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Will poor registration affect the London race?

The Electoral Commission have released a study by NOP into how many people in London aren’t actually registered to vote. NOP found 20% of people in London between 18 and 25 weren’t registered and 27% of people between 25 and 34 weren’t. In comparison, only 5% of over 65s and 8% of 55-64s are unregistered.
It [...]

Post election polling round up

With the results from the Scottish election in, how did the pollsters do? All the pollsters underestimated the level of Conservative support in the constituency section (and all by the same amount), Populus’s Labour support was too low and YouGov’s SNP support too high, leaving ICM as the most accurate in the constituency section.
Constituency Vote




Lib [...]

New Welsh polls

This week there have been two new polls for the Welsh Assembly elections. The first was by Beaufort Research for the Western Mail and conducted between April 16th-23rd. We don’t know much about how Beaufort’s polls are weighted or adjusted other than that the poll is based only on those certain to vote. The full [...]

Actual Voting Intention in Wales!

The long awaited NOP poll on voting intention in the Welsh Assembly elections next month has support in the constituency vote at CON 23%(+3), LAB 36%(-4), LDEM 15%(+1), PC 20%(-1) and in the regional vote CON 24%(+5), LAB 35%(-2), LDEM 15%(+2), PC 20%(nc). Changes are from the shares of the vote at the last election [...]

Voting Intention in Wales?

ITV have apparently commissioned an NOP poll on voting intention for the Welsh Assembly election next month that will be released on Thursday, the first and so-far only pointer we so far have of what might happen in the Welsh elections. There has been a glut of polls on voting intention in Scotland, but till [...]

Sunday Polls

Three polls this Sunday, from ICM, NOP and MORI.
An ICM poll for the Sunday Telegraph finds 52% of Scots in favour of independence. This is a similar figure to that found in the first of ICM’s new regular polls for the Scotsman, but contrasts with the figure YouGov found in their poll for the [...]