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(August 2009)

Never in the history of man have the forces of atheism been so vocal or so militant as they are today.  The DOES GOD EXIST? program is a nonprofit effort designed to meet this challenge.

The author--John Clayton was an atheist.  He came to believe in the Bible as God's Word through his attempts to show it scientifically incorrect.  These materials draw upon this experience and learning.  With the interest and support of many people throughout the United States and Canada, he is endeavoring to demonstrate that there is a scientific basis for belief in God and the acceptance of the Bible as the Word of God.  Mr. Clayton was a public school teacher of physics and the earth sciences for 41 years.  He is a graduate of Indiana University and the University of Notre Dame, holding two master's degrees.

More information is available from:
For orders send to:

PO Box 2704
South Bend, IN 46680-2704 
Phone:    (574) 299-0145
E-mail:    marcusen@michiana.org
For information about Does God Exist? contact:
John N. Clayton    

1555 Echo Valley Dr.    
Niles, MI  49120-8738    
Phone:    (269) 687-9426
FAX:      (269) 687-9431
E-mail:    jncdge@aol.com

We would like to make you aware of the fact that we are willing to loan our materials to you at no cost with the simple request that you return the materials to us when you are finished with them. 
Credit Card Orders:  The Does God Exist? program is a ministry, not a business.  We do not have the resources nor personnel to handle credit card orders.  If you prefer to purchase something with a credit card, this can be done online by contacting PV Power Store at www.doesgodexist.tv.  The prices of items on credit card orders will have shipping added to them.

Home Page:  http://www.doesgodexist.org

Correspondence Courses
Christian Evidence Courses for the Classroom
Booklets, Pamphlets & Tracts
Does God Exist? Video Series
Books for Children
Children's Video Series
Books by John Clayton
Special Topic Video Series
Printed Materials by Other Authors
Videos by Our Consultants
Audio Cassettes/CDs
International Video Series
Online Order Form

Order Form

A printable order form is available for placing orders.  Our materials are available at our cost including shipping.  Click on the order form link, print it out, fill in your selections, enclose payment, and mail to the listed address.  We do not have the facilities to handle automated online orders.  We do have a link to another Web site, www.doesgodexist.tv, which carrries some of our materials and the materials can be ordered online and paid for using a credit card.  This site offers our materials with the addition of shipping costs.


We have 28 programs available on seven DVDs.  This series has a teacher's guide--a set of questions--that John Clayton has prepared to be used as a follow-up for  class discussion.  When the program set is ordered, or individual discs, a teacher's guide is included.  If you download the programs as mentioned in the next paragraph and you want the teacher's guide, you can get a printed copy of the it by sending an e-mail to marcusen@michiana.org and request the video teacher's quide, or you can get a PDF file of the teacher's guide by clicking this link

You can see previews of each of the following video programs by going to our sister Web site www.doesgodexist.tv.  You can purchase DVDs from this site using a credit/debit card.  You can also download full-length programs from this site.  Each file is about 100 MB and will take several minutes to download.  They are in an MP4 format, which should be viewable with programs such as, iTunes, RealPlayer, Quicktime Player, and Windows Media Player.  When you go to the linked site, you will have to proceed as if you are purchasing the video programs.  When you get to the point of paying for the programs, there is a payment selection of "Purchase Order" and you will need to enter "free" for the purchase order number.  After confirming the order you will be sent a confirmation e-mail and be able to download the file.  You need to go through this process in order to protect our site from possible malicious deeds.  If you have any problems contact either Roland at re@grvine.com or Karl at marcusen@michiana.org.

These programs are also on Google Videos and by selecting this link you will see a sheet in PDF that lists the URLs for each program.  You will be able to view each program in its entirety.  You can view them or download them for future viewing.  The programs are free through Google Videos.

We are more than happy to loan our video materials.  However, we do request a deposit for them: which is the purchase price of the sets or individual DVDs.  When the sets of DVDs are returned, we will refund your deposit less $5.00 to cover our shipping costs.  When the individual DVD is returned, we will refund your deposit less $3.00 to cover our shipping costs.  If you are going to have a problem with the deposit, please contact us and we will be happy to work something out with you.

You are welcome to copy any of our materials as long as the copies are not sold.

The following video programs are available on DVDs.  The seven-DVD set costs $60.00.  Individual DVDs cost $12.00 each.

The Cosmos--A Logical Proof of God's Existence.  A demonstration of the credibility of Genesis 1:1 from an astronomical standpoint.
The Cause of the Cosmos.  A continuation of program 1.
Intuitive Design.  An introduction to questions of chance versus design with simple examples.
Architectural Design.  A continuation of program 3 with examples of structure in nature.
Irreducible Complexity and the Anthropic Principle.  Mathematical proof that the Creation cannot have occurred by chance.
The Problem of Human Suffering.  An introduction to the question of why a loving, merciful God allows human suffering.
The Nature of God--What is God? (Part 1). A discussion of what God is and where He came from.
The Nature of God (Part 2).  A continuation of program 7 with man's nature shown to be in God's image.
The Nature of Man--Why Are We Here?  A discussion of why God created man and how this explanation relates to human suffering.
UFOs, Strange Phenomena, and God.  A demonstration of the fact that UFOs are not a valid alternative to God.
Morality's Proof of God.  Shows that the Bible's system of moral choices is logically superior to the moral guides offered by the world.
Which God Should We Serve?  The superiority of Christianity to other religious systems is considered.
The Bible's Checkability.  The reliability of the Bible is demonstrated by scientific and logical perspectives.
The Design of the Biblical System.  The results of following biblical Christianity are compared to the results of following other religious systems.
Why I Left Atheism (Part 1).  An autobiography of the factors which caused the author to be an atheist and those things which caused him to change his beliefs.
Why I Left Atheism (Part 2).  A continuation of program 15.
Jurassic Park and Genesis.  An introduction to fossils and evolution.
The Age of Things.  A discussion of how old the earth and man are.
The Flood.  A consideration of claims about the flood and what the evidence really is.
Fossils and Genesis.  A positive comparison of the fossil record and the Genesis record.
Evolution's Proof of God.  A continuation of program 20.
God, Man, and Caveman.  A demonstration that traditional flow sheets of man's evolution are not valid.
Demonology and Exorcism.  Modern-day claims of demon possession are shown to be inconsistent with biblical teaching.
Issues of Biological Evolution.  Common questions about evolution are answered.
The New Atheism, the New Science, and Belief in God. An update of the challenges of modern atheists with some answers to them and an introduction to the next three programs.
Bad Science.  A simplified explanation of quantum mechanics and why the cosmological argument is not affected by this field of study.
Quantum Mechanics and God.  Cases where both atheists and religionists employ bad science in their arguments.
Bad Theology.  Cases where both atheists and religionists employ bad theology in their arguments.


God Made It All Perfect for Children is a series of four DVDs by John Clayton and Jean Wiebe for grades 2-6.  John's lessons include:  our galaxy and solar system; why believe in the God of the Bible; fossils; and caveman.  Jean's lessons include:  earth's orbit and rotation; insects, amphibians and reptiles; birds; three special birds; water; fish; mammals; seeing, hearing, and smelling; design in creation and living things; plants; earth's recycling systems; the human body; dinosaurs; and evolution, parts 1 and 2.  Cost of the DVD set is $40.00.

Grandpa John's Science Lab.  In this children’s video series, John Clayton teaches elementary children science lessons on magnetism, electricity, wave motion, light, sound, and mechanics from a Christian perspective.  This series is very science oriented and is ideal for home schoolers and Christian teachers.  Demonstrations are done, and explanations are provided to help the students understand what they are seeing and what it tells us about the world in which we live.  In addition to the videos, a teacher’s guide is provided with content applications.  Cost of the DVD set is $30.00.


Canyonlands and the Biblical Record.  A two-hour program on one DVD featuring the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Petrified Forest, and Zion national parks, Lake Powell, and Meteor Crater with actual photographs from the Canyonlands Tour.  There is a discussion of how the biblical record correlates with the formation of these landforms, fossils, dinosaurs, and other things considered to be prehistoric in nature.  Cost of the DVD is $12.00.


Archeology & the Bible by Harvey Porter.  Three DVDs with six hours of material on archeological support for the inspiration of the Bible and the integrity of the biblical record.  Cost of the DVD set is $30.00.


We have prepared a series of six video programs on three DVDs especially for mission use.  In the programs, I present in English my material with its slides and charts.  After each phrase, sentence, or paragraph, there is a silent space of approximately the same length.  The picture on the TV screen during this silent time is either a graphic under discussion, a photograph, a Scripture, or other graphic material.  It is during this silent space that the translation should be read.  Written transcripts are available in:

French Korean Slovenian
German Polish Spanish
Greek Portuguese Sudanaese
Bulgarian Hindi Romanian Swedish
Chinese* Hungarian Russian Ukrainian
Croatian Indonesian Serbian Vietnamese
Japanese Slovakian
*(Mandarin--we also have an overdub spoken in Chinese)

It is absolutely essential that there be a local contact wherever these video programs are being shown.    We would suggest that missionaries in these countries try to help people with answers to their questions.  However, please feel free to contact us for additional assistance.  What we are saying is that we cannot possibly carry on the necessary followup from here in the United States.  We need help from mission efforts in studying personally with the individuals in foreign fields.  We are happy to provide the videos and the translations with the hope that they can be used to convince people about God.  The titles are:
1. Cosmology's Proof of God
2. The Source--Design or Chance?
3. Mathematical Proof of Design
4. What Is God?
5. What Is Man?
6. Which God Should We Serve?

Cost of the DVD set is $50.00.

Go to printable order form.


We offer two different courses--the Basic Course is written at a 4.8 grade level and the Intermediate Course at a college freshman level.  The objectives of these courses are (1) to provide a foundation that will refute atheism and deal with challenges to faith; (2) to provide up-to-date, logical, factual data so that students can answer questions that tend to disturb them in trying to deal with their friends and the world in which they live; and (3) to provide teachers with a wide-range, accurate, open-ended method of teaching this area of great concern.  Student booklets and work sheets (basic set--$2.00 or intermediate set--$4.00) and a complete Teacher's Guide (either course--$5.00 each) are available.

Basic Course
Intermediate Course
God's Creation
The Cosmos--A Proof of God's Existence
The Theories You Learned in School
The Source--Design or Chance?
UFO's, Ancient Astronauts, and the Bermuda Triangle
Which God are We Talking About?
The Bible--God's Perfect Book
What is God?
The Bible--The Perfect Plan for Man
What is Man?
How Do We Know that God Created the Earth and All Living Things on It?
Why Did God Create Man?
Evolution--God's Plan for Life's Survival
How Did God Create Man?
Man's Distortion of God's Design for Life's Ability to Change
When Did God Create Man ?
How Do We Know the Theory of Evolution is Wrong?
The History of the Earth
How Do We Know We Didn't Come from an Ape-Like Ancestor?
The History of Man
How Do We Know Genesis Is Right?
Morality and God's Plan for Man's Needs
How Does God Do Things?
The Logic of the Church
How Do We Know Jesus Is the Answer
What About Me?

Supplemental booklets include
Why I Left Atheism
The Problem of Human Suffering
A Help in Understanding What God Is
Who Created God?


The Death of a Child by Steve Williams.  "God's will" is not a correct or helpful explanation for the death of a child or other tragedies.  This booklet explains the real meaning of human life in these areas of concern.

Do Not Sin against the Child.  Tape A of the audio tape series in booklet form.

The Problem of Human Suffering.  Tape 5 of the audio tape series in booklet form.

Why I Left Atheism.  The author's own story in written form.  Also available on audio tape 13.

Basic Evidences 3-Tract Series:

A Practical Man's Proof of God.  Designed to be used as an evangelistic tool in reaching out to people with faith problems.

A Help in Understanding What God Is.  A story about Flatland as related to God and man.

Who Created God?  Answers a frequent question:  "If God created the creation, who or what created God?"

What Was the Cause of the Beginning?  A continuation of A Practical Man's Proof of God showing that, for the cosmos to be as it is, there must be design and thus a Designer.

Go to printable order form.


Seven of the books show children examples of wisdom seen in the creation as described in Romans 1:19-23, four address questions that children frequently have, and four deal with self image and the worth of a human being explained at a child's level.  The books for children cost $2.00 each or $25.00 for the set of 15 books.

Animals of the Cold by Charlsy Ford and John Clayton.  A study of how animals in Alaska are designed by God to live in a cold climate.

Climbing Higher
by Ann Gardner.  A book to help children deal with life and understand death.

Created ... A Plan
by Charlsy Ford.  The meaning and value of being created in God's image is explained.

Dinosaurs--One of God's More Interesting & Useful Creations by John Clayton.  A book on dinosaurs that gives children a possible explanation that is logical and consistent with both science and the Bible.

Frogs and Toads: God's Bug Snatchers by Charlsy Ford.  "God has made frogs and toads to help us by catching bugs and things that would harm us."

God Made Little Ants
by Jill Trowbridge.  God's design in nature is seen in the structure and conduct of ant communities.

God's VIP--That's Me!
by Judy Harbottle.  A book to help children develop self-esteem.  A series of skits written by John Clayton is based on this book and uses body puppets.

The Great King's Plan
by Jean Wiebe.  A book to help children understand why God created man.

How Can a Kangaroo?
by Charlsy Ford.  Tells children about the majesty of God's Creation through design in the wisdom and complexity of marsupial reproduction.

How Do Birds Fly?
by John Clayton.  The wisdom of flight is presented as a design of God.

How Do I See? by John Clayton.  The design of the human eye is explained as a masterpiece of God's wisdom.

Outrageous Me!
by Eric Johnston.  An imaginative look at what we might think we should become, ending with the realization that God has made us, and we are perfect because He cares about us.

Plants--God's Special Gift to Us
by John Clayton.  The uses of plants and their role in preparing the earth for man is discussed.

Soaring Eagles by Charlsy Ford and John Clayton.  Eagles are incredibly designed by God to be predators, a vital part of the ecology of places like Alaska.  This is a study of this majestic bird.

Why Is the Sky Blue?  Why Are Trees Green? by John Clayton.  The connection between blue skies and green trees is shown as one of great wisdom.


Dandy Designs.  Contains design articles from our publication which show God's wisdom and planning in the creation.  (vol. 1, 1974-1982; vol. 2, 1983-1992; vol. 3, 1993-2000; vol. 4, 2001-2006)   The Dandy Design books cost $3.00 each or $10.00 for the set of 4 books.

Evidences of God.  Contains articles from DOES GOD EXIST?  bulletins (vol. 1-3, 1972-83; vol. 4, 1984-86; vol 5, 1987-89; vol. 6, 1990-1992; vol. 7, 1993-1996; vol. 8, 1997-2000; vol. 9, 2001-2003; vol. 10, 2004-2006, volume 10 is comb bound).  The Evidences of God books cost $4.00 each or $25.00 for the set of 8 books.

Frequently Asked Questions is a collection of questions that have been asked most frequently during the 39 years that John Clayton has been doing lectureships on university campuses and in town meetings throughout the world.  There are 40 questions covering everything from personal questions about Clayton’s early life as an atheist to technical questions such as how chaos theory jibes with scripture.  Some are biblical questions and some have to do with divergent subjects such as UFOs and ghosts.  Cost is $5.00.
God's Revelation in His Rocks and in His Word.  A study of the fossils and the Genesis record showing how the two can be harmonized and the conflict resolved.  Cost is $1.50.

The Life of Riley--From the Inside Out.  The story of John Clayton's 41 years as an inner-city science teacher.  He talks about the problems of American public education and gives his suggestions about how to solve them.  Cost is $3.00.

The Source:  Creation--Eternal Design or Infinite Accident.  This is our book designed to provide answers to questions prompted by science about God.  Cost is $6.00.

Timothy, My Son and Teacher.
  A story of the Claytons' experiences in dealing with a damaged and retarded son.  Deals with reasonableness of God allowing this to happen.  Cost is $3.00.

Go to printable order form.

(Written by others with unique talents in certain areas.)

Acting Out Our Faith by Sherry Jansma.  A 220-page book with a year of lessons for elementary grades in which the students learn by acting out the stories, complete with plans for preparing the sets, an audio tape of the skits, games, pictures, nature-related interest lessons, as well as review lessons and complete instructions.  She suggests using our children's book titled God Made Little Ants with her lessons.  Cost is $5.00.

All He Needs for Heaven by Jim and Chet McDoniel.  This is a story of a family who had a baby born with no arm on the right side, a short stub on the left, and short legs as if the thigh section was missing (to quote his dad from Chapter 1 of this book).  It deals with their experiences, what they have learned, and how something like this fits into the concept of a loving God who wants the best for His children.  Cost is $3.50.

God Made It All Perfect
by Jean Wiebe.  A 114-page book of ideas useful with Christian Evidences lessons in pre-school and primary grades.  Patterns for puppets used in this material are also available.  Cost is $3.50.

God Made It All Perfect, volume 2 by Pat Parker.  A 191-page book--an expansion of God Made It All Perfect by Jean Wiebe.  Cost is $6.00.

I'd Offer You My Seat ... but It's Taken by Ralph Scott.  A man who had been confined to a wheelchair for over 50 years tells his story and offers help and support for those dealing with major disabilities.  Cost is $4.00.

Journey through a Jewel by S. L. Jansma.  A novel showing a natural theology and its effect upon a skeptical mind.  Cost is $5.00.

Living Successfully with Diabetes by Phyllis Clayton.  An insulin-dependent diabetic for over 55 years tells from a personal standpoint how diabetes can be lived with (not for).  How a Christian can approach and live successfully with this disease.  Cost is $2.00.

Prelude to Glory by Wayne D. Leeper.  Explanations of the alleged contradictions in the various Gospels of the events that occurred during the last week of Jesus' life.  Cost is $5.00.

Problem of Pain and Suffering by Steve Williams.  A logical,  technical, detailed study of pain and suffering.  Cost is $2.50.

The Real Jesus of History by Joel Stephen Williams.  A rebuttal of skeptical attacks on the credibility of Jesus Christ.  Cost is $1.00.

Star of Jacob by Wayne D. Leeper.  An examination of the scientific, historical, and biblical evidence for the Star of Bethlehem.  Cost is $4.00.

Studies in Job by Ann Gardner.  A 13-1esson children's series on death and problems in life.  Cost is $2.00.

Understanding Evolution: A Christian Perspective, by Phillip Eichman, Ph.D. in Biology.  Cost is $4.00.

The Whiner's Guide to Chemotherapy by Judy Hines.  A recovered cancer patient uses her experiences to help others deal with chemotherapy both physically and spiritually.  Cost is $2.50.

Go to printable order form.


The following audio tapes/CDs cost $2.00 each or $25.00 for the set of 18.

Side 1
Side 2
In the Beginning--The Proof
God Creation
Intuitive Design
Irreducible Complexity
Design or Chance?
The Origin of Life
What Is God?
What Is Man?
Human Suffering
Why Did God Create Man?
Which God? Why the Bible?
Moral Choices
Morality's Proof of God
The Age of Things
Genesis 1
The Animals of Genesis
The Flood
Flood Questions
God, Man, and Caveman
God's Finest Design
The Church
Why I Left Atheism-1 Why I Left Atheism-2

Audio Tapes (these topics are only available on cassette tapes) that are still available from our old audio tape series.  Cost for each tape is $2.00.

Tape Sides 1 and 2
Do Not Sin Against the Child
Evidences in Evangelism
How to Instill Faith in the Child
Clayton-Murray Debate
Clayton-Tholen Debate
Clayton-Rogers Debate
Clayton-Reid Debate

Tapes E-H are live recordings and are not a part of the Does God Exist? library nor are they produced by us.  They are the property of the radio stations and are copied by permission.

A printable order form is available for placing orders.  Our materials are available at our cost including shipping.  Click on the order form link, print it out, fill in your selections, enclose payment, and mail to the listed address.  We do not have the facilities to handle automated online orders.  If you prefer to purchase something with a credit card, this can be done online by contacting PV Power Store at www.doesgodexist.tv.  The prices of items on credit card orders will have shipping added to them.

Does God Exist?