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ICM/Newsnight – 57% support animal testing for medical research. More on polls about animal testing here.
Harris/FT – attitudes towards Russia. Only 12% of people think of Russia as being a democracy, but more people see it as a partner (41%) than as a threat (23%). The US is seen as the greatest threat to world [...]

The State of the Parties – JULY


38 (-1)
33 (nc)
18 (nc)

36 (nc)
32 (-1)
24 (+3)

39 (+3)
35 (nc)
17 (-1)

36 (-1)
34 (nc)
19 (+1)

July’s opinion polls largely show no change. Labour’s level of support has remained almost static, despite the arrest of Lord Levy and most of the month’s polls being conducted at at time when the government was facing criticism for not condemning Israel’s action [...]

MORI Political Monitor

The FT have published MORI’s monthly political monitor. The topline figures with changes from MORI’s last monthly poll are CON 36%(nc), LAB 32%(-1), LDEM 24%(+3), suggesting that while there is little change in levels of support for the Conservatives and Labour, the Liberal Democrats have benefitted from their vocal condemnation of Israel’s actions in Lebanon. [...]

YouGov voting intention

The monthly voting intention figures from YouGov, with changes from last month, are CON 38%(-1), LAB 33%(nc), LDEM 18%(nc).
The steadiness of the Labour and Lib Dem levels of support is the same as ICM’s poll in the week, and suggests that despite the government’s support for Israel being very unpopular, it is not [...]

Looking at the non-voters

Lord Tebbit has an article in the Spectator expressing concern about the number of stay-at-home voters who are apparantly growing in their numbers and not impressed with David Cameron.
In Norman Tebbit’s article he says “These days the pollsters also mislead by telling the percentages of respondents declaring themselves for the parties, but no longer [...]

YouGov on Israel

The Telegraph have published the most detailed poll so far on attitudes towards the conflict between Israel and Hizbollah. As in ICM’s poll earlier this week, the survey suggests there is little public backing for Israel’s actions; only 17% of people think that Israel’s response to the kidnapping of her soldiers has been proportionate, with [...]