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Friday, 19 February 2010

Chris Bryant MP tweets a lie about Tory PPC Rory Stewart.

You may have seen that on last night's Question Time the panel were ask to discuss whether Jan Moir's offensive Stephen Gately article should have been published. The general consensus of the panel was that while the article was grossly inappropriate it should not be illegal to publish it. However after last night's show Labour MP Chris Bryant posted the following on twitter:

This is simply a lie. Rory Stewart specifically said that when he said that satire should be allowed he was NOT talking about the Stephen Gatley article. Rory did not defend the article, he - like the majority of the panel - defended her right to publish it.

When I replied to Chris Bryant that his tweet was a lie, he did not apologise, or say "sorry I misunderstood what Rory said". No, he said this instead:

@Daily_Ref @TheRedRag So remind me of a single word he used tocondemn jan moir's grossly insensitive piece?
I despair that some Labour MPs think that it is OK to use Twitter smear the opposition for pure political advantage. Judge for yourself whether you think Chris Bryant lied about Rory Stewart's comments on the Moir article: Click HERE to watch the show (56 minutes in).

Thursday, 18 February 2010

EXCLUSIVE! Gordon Brown announces Labour General Election Slogan.

Gordon Brown is to lay out a four point election strategy on Saturday (leaked by himself today), but here is the slogan the party will run with:

*This is not an official Labour party poster.

Sir Nicholas Winterton should be disowned by the Conservative party.

I've just listened to Sir Nicholas Winterton on 5 Live's Steve Nolan show. The man is a complete and utter arse and I hope that David Cameron apologises for this dinosaur's comments and totally disowns the pompous fool. His comments on travelling first class on the train were shocking, as was his whole attitude to the way he claimed his expenses.

The problem here is that Winterton thinks that being an MP somehow makes you superior to the general public - a view shared with MPs of all parties. Luckily Winterton is stepping down at the election along with a load of other scroungers who are up their own backsides.

I hope that this man's idiocy does not put people off voting Tory.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Some of my favourite tweets from David Wright MP

Labour MP David Wright is trying to say that he didn't write the tweet calling Tories "scum sucking pigs" well that is utter rubbish and I'm 100% positive that the truth will come out. If the fool had put his hands up and apologised straight away, it would have blown over by now. But because he chose to lie is way out of this, it will just keep running until he is proved to be lying. He is now claiming that his laptop was stolen from the house of Commons in December and that the thief waited three months to edit just one of his tweets - yeah right.

David has previous for posting nasty tweets. Here are a few of my favourites from his twitter history (there are many more):

Dc is simply a hypocritical vicious leader of the nasty party. Jeopardising justice while taking millions from Ashcroft #Toryscum

Georgey Porgey looks like he is holding in a big fart

Out of recession and Nick Robinson says they are bad economic figures. Is he DC's stooge or what?

oh and apologies for telling it like it is. Cameron IS an opportunist tosser. Or should I have said the Rt Hon gentleman?

Some say scrappage scheme, some say fiscal stimulus, others argue Eric Pickles & services to pie industry. I couldn't comment

quite. Dc is a horrible opportunistic scumbag

Oops DC. Looks like another FU:

@SkyNewsPolitics utter shit but an easy to read story

Paxman is a sneering tosser sometimes. Was clear straightaway Peter M got better of him

Remember John Smith's Social Justice commission - Tories had nothing to say then either #Toryscum

Good article on young Tory toffs in Conservative Future (racist, dumb and cocky):

Poor dc. Petty and spiteful to point out the Tories are a bunch of toffs or just plain true!!!

Think dc is on the back foot (the Eton toff)

I said Nadine was Fruit and Nut. Surprised she is "allowed" to speak such guff.

Poor old Georgey Porgey. Bet dc wished he had listened to GB on economy not gp. You gotta feel for the oik

Madine Dorries. Fruit and nut or fruitcake - which is better?

The Sun are just scum. Discuss

The Corrigan Brothers - There's no one as Irish as Dave Cameron

The Corrigan Brothers - There's no one as Irish as Dave Cameron. Excellent:

Monday, 15 February 2010

Thought things couldn't get any worse? Gordon Brown to co-chair climate change funding panel

From Friends of the Earth:

Commenting on the formation of a United Nations High Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing, which British Prime Minister Gordon Brown will co-chair with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Asad Rehman, Senior International Climate Campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said:

"$10 billion a year might sound like a wave of new money for poor countries to tackle climate change, but in reality it's a drop in the ocean compared to what is required.

"What's worse is that most of this money from rich countries will be plundered from existing aid budgets - what is really needed is new public money to ensure developing countries can grow cleanly and adapt to the impacts of climate change which are already putting the livelihoods, homes and families of their people at risk.

"Gordon Brown has a chance for genuine leadership this year in pushing the international community to adopt a tax on financial transactions, which would provide billions of dollars of new money to governments to tackle climate change head on - now is the time for him to grasp it."
God help us. At least Brown has got a job lined up for after the Election.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

David Cameron Video: Why you should consider voting Conservative.

If you haven't voted Conservative for a long time (or ever) then please take the time to watch this short video from David Cameron. I'm a new Conservative, never having voted anything but Labour during my adult life. I was brought up on a Barnsley council estate during the 70s and 80s - a time and a place when people would vote for a donkey if it wore a red rosette.

So why have I now joined the Conservative Party and why do I spend my time and energy fighting to get rid of our Labour government? The answer is quite simple, back in 1997, New Labour came in with some great ideas, they have thrown money in all the right places, BUT they have totally and utterly failed to manage how that money has been spent. And that's it - they've spent billions, got us into massive debt (even before the crunch) and I, like many others, believe the country is a worse place to live than it was before they started. That's what happens when you give money and power to people with good ideas, but no experience in the world outside of politics.

But it's not just how they have wasted our money, they have done far worse. They have been responsible for the social and moral decline we have all seen since they came to power. When accused of this, a Labour minister, quick as a flash, pops up on our TV screens to spew out tractor production figures that none of us believe. We don't need dodgy figures. We can all sense and see how far the standards in this country have dropped.

Anyway, please watch the video and keep an open mind:

Is Gordon Brown the most financially incompetent Chancellor of all time?

I was reminded of Gordon Brown's Mansion House speech of 2007 by John in the comments of my previous post about Gordon's dodgy moral compass. This speech was given JUST before the world's economy fell around our ears and it shows just how incompetent Gordon Brown was as Chancellor:

"So I congratulate you Lord Mayor and the City of London on these remarkable achievements, an era that history will record as the beginning of a new golden age for the City of London."

"And I believe it will be said of this age, the first decades of the 21st century, that out of the greatest restructuring of the global economy, perhaps even greater than the industrial revolution, a new world order was created."
Golden Age? only it was to be Fools Gold.

Friday, 12 February 2010

General Election Poster - Gordon Brown's dodgy moral compass

I really don't care if I get abuse for posting this picture. I have the deepest sympathy for Gordon Brown's loss, but I do think that he is being badly advised by Alastiar Campbell and Piers Morgan. Team Brown had plenty of time to pull the tears for Piers show if they wanted to prove that this is not dirty electioneering.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

General Election Poster - Gordon Brown's Death Tax.

General Election Poster - Gordon Brown's Death Tax.

This is not a official Conservative poster,

New General Election posters, One Gordon Brown, two faces.

New General Election posters, One Gordon Brown, two faces.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Public Service Announcement: How to survive Gordon Brown.

You must watch this if you are worried that Gordon Brown may be coming your way during the General Election campaign:

General Election Poster - Labour Party Funding Explained

From my post in Jan 2008:

Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Alan Duncan is calling for the Union Modernisation Fund to be scrapped. Alan believes that the Unions have Gordon Brown over a barrel, because his party depends so desperately on Union donations. Alan points out that 610,000 working days (20 times last year's number) have been lost this year due to industrial action.

However the government are still giving the unions millions of pounds of the tax payers' money under the guise of the Union Modernisation fund. Some see this as a money laundering scam as the Unions in turn donate millions of pounds to the Labour Party. If the unions are so desperate for tax payer's money, why are they donating millions to the Labour Party?

I agree with Alan, it's well beyond time that this suspect practice was stopped. I do not pay my taxes for a proportion of them to be given to Unions who are financing the Labour Party. Either the Modernisation fund must be scrapped, or the Labour Party must stop taking donations from the Unions.

Saturday, 6 February 2010

See John Prescott's Battle Bus - Next Stop Oblivion!

You have got to laugh. John Prescott travelling around in his battle bus is going to win Labour the General Election? I don't think so.

Troughing Labour MPs send a message to their voters.

Why am I not surprised that the only three Labour MPs who are to face criminal charges are to claim Parliamentary Privilege?

Friday, 5 February 2010

Climate Change my arse - BBC Poll shows Sceptics now the majority.

Oh what a wonderful day! The BBC have conducted a poll into public opinion on Climate Change - and guess what? man made climate change sceptics are now in the majority! So the science is not exactly settled after all is it? The figures show that while 75% of people still believe that global warming is happening, only 26% are convinced that it is man made - a majority, 38% are not convinced. 25% believe that it is not happening at all.

From the BBC:

"It is very unusual indeed to see such a dramatic shift in opinion in such a short period," Populus managing director Michael Simmonds told BBC News.

"The British public are sceptical about man's contribution to climate change - and becoming more so," he added.

"More people are now doubters than firm believers."

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs' (Defra) chief scientific adviser, Professor Bob Watson, called the findings "very disappointing".

"The fact that there has been a very significant drop in the number of people that believe that we humans are changing the Earth's climate is serious," he told BBC News.

"Action is urgently needed," Professor Watson warned.

"We need the public to understand that climate change is serious so they will change their habits and help us move towards a low carbon economy."

The 177th Magical Mystery Blog Tour Bus Leaves in 5 Minutes!

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The Bus rolls out each day - enjoy the ride. If you have any suggestions for the next tour drop me an email by hitting the Contact button at the top of the page.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Cameron taking Gordon Brown apart during PMQs over AV

You have to laugh at Gordon Brown's inability to realise that the public are not as thick as he thinks they are. He's been against Electoral Reform all along and now he wants us to believe that he is the great reformer. No shame.

Hat Tip: The Final Redoubt

Video: Green Day, Holiday.

Green Day, Holiday, enjoy:

Video: Stiltskin, Inside.

An absolute classic: Stiltskin, Inside: