly the same smile in every single shot. See for yourself — the pictures are up on the State Department’s flickr (link below). And, of course, compressed into 20 seconds for your viewing pleasure.


Music is "Cold Hands" by the Black Lips. Go buy it now!



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  • Blake Whitman staff 6 months ago
  • Doc Farmer 6 months ago
    Oh, I SO want a copy of this video to download/share!
  • Meg 6 months ago
    Jesus H. Christ that is disturbing. WOW. Way to go putting this together. definitely spreading this one around.
  • Katherine Mann 6 months ago
    Don't be silly. He's a performer. All politicians are performers. They also work for you. Find a real conspiracy theory to play with.
  • Nick Sergeant 6 months ago
  • Eric Spiegelman 6 months ago
    My sense is that every president of the 20th century was capable of this. But Obama is the only one who put all his photos on the Internet, so he's the only one we can prove has this skill.
  • blake 6 months ago
    Are you sure that's not a cardboard cutout? ;)
  • Michael Redbourn 6 months ago
    It's simply a practiced Hollywood smile.

    I'm Anglo/American and living in Tel Aviv right now.

    A family came to visit me recently from LA and when it came to take photos in a restaurant they kept telling me to smile.

    I told them, "I'm smiling" and they eventually took photos.

    When I got copies they all had the same smile as Obama, except me ;-)

  • Eric Spiegelman 6 months ago
    UCLA offers a degree in Smile Management
  • Dubi Kaufmann 6 months ago
    I love it!
    This video inspired me to average all the photos in that set.
  • Christian Rauh 6 months ago
    I can do that too.
  • Joshua Boucher 6 months ago
    He really is quite tall.
  • Cielo Blaq 6 months ago
  • Geoff Evans 6 months ago
    the wrinkles in his pants change noticeably from picture to picture.
  • Geoff Evans 6 months ago
    ...so does the angle of his body.
  • Geoff Evans 6 months ago
    and there are subtle but definite variations in the smile itself. see pics 73-75 (starting with tuvalu's prime minister).

    while the smile is remarkably consistent, i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it actually is obama in these picures. if there's an embarassing secret here it's that at some point in his life, the man spent hundreds of hours praticing that smile in front of a mirror. probably in law school.
  • Sutton Yamanashi 6 months ago
    That's pretty incredible... Reminds me of the Manchurian Candidate :)
  • chris cob 6 months ago
    And he only owns one tie. Duh. Photoshop?
  • Kalvin Camp 6 months ago
    lol, read the description, and check the link.
  • Kalvin Camp 6 months ago
    Awesome vid. big lolz
  • Jim Bumgardner 6 months ago
    Great minds think alike - I did something similar here.

  • Cielo Blaq 6 months ago
    nice one...
  • Wynner3 6 months ago
    For a split-second I thought I saw Billy Crystal, I went back and saw that it was some guy with similar hair.
  • Doc Farmer 6 months ago
    Hey, your video was featured on Red Eye this morning! Congrats!!!
  • Ronald plus 6 months ago
    Same look as a used car sales person.
  • Eva Jane Bunkley 6 months ago
    Love it, Eric! Thanks for taking the time and energy to put it together so well!
  • Hannah 6 months ago
  • Christine S. Kim 6 months ago
    love it.

    found this via gawker.com.
  • A boy with glasses 6 months ago
    Wow, that's impressive
  • Andrew Curtis 6 months ago
    Wake up people!!!!
  • Li Zhu 6 months ago
    hahahaha XD
  • Susan Spi 6 months ago
    Chris Cob said:
    "And he only owns one tie. Duh. Photoshop? "
    Notice that Michele is wearing the same dress and that they are standing in front of the same draperies. The pictures were evidently all taken on the same day in the same place, hence the same tie. DUH!
  • redde caesari 6 months ago
  • Hal O'Brien 6 months ago
    This was done with Paris Hilton a while back. Notice that, unlike what you're doing, these pictures are spread over multiple events and times:


    My suspicion is, this could be done for any public figure for whom smiling for a posed photograph is an industrial process. Just like it could be done for *any* given industrial process. :) It's like the old joke about how to get to Carnegie Hall: Practice, practice, practice.
  • Shelli 6 months ago
    OK, so if you go here, flickr.com/photos/statephotos/3949307455/in/set-72157622444106644/ and click to the picture BEFORE it - you'll notice that the Preisdent's thumb moves. Just a little.

  • 菜白菜 6 months ago
  • molano 6 months ago
    jajjajajjaja que bueno!
  • Steven.R.M. 6 months ago
    Great observation! I also love how Michelle Obama occasionally appears 'stage left' only next to the... *ahem!*... thinner dignitaries :)
  • RobertV 6 months ago
    All of those photos were taken at the same event, and probably within a short period of time. That's why there's only one tie, and that's why the pose is predictable. If you've ever had to pose for many shots in a sequence this is what most people do. It's a reaction to being bored and wanting it to end!

    Nice video though!
  • Tyais Terry 6 months ago
    thats funny shyt!!! haha. Poor Barack.
  • JamesH 6 months ago
    Great work! Congratulations! You were posted on Lucianne.com 's front page of "Must Reads" yesterday, and I saw it on the cover of a London newspaper this morning.
  • Squall Cloud 6 months ago
    That music is funky. I danced. President Obama has a great smile but yeah I'm thinking all public figures have a "Meet n Greet" smile. LOL to all the butthurt republicans saying mean things about his smile on this thread.
  • Foraggio 6 months ago
    Very clever ... and quite a talent.
  • Mary Carmen 6 months ago
    i can do that to
  • Pak-Kei Mak 6 months ago
    That's a mesmerizing screensaver that I can play all day long.
  • I am a Fractal 6 months ago
    go to archive.org and find similar sets of photos for other presidents, and see if this really is a unique attribute of our current president.
  • Moses Ronald 6 months ago
    For some odd reason, when this video went onto the site below it magically disappeared as well as a comment placed here from that site. Is the secret service monitoring this video site? Will the guy who made this video and the people who link to it be spirited away in the middle of the night. Let's hope the video stays up this time:

  • Kucu 6 months ago
    Obama is really human?!
  • Moses Ronald 6 months ago
    Obama is really human?!

  • Olano 6 months ago
    New Paris Hilton xD
  • Viviam Santos 6 months ago
    It was a doll of him! lol
  • Newman Kubo 6 months ago
  • Eric Lambert 6 months ago
    Kinda creepy...Sure its not one of those cardboard cutouts like his policies?
  • Jaki Levy 6 months ago
    lame! that was a cardboard cutout comment
  • ronald pagano 6 months ago
    could be a fake... he ever has the same tie and gown ... its not the video is excellent ...
  • Eliad Goldwasser 6 months ago
    that's a fab. he's wearing the same tie in all the photos. seem unlikely.
  • Phil Berns 6 months ago
    How can people say it is unlikely for him to wear the same tie. Michelle is in some of the pictures too and she's wearing the same dress. Ever the background is the same.

    In the text accompanying the video it says "On Wednesday, the Obamas hosted a reception at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, during which they stood for 130 photographs with visiting foreign dignitaries in town for the UN meeting."

    Obviously these pictures were taken during one session, all of them in a row. It would be unlikely for him to change his tie every 15 minutes or so.

    That being said, it is indeed funny to see him put on the same smile in every picture. But let's not forget the man's the leader of a nation. And an excellent one at that. But he's no supermodel.
  • nietak 6 months ago
    LOL... America is being ruled by a robot.
  • bazil_t 6 months ago
  • Simon Templar 6 months ago
    Regardless of whether he can seriously be considered an "excellent" president or not, he's certainly got the plastic smile down--an important skill for America's CEO. And he's not the only one: the few shots of Michelle Obama show that she's got the plastic fixed smile down as well.
  • Casper Boermans 6 months ago
    haha! "Blue Steel"
  • Haha, hilarious!:-)
  • Consumer 6 months ago
    So the curtains do!
  • Tobee Chan 6 months ago
    oh, no ...
  • AgStone 6 months ago
  • WTF! hahaha
  • Phoric plus 6 months ago
    LOL. The Stepford President?
  • brandon thomas 6 months ago
    and the companion video of Michele Obama will be posted when?
  • Matthew Stotts 6 months ago
    Eric your timelapse is great #timelapse ; you should consider posting to 12seconds.tv ; you could see a significant boost in audience / traffic. -m
  • roderic campbell 6 months ago
    It's a sad state of the world when the president of the United States smiles the same in all of his pictures. A real leader would have probably thrown up gang signs and probably would have found a way to change his face 130 unique times. Or some other equally illogical statement about why he is a bad president.
  • Ghost Code 4 months ago
    A mind controlled & programmed dissociative Alter striking a pose.
  • Rocker 4 months ago
    THIS IS NOT NORMAL>!!! this is eerie, creepie and even possibly demonic !!
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  • 340x370, 1.91MB
  • Uploaded Thu September 24, 2009
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