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Friday 11 September 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Benedict Brogan

Benedict Brogan is the Telegraph's Chief Political Commentator. His blog brings you news, gossip, analysis and occasional insight into politics, and more. You can find his weekly columns here and you can email him at benedict.brogan@telegraph.co.uk.

Clarke: Brown is a damaging 'bully'


The first David Cameron’s office knew about the PM’s expenses scheme was when someone rang to tell them the Tory leader had just been invited to a meeting by Mr Brown on YouTube. I mentioned this to someone in No10 recently, who winced in recognition at the pointless discourtesy.

The saga keeps getting worse. Charles Clarke piled in less than an hour ago on WatO, saying of Mr Brown: “On these kind of political solutions he’s got to recognise that these are House of Commons matters and he’s got to not bully in the way he goes about it. If you just pick up the newspaper one morning and see you are being asked to do something, that’s simply not the way to conduct politics. It’s very damaging. I hope he’ll now take the opportunity to pull the proposed vote on Thursday altogether.”

Paul Waugh asks if, after Stephen Byers last night (and you could add the briefing against Ed Balls over smeargate), the Blairites are running an operation.

(Hat tip to PoliticsHome for the quotes)


  • Forgive a poor reader not being up to speed with journalistic shorthand and all that exists in and around the Village, but what…is WatO?

    junkkmale on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:22 pm
  • JunkkMale: Presumably the World at One, over on Radio 4.

    flange on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:24 pm
  • Ta. Not that it would have made any difference as I do not live and breathe these things, but I was thrown a bit by the spelling in the linked piece. At least the cap ‘O’ here makes some sense of it. Though it might not hurt to avoid the bubble acronyms a bit…IMHO:)

    junkkmale on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:28 pm
  • JunkkMale

    Blimey you ain’t ‘alf hignorant.

    WatO was a painter.

    scriblerus on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:30 pm
  • Here’s me thinking it was more a Woosterian greeting.

    junkkmale on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:36 pm
  • “Brown is a damaging…” what?

    christopher_bowring on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:50 pm
  • “”Brown is a damaging…” what?”

    Better not to say or the Telegraph might have to remove one of its own blogs.

    sheumais on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:59 pm
  • Indeed the saga does keep getting worse.

    Rather than use YouTube to announce his latest ‘plan’ for Parliament, he used a press conference in Warsaw.

    He is behaving like some sort of latter-day dictator. Meanwhile, the less experience Polish PM, Mr Tusk, states the bleedin’ obvious on government borrowing and delivers yet another kick in the groin to the failed McBust. Was this Mr Bean or Stalin we saw today?

    mrs_trellis on Apr 28th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
  • Mrs Trellis.

    If only the UK could see the last of him.

    He is like the ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’.The little brownie keeps popping up all over the world.

    horseman on Apr 28th, 2009 at 3:17 pm
  • Thats more like it Ben, just as I told you a few days ago . .

    If you introduce a bit of true hate language (ask The Dulliest) you will prob be made Dully blogger of the month . . .

    While some progress may well be made as a consequence of the PM’s initiative, it seems likely that the John Lewis till rolls will continue to run a little while longer, courtesy of Cameron & Clegg.

    Particularly amusing that one of Gordon’s proposals which Cameron most likes is one which will throw the “secondary” occupations of most of his Shadow cabinet members into focus:

    “The REAL story about the Tory frontbench is that they are wannabe plutocrats: . . . According to the story, there are 19 millionaires in David Cameron’s front bench team. The Tory Shadow Cabinet team hold down 23 directorships between them. . . it must have got on (Cameron’s) nerves that half the shadow cabinet were disappearing to the City rather than the TV and radio studios of Westminster. Anyway, it appears that Mr Cameron has lost the fight with his colleagues. . . ”


    Small wonder D Cameron liked Gordon Brown’s proposal for outside ‘activities’ of all MPs to be declared, for that will put pressure on his refuseniks, but it is Cameron’s own fault that he has chosen from rich toffs - almost half went to Eton, like himself - and that they have succeeeded in lording it over the Queen’s second cousin, and former Bullingdon boy.

    And they don’t want to have to sign a register on a daily basis, let alone be monitored re their whereabouts . . . do they?

    A few Labour MPs may be catching up with this now . . .

    asbone on Apr 28th, 2009 at 4:00 pm
  • You are tirelessly tiresome Queen Quisling de Brownpants, it appears you and your beloved Gorbert Mugabrown, destroyer of wealth and Anti-Midas are the only two loons left in the asylum that think his half-baked attempt at showmanship was anything other than an appalling idea dressed up in an even worse performance.

    sebber on Apr 28th, 2009 at 4:50 pm

    what happened to the “blog” on “Gully Fakes” by you alta ego Barren SFB??

    mickypee on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:07 pm
  • I wonder if anyone remembers this bit o’ Cameron PR which went wrong . . . ????

    “Cameron had to apologise in February after one of his staff changed the Wikipedia entry for Titian to try to win a bizarre argument with Gordon Brown over the artist’s age.”

    Cheatin’ - eh what?

    asbone on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:16 pm
  • Horseman 3:17 PM

    “The little brownie keeps popping up all over the world.”

    No sooner do you mention one camera & another one appears:-)

    al_hamilton on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:21 pm
  • Poor, p poor Pee . .

    Think he has an alta-ed ego - ehh What?

    asbone on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:22 pm
  • Larry is deleting his own blogs when he doesn’t like the comments!

    Rather like Bean tried to with his YouTube video on the Number 10 website. The comments on the YouTube site were very direct (!) so in true totalitarian fashion he had them deleted as well.

    Fortunately, there are some here on another version of the video….enjoy!!

    mrs_trellis on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:30 pm
  • Here’s a taster comment that you won’t find on the Number 10 website:

    This makes me ill to watch it..the swaying, the rictus grin..the insincerity. Lets get rid of him, people..

    mrs_trellis on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:33 pm
  • “Poor, p poor Pee . . ”


    along with an awful lot of other people in the country. But not as poor as I/they will be.
    Thanks Gordon.
    ALL contributions gratefully accepted.

    mickypee on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
  • Yes Mrs T, right at the start it looks like his spin-masters told him “do a little shimmy with the shoulders, like Ray Charles did, you know, the guy who was blind in both eyes and who actually had some talent”…

    Sadly for Gordo McRuin, Ray Charles wasn’t a total tw0t.

    sebber on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:42 pm
  • “This makes me ill to watch it..the swaying, the rictus grin..the insincerity. Lets get rid of him, people.. ”

    Its the Pinnochio nose which gets most people . . and the brown nosing hangers on like Osborne.

    Oh, and the arrogance . .

    As attested by the Dully reptiles themselves . .

    asbone on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
  • I wonder if Sebbaceous can tell us about this:

    “Cameron has lead a life of spin. He learned his trade at the Tory Research Department, during which it is revealed today (in the Independent) he took a trip to South Africa funded by a company which lobbied against sanctions on the apartheid regime.”

    Did you help pay for his little jaunt?

    asbone on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:47 pm
  • Larry (Canon nutjob) -

    Here’s another priceless comment - what a laugh, don’t you think?

    What an absolutely grotesque performance this is. Someone close to Downing St. is trying to finish the career of this Frankenstein monster - who is it? I’d like to shake their hand.

    mrs_trellis on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:52 pm


    Welcome back Barren SFB.

    mickypee on Apr 28th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
  • Jonah today in Poland,(look out Poland),was quoted regarding the expenses fiasco.”I don’t regret anything I’ve done on this because it was the right thing to do.”

    Sound familiar?The man and his cronies are obsessed with doing the right thing and unfailingly do the wrong thing.If the bright sparks in Beans team really thought that putting up their barking boss on Youtube to further display his insanity was the “right thing to do” then maybe they are missing McBride.Maybe they can’t stand him either.

    manic_mike on Apr 28th, 2009 at 6:01 pm
  • Queen Quisling de Brown-nose: to whom do you attribute your quote (RE: Cameron has lead a life of spin, etc, etc, yawn, yawn, yawn…)? Damian McBride?

    Rather than picking up on the dregs of Dolly Draper’s email inbox, have you nothing to say about Gordon Brown, the imposter who calls himself Prime Minister, single-handedly destroying the British economy, and then once it was down, kicking its teeth in?

    Answers on a postcard, keep it intelligible, send to someone who cares for insane ramblings from myopic tiny-minds (any takers? David Dee perhaps?).

    sebber on Apr 28th, 2009 at 6:09 pm
  • Is this politics or the big double standards. With these adjectives and nouns I think I have no idea what bigot, somebody with strong opinions, especially on politics, religion, or ethnicity, who refuses to accept different views extremist dogmatist hypocrite chauvinist diehard racist hypocrite chauvinist After that I read this .May I have your views.
    Less than a week after the Chancellor proposed a rise in income tax to 50 per cent for the highest earners, the Revenue said that it would spend a quarter of its £4 billion budget on catching tax-dodgers. Lesley Strathie, who took over as the HMRC’s chief executive and permanent secretary five months ago, said that the organisation would relentlessly pursue those who bent or broke the rules.
    Gordon Brown beat an embarrassing retreat last night when he scrapped his plans to abolish the second-homes allowance paid to MPs as a parliamentary watchdog dashed his hopes of a quick solution to the crisis.
    Call to delay MPs’ expenses decision
    The Commons anti-sleaze watchdog today called for any decisions on the MPs’ expenses controversy to be postponed until after the completion of an independent review.
    Will a facemask help to protect me, I mean from these lot, not he flue. That I can cope.
    I thank you
    Firozali A. Mulla

    famulla on Apr 28th, 2009 at 6:50 pm

    Yes, with this MOST hated ever ‘lame Duck’ Labour government in our history, we are surely witnessing the longest period of political treading of water ever!

    phil_kean on Apr 28th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
  • Mind you

    History ALWAYS repeats itself with corrupt outdated Socialist regimes, and it was one of our darkest peacetime periods when the accursed Liberals teamed up with Labour in the 70s to prolong Britain’s agony at their hands.

    phil_kean on Apr 28th, 2009 at 7:03 pm
  • I do like Gordon’s appearances on YouTube - and here the word ‘appearances’ is as applicable as in a ghost story.
    It’s the facial riverdance he jigs so nimbly, the twinkling ears, the expressively tilted eye, the laughing nose, the stamping chin. He’s a one-man Picasso portrait, combined with a jabbering flicker book, the Michael Flatley of politics with a voice dubbed by Stanley Baxter.
    Let’s be fair: Brown has provided us all with hours of ribald entertainment - and that ’selfcast’ was only a couple of minutes long. Think what he could at more epic length.
    I remember in the backwaters of the ex-Soviet Union I once came across loudspeakers tied to the waterpipes (which lined the streets 15 feet in the air, presumably to avoid being stolen). They were the old Soviet union radio loudspeakers to relay the voice of Stalin or other Leaders, centrally place in the village to Tell The People What They Must Do.
    Alas, almost entirely disused these days.
    How Gordon would feel at home in the 1950s USSR. But cheer up, there’s always YouTube, just so long as he dismantles the comments to avoid any nod to democratic public opinion.

    johnt on Apr 29th, 2009 at 1:09 am
  • Canon SFB

    ” rich toffs - almost half went to Eton, like himself - and that they have succeeeded in lording it over the Queen’s second cousin, and former Bullingdon boy.”

    Taking the above into account, by logical extension, you do know what logic is? oh get someone to explain it for you, you must also hate the fragrant Harriet Harman, who went to St Pauls and is a close relative of the late Lord Longford, well known for being an ardent supporter of Myra Hindley, who I’m sure you will remember?.

    mickypee on Apr 29th, 2009 at 6:55 am
  • de Q is really getting worked up these days.

    Hey de Q - did you know Dave is a Toff? A TOFF!

    He is wealthy, though probably not as rich as Blair.

    yooohooo — Dave is a TOFF!

    Still there de Q?

    Say this is really intelligent blogging innit? I am really enjoying it. Shows I’m clever an’ an intilectule dunit?

    flightpath on Apr 29th, 2009 at 10:31 am
  • “Dave is a TOFF!”
    Cor blimey mate, stone the crows, if ‘e ever comes rahnd our way, e’ll get a right seeing to. We don’t mess abaht at the local branch of the Amalgamated TrotTrolls and Typo-Makers’ Union.

    johnt on Apr 29th, 2009 at 5:23 pm