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Lib Dems recovering in ICM/Guardian poll

ICM’s monthly poll for the Guardian had topline figures, with changes from their last poll for the Sunday Telegraph in mid-October, of CON 40%(-3), LAB 35%(-1), LDEM 18%(+4).
It appears to show a significant increase for the Lib Dems – ICM are the pollster who normally show the highest level of Liberal Democrat support, but even [...]

ComRes gives the Conservatives an 8 point lead

A ComRes poll for the Independent tomorrow has topline voting intentions, with changes from their last poll, of CON 41%(+7), LAB 33%(-4), LDEM 16%(+1). In amongst the flurry of polls we’ve had over the last two months ComRes haven’t polled since mid-September, back before conference season began, so missed out on all of the Labour [...]

Labour back ahead with MORI

A new Ipsos MORI poll for the Observer shows Labour back in the lead – the topline figures with changes from MORI’s last poll (conducted for the Sun a fortnight ago) are CON 40%(-1), LAB 41%(+3), LDEM 13%(+2).
Unlike YouGov’s poll published on Friday (although actually conducted slightly later than this one) the poll suggests [...]

YouGov – Brown now seen as indecisive and ineffective

YouGov’s monthly poll for the Telegraph has topline voting intention figures, with changes from their last poll, of CON 41% (nc), LAB 38% (nc), LDEM 11% (nc). Clearly the figures are exactly the same as their last poll, conducted two and a half weeks ago for the Sunday Times.
This is the first poll for [...]

How many people actually care about Europe?

We await the next political opinion poll – hopefully tomorrow’s Guardian will have one from ICM, though until Ming Campbell is replaced by a new Liberal Democrat leader we are once again in a sort of polling interregnum with a known unknown bearing down on us.
There were a couple of polls over the weekend. Firstly [...]

The power of the polls

Back in the summer I wrote a piece titled “Why Voting Intention Polls Matter” largely about the Brown boost in the polls but making the point about the real importance of opinion polling in politics today.
It isn’t about predicting what the next election will be, because apart from those taken immediately before an election, [...]