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Cheap, out-of-date, authoritarian, Leftist rhetoric trivialises threat of racists and extremists March 18, 2010 at 7:10 pm
Cheap, out-of-date, authoritarian, Leftist rhetoric trivialises threat of racists and extremists

Instead of trivialising the BNP, mainstream politicians should outline more thoughtfully the moral case against extremism and racism, they should articulate the policy solutions that address the anger and frustration of millions of potential BNP voters (covering seemingly toxic subjects like immigration and identity in a responsible, moderate fashion), and they should focus their political parties more energetically on beating the BNP at the ballot box.

Comments: 20
Hurry up, Trevor – end this membership confusion March 18, 2010 at 9:40 am
Hurry up, Trevor – end this membership confusion

News from the Bunker last night that Griffin’s signed 1,000 new members (and, presumably, cashed their cheques) will be a relief to the BNP’s worried bankers, but is a red rag to the EHRC and the Courts.

Comments: 34
Garry Bushell suspends patronage over SOTS’s links to BNP March 18, 2010 at 8:30 am
Garry Bushell suspends patronage over SOTS’s links to BNP

TV journo Garry Bushell has suspended his patronage of Soldiers off the Street the BNP-linked astro-turf

Comments: 71
BNP’s snout caught in the trough March 17, 2010 at 5:34 pm
BNP’s snout caught in the trough

Nick Griffin MEP, who fought an election campaign protesting about the expenses scandal, has joined the Euro expenses gravy train today in splendid style.

Comments: 123
Trouble brewing on BNP unpublished expenses March 17, 2010 at 10:18 am
Trouble brewing on BNP unpublished expenses

The BNP are always keen to portray themselves as whiter than white, and different from the corrupt “pigs” of the “LibLabCon”, but there is a distinct lack of transparency on their own European expenses which is beginning to be noticed.

Comments: 35
Welsh BNP official’s ugly threats to Labour peeress March 15, 2010 at 7:28 pm

Roger Phillips, the BNP’s West Wales deputy organiser, has used threatening language towards a Labour peeress.

Comments: 163
That BNP constitution in full – the BNP hasn’t changed at all March 15, 2010 at 5:07 pm

A copy of the BNP constitution has fallen into my hands and it confirms that all the talk about modernisation hides the fact that the BNP hasn’t changed at all. That said, the court is treading on delicate ground when it uses race relations legislation to impose policy decisions on a political party. The sooner this mess is resolved the better.

Comments: 22
France’s Front National worryingly rebounds in local elections after years in wilderness March 15, 2010 at 4:54 pm
France’s Front National worryingly rebounds in local elections after years in wilderness

Front National have re-emerged by coming fourth in the first round of voting in the local elections.

Comments: 41
BNP wife to stand against Speaker March 15, 2010 at 4:40 pm

BNP wife is to stand against John Bercow MP at the general election.

Comments: 23
There is Nothing British about isolationism March 12, 2010 at 8:30 am
There is Nothing British about isolationism

The BNP claims to be proud of our history, but its isolationism would betray our history of leading the world.

Comments: 215