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Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday Caption Competition (Fool and Fuld Edition)

+ + + GDP Growth Weak : 0.2% + + +

Consensus economists were predicting 0.4%.  Gordon will use this to spin that this means he can’t cut the deficit because it would take spending out of the economy.  Cutting taxes would of course boost the private sector and keep more money in the economy.  In recent years Cananda and Sweden have both cut government overspending by 10% in a recession and achieved strong economic growth…

Happy St George’s Day

As my own country inches towards unity and complete self-determination, Guido will say a prayer to St George that within two weeks England too can achieve sovereignty and freedom from rule by foreigners from the North of the British Isles.  Guido will say another prayer for the re-Catholicisation of England and that you will succeed in driving the Scottish Presbyterian overlords from your lands.

Even if your patron saint is actually a Turk and sadly you don’t get a national holiday today, St George’s day should be celebrated. With both a German-descended head-of-state and a Scots dominated government, it must all be a little demoralising.

Nevertheless, this Irishman would like to wish all his English readers a happy St George’s day. Cheers!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Second Debate - The ANTI Spin Room">Second Debate - The ANTI Spin Room

Click HERE for a live stream from our sister station Sky News.

The stage is set, the polls are down for Clegg and the spin is already beginning. Below you can see what the right pundits are saying. Emily Nomates will be filing from the Bristol spin room, Tory Bear has fired up the TweetDeck and Guido is hitting Smarkets hard. Welcome to the Guy News ANTI Spin Room.

Emily Nomates will be sending in behind the scenes pictures. Wonder what these two really wanted to say to each other.  They look like they are getting on like a house on fire.

UPDATE: During the angry Dave leaflet ding dong Gordon denied that he had authorised any such leaflet. Meanwhile in the Spin Room Gove calls Whelan: “Did you pay for them Charlie?” Cue look of absolute death.

Prezza Avoids Punching Protester

A fat man dressed up as John Prescott has ended up nicked after he followed the original  around while he was campaigning in the East End. The heavies were called in and the police led the alleged Tory council candidate away.

Sadly before Prescott had the opportunity to thump him.

Ban The Bercow

The non-partisan online fund-raising site YouFund.Me.uk has raised thousands in small online donations to beat Ed Balls, hundreds to unseat Nadine Dorries and is aiming to raise even more money for Nigel Farage in his bid to unseat Bercow.  Guido will bet that a lot of conservatives around the country will be donating to get rid of Bercow.  The unprecedented ”Friends of the Speaker” slush fund has ensured Bercow will be fighting for survival hard, so why not throw Farage a tenner to oust the troughing flipper…

Sky’s the Limit

Sky News are obviously very excited about their debate tonight, but projecting the leader’s faces on the side of the white cliffs of Dover is perhaps a little bit of an over-kill. The nation’s media is descending on Bristol, ready to whip itself into another circus. Guido will be bringing you the Anti Spin Room Live from seven…

+ + + Fire Alarm Has Gone Off at Labour HQ + + +

Staff milling around aimlessly outside.  Bit of a metaphor for the campaign really…

Balls Upsets the Townsfolk

It’s an increasingly tight race in Morley and Outwood and Ed Balls is getting desperate. Punters give the Tories a 47% chance of taking the seat. Last weekend the town turned out for its annual St George’s day celebration. Despite an unofficial ban on politicking, guess who put in an appearance, keen to get some local flavour onto his website…

First he muscled his way into a photo with the Mayoress of Morley, ignoring pleas to keep things non-political and exclaiming, “Do you know who I am? I’m the Secretary of State!” Then he further endeared himself to locals by crashing the reception in the town hall, where he was heard talking through the religious ceremony.

His electioneering was so brazen that independent council members organising the event decided to invite his opponent Antony Calvert to balance things out. To cap things off, as the townsfolk began to head to the parade ground, Balls decided he’d rather not make the short walk himself and barreled his way into the Leeds’ Mayoress’ car. Her elderly husband was forced to walk, but at least Balls got his photo op.

State of the Campaigns : LibDems Peaking

The poll rise of the LibDems appears to have been checked in the averages, they are under a lot more scrutiny now with the front pages of the Tory press literally throwing the kitchen sink (on his expenses) at Clegg.  The whole ‘new politics’ baloney of a former corporate lobbyist who had lobbyists paying into his personal bank account isn’t really credible. If the Tories can get cut through on the hypocrisy of this they will undermine Clegg’s shiney newness.

YouGov’s daily tracker last night put the Tories back in front swapping places with the LibDems, Labour cement their third place poll position:

  • Conservative 33%
  • Liberal Democrat 31%
  • Labour 27%
  • Others 9%

The betting on the Politics Markets this morning makes Clegg the slight favourite to be the winner of the TV debate tonight: Nick Clegg 59%, David Cameron 58%, Gordon Brown 9%.  YouGov will have their instant feedback debate poll a little after 10pm…

Britain has delusions of importance” says Simon Hughes.

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