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Sunday 15 November 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Telegraph's Chief Political Commentator. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk. Follow him on Twitter by clicking here.

Guess which department offers a 'Better letter masterclass' as part of 'Correspondence month'?


Better letter

Thank you to the eagle-eyed reader who sent me this snap taken earlier this week of a poster on display in Peter Mandelson’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, where “November is correspondence month”. I wonder if anyone from No10 attended Lord Davies’ event yesterday, or whether there is a “Correspondence Champion” in Downing Street who might hold a “Better letter masterclass” to teach the PM that “Reputation matters – prompt quality replies to people who write to us enhance our reputation”.

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  • How d u spel Ironik?

    JunkkMale on Nov 11th, 2009 at 1:59 pm
  • “Prompt, quality replies to people who write to us enhance our reputation.”

    On October 2nd I wrote to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, FAO the Foreign Secretary – that highly intelligent David Miliband – copied to the Office of the Attorney-General and to my constituency MP Theresa May.

    None of them have sent an acknowledgement, let alone a “prompt, quality” reply, so I’ve sent a reminder.

    This was the text of my letter, sent by email:

    “Dear Mr Miliband

    I wish to point out to you that the term of Baroness Catherine Ashton as the European Commissioner nominated by the UK government came to an end at midnight CET on Saturday October 31st.

    As the treaties do not provide for the discretionary prolongation of a Commissioner’s term under any circumstances, there is no legal basis whatsoever for the claim that her term, or that of any other Commissioner, has been extended.

    I therefore call upon you to contact Baroness Ashton forthwith and inform her that she must cease to represent that she is a Commissioner and cease to enter the premises of the European Commission in the guise of a Commissioner; that she must not purport to perform any of the functions of a Commissioner as defined in the treaties; and that she must refuse to accept any further salary, expenses and other payments in that respect.

    I am copying this email to the Office of the Attorney-General and to my constituency MP, Mrs Theresa May, and I will also be informing Baroness Ashton of its contents.

    Yours etc”

    Basically none of them could give a damn, not even the Attorney-General who claims to be “the guardian of the rule of law”.

    In the words of Giovanni Giolitti, five times Italian Prime Minister:

    “Per i nemici le leggi si applicano, per gli amici si interpretano.”

    “Laws are applied to enemies, but only interpreted as regards friends”

    and that is just one aspect of the corruption which has spread to this country from the continent, thanks to our involvement with the EU.

    Denis Cooper on Nov 11th, 2009 at 2:00 pm
  • November 2nd.

    Denis Cooper on Nov 11th, 2009 at 2:06 pm
  • I would not have thought that such events were necessary in the civil service until I read Brown’s atrocious attempt at writing a letter of condolence to the bereaved mother of a brave man.

    Brian Tomkinson on Nov 11th, 2009 at 5:10 pm
  • Can you imagine such a poster in a commercial office? Say, the head office of Barclays, or Royal Sun Alliance?
    “November is Write Good Letters Month”
    “December is Spell Correctly month”
    “January is Grammar Month”
    “If we write good letters, our customers will take us seriously and think we’re a reliable, responsible organisation”

    For heavens’ sake, such a campaign would be superfluous in any commercial organisation, because poor correspondence would never be permitted! If proof were needed that the civil service operates in a different universe, does it get better than this?

    Andrew on Nov 11th, 2009 at 7:33 pm
  • Get real folks, Gordo walks on water and is never wrong, as he insisted in his conversation and more to the point, Randy would never be so rash as to suggest his boss was wrong.

    Gordo is bigger than he is and Randy might get hurt, never mind fired.

    Now we know why so many children cannot read or write properly, the govt cannot allow children to be better than el supremo in thinking and literacy!! Keep going Balls……! Your are helping your party out the door, handsomely aided and abetted by 2 kitchens!

    snoekie on Nov 12th, 2009 at 1:16 am
  • Fairly typical of the Schitz Party, all talk–no action!

    Mickypee on Nov 12th, 2009 at 4:03 pm


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