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Posts Tagged ‘Lisbon Treaty’

March 18th, 2010 8:14

Will Angela Merkel give us a referendum on the EU?

Angela Merkel wants a mechanism to kick countries out of the euro. And can you blame her? For a decade, German politicians have been reassuring their voters that the euro would not result in their bei... Read More

March 16th, 2010 12:28

Would changes to the euro need a new EU Treaty?

This is such a minefield, but it’s far from dull because the political fall-out is huge. Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, says that the creation of a European Monetary Fund, so that th... Read More

November 23rd, 2009 12:04

No 10 says the EU now has its own Foreign Office

Before the Lisbon Treaty was a done deal, the British Government used to get very touchy about the European External Action Service that it will create. We were told repeatedly that the EEAS will not... Read More

November 21st, 2009 11:00

An appeal to Guardian readers

British radicals were historically for the dispersal and democratisation of power. Some of them – Tony Benn stands in a place of special honour - still are. But when it comes to the EU, a surpri... Read More

November 19th, 2009 11:04

BTW Dave will head the campaign to stay in the EU

By the way, it’s worth noting another moment from Dave’s appearance on Today. Remember when he ran up the white flag on the Lisbon Treaty and set out his Plan B? And he said he wanted a more “pe... Read More

November 18th, 2009 10:21

President Blair and the Conservatives' secret European angst

Wandering through a quiet Palace of Westminster last night I bumped into a surprising number of MPs, including a couple of Tory frontbenchers. In separate conversations, both confessed a terrible sec... Read More

November 10th, 2009 15:16

Ken Clarke: Tory pledges on Europe are just 'reassurances'

Good old Ken Clarke, a walking gift to journalism if ever there was one. Mr Clarke has just been addressing the Commons press gallery. Inevitably, the leading Tory pro-European was asked about David... Read More

November 9th, 2009 18:03

Funeral in Berlin – of freedom, buried by EUSSR commissars posing as democrats

As farces go, it has Brian Rix beaten to a cocked hat. The spectacle of the leaders of the EUSSR marching solemnly through Berlin to celebrate the “fall” of communism and the restoration of freedo... Read More

November 9th, 2009 12:28

Gordon Brown should send David Miliband to Brussels as EU 'foreign minister'

Over dinner in Berlin tonight, European leaders will not be short of conversation. Angela Merkel may not want the Berlin Wall celebrations to be overshadowed, but we all know that they’re going... Read More

November 6th, 2009 18:29

Perhaps Britain needs a written constitution after all

The United Kingdom, we were taught at school, didn’t need a written constitution; it had a sovereign Parliament instead. People in hot countries might put their faith in ink and paper, ran the t... Read More