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Thursday 22 October 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Telegraph's Chief Political Commentator. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk. Follow him on Twitter by clicking here.

George Osborne impresses America


American columnists don’t vote here, and few people here read them, so there isn’t much value in having a big cheese from the US commentariat endorse your product. But it’s still worth reading what David Brooks has to say about George Osborne and his policies in the New York Times. James Forsyth says it’s proof of Project Cameron’s intellectual underpinning. Or it just proves that it takes a fresh pair of eyes to spot what is staring the rest of us in the face.   

“Britain has hit its reality moment. The Brits are ahead of us when it comes to public indebtedness and national irresponsibility. Spending has been out of control for longer and in a more sustained way. But in that country, the climate of opinion has turned. There, voters are ready for a politician willing to face reality. And George Osborne, who would become the chancellor of the Exchequer in the likely event that his Conservative Party wins the next election, has aggressively seized the moment,” Brooks says.

And he adds: “Osborne and David Cameron, the party leader, argue that Labour’s decision to centralize power has undermined personal and social responsibility. They are offering a responsibility agenda from top to bottom. Decentralize power so local elected bodies have responsibility. Structure social support to encourage responsible behavior and responsible spending. If any Republican is looking for a way forward, start by doing what they’re doing across the Atlantic.”

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  • Decentralise power all the way to Brussels? I can see how that will work.

    Captain Badger on Oct 16th, 2009 at 5:48 pm
  • “They are offering a responsibility agenda from top to bottom.”

    I tnink that Mandy’s summary of Cameron’s top to bottom approach is much nearer the truth !!

    “I’m going to have to skip over a few important points to get to the meat of my argument. Like, for example, the bizarre reasoning that blames government for the credit crunch and the recession when it is only government intervention in the banking sector and a co-ordinated fiscal stimulus that have stopped the private financial economy from tipping us into a prolonged global slump. Frankly, this looks like a pathological aversion to reality.”

    David Dee on Oct 16th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
  • @ Mr. Dee.

    Is that what he said? (Nice easy one to start with)

    Crikey, I could point him at the FSA if he wants to find Broon’s fingerprints on this disaster.

    Captain Badger on Oct 16th, 2009 at 5:57 pm
  • “Structure social support to encourage responsible behaviour and responsible spending” = “Big government social engineering is here to help you”

    The problem isn’t people spending too much money or being reckless – if they go bankrupt it’s their own fault and they have to solve their own self-created problems and not rely on a government bailout.

    Rather, the problem is government’s irresponsible spending and behaviour. It’s not surprising, however, to hear this pro-socialist, big government message from David Brooks. Afterall, he writes for the NY Times…

    jamika on Oct 16th, 2009 at 5:58 pm
  • Didn’t the same people rave over Tony Blair…so much for their endorsement then.

    Bry St Ives on Oct 16th, 2009 at 5:59 pm
  • American columnists don’t vote here, and few people here read them

    This may be true, but not a very polite way to talk about your colleague Stephanie Gutmann. And I’m sure Janet Daley votes here.

    beaton on Oct 16th, 2009 at 6:30 pm
  • David Dee

    See, a classic example of Labour propaganda and distortion.

    Firstly, Cameron publicly supported the bank bail-out, contrary to the wishes of people like me, who believe that such intervention is counter-productive and hugely expensive.

    Also, who’s to say that an alternative strategy couldn’t have worked, and, as I believe, set Britain on course for an earlier and more sustainable recovery?
    I’ve previously set out what I would have done, and on reflection, I still reckon this plan would have paid dividends.

    Phil Kean on Oct 16th, 2009 at 8:03 pm
  • Delingpole is way ahead on this : Welcome to Obamaland sums the situation up.

    barryobarma on Oct 16th, 2009 at 9:10 pm
  • DumbDumb….“I tnink that Mandy’s summary of Cameron’s top to bottom approach is much nearer the truth !!”

    I don’t think we want to hear anything about the Right Dishonourable Fondlesbums of Boys ‘top to bottom approach’ thank you very much, this is still a family paper. Try Toilets Maguire’s despicable rag, it you, and Mandelscum will be better suited.

    45govt on Oct 16th, 2009 at 9:30 pm
  • DumbDumb,

    Why don’t hyenas eat socialist politicians?

    Even hyenas has some dignity.

    nomorepc on Oct 16th, 2009 at 10:43 pm
  • phil kean:”Firstly, Cameron publicly supported the bank bail-out, ”

    Oooh dear, Phil. Now you are becoming desperate.

    cameron did not have a clue about what to do when the global crisis hit us. He meditaed for days, tried to judge which way the win d was blowing and then, for a short period, dercided to hide behind the Government.

    David Dee on Oct 16th, 2009 at 11:22 pm
  • Nomorespecs, that is just as funny as your last attempt. Are you, by any chance, up to your neck in cement ??

    David Dee on Oct 16th, 2009 at 11:24 pm
  • One day I’d like to be proved wrong for a change.

    Captain Badger on Oct 17th, 2009 at 8:47 am
  • David, please do stand in your local constituency and tell them you support all the labour MPs on their expenses and that you will continue their good work of troughing controlling in detail our every day thoughts and lying.

    I am sure you will be voted in by a landslide!!

    snoekie on Oct 17th, 2009 at 7:56 pm
  • sneekie: “I am sure you will be voted in by a landslide!!”

    You obviously do not know Canterbury !!

    David Dee on Oct 18th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
  • DD, do you mean to say your fellow constituents don’t share your views|?

    Now there is a surprise!!?????

    There is yet hope for the country, people with common sense.

    snoekie on Oct 18th, 2009 at 3:49 pm
  • sneekie: “do you mean to say your fellow constituents don’t share your views ”

    What about your views.

    What would you call somebody who supports a Labour MP who is refusing to pay back his expenses. ??

    I expect you have a word for it ….. But wait a mo. What is this I saw in these blogs ??

    “Frank Field has integrity and has stuck with that.”

    Now what sort of scoundrel could have said that ????

    David Dee on Oct 18th, 2009 at 5:36 pm


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