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Wednesday 16 December 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


David Hughes

David Hughes is the Daily Telegraph's chief leader writer. He has been covering British politics for 30 years.

Ed Balls has another wizard wheeze


He’s at it again. This morning’s FT reports that Ed “dividing lines” Balls wants an additional £2.6 billion over the next three years in order “to spare education from the looming public spending axe”. That’s not actually why he wants it at all. The real purpose of his cash bid is to put the Tories on the spot. Balls wants Labour  to go into the election depicting the Conservatives as savage school cutters. The fact that the Government’s incontinent handling of the public finances (for which Balls was largely responsible as Gordon Brown’s consigliere at the Treasury) means a £175 billon budget deficit is clearly not going to deter the Schools Secretary. In for a penny, in for a pound seems to be his approach. But surely he is being  too timid. His wizard wheeze could be extended to every department in Whitehall. Just bump up their budgets and then accuse the Tories of being evil axemen when they warn there will have to be cuts to bring down the deficit. Balls is a clever chap but clearly has a bit of a blindspot: he seems to regard the voters as morons.


  • It’s the leadership campaign innit. Over to Milithingy for a riposte.

    Old School Esq on Nov 17th, 2009 at 11:57 am
  • Is there any chance someone might tap the following message in Morse code on Balls’ head with a blunt instrument “Terry Leahy confirmed you have wasted a vast amount of our money. We don’t want you to waste any more. **** off!”?

    Sheumais on Nov 17th, 2009 at 12:00 pm
  • There’s no ’seems to’ about Balls’ regard for the voters: he does think they are morons. His ’so what’ comment to the impact on them of the abolition of the 10% tax rate proves it. The man really is an utter shit.

    Crusty Foo on Nov 17th, 2009 at 2:10 pm
  • he seems to regard the voters as morons

    Well, I suppose that they did elect this government!

    skeptik on Nov 17th, 2009 at 3:31 pm