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Quito Ecuador-Cont’d (Part 15) El Panecillo

Quito Ecuador-El Panecillo

After class one day, Sila from the school, and I took off for a place called El Panecillo, a hill where sits a huge statue of La Virgen de Quito from which there are incredible views of Quito.  Problem was, the bus routes were messed up and we got off at the wrong stop.  We ended up having to walk through the San Diego neighborhood and all the way up the hill to the monument.  I think it was about 2.5 miles.  Fortunately, the weather was cool.  It was a long haul, probably took us an hour.   Sila had on short heels, I don’t know how she made it up.  She is a tough little cookie!

We went up to the top of the statue and took some great photos of the city. 

El Panecillo-the statue at the top of the hill

Quito Ecuador-El panecillo

Quito Ecuador-El Pancello-shot through a door at the top of the statue

View of Quito Ecuador taken from the walk up the hill to El Panecillo

view of Quito Ecuador from the walk up the hill to El Panecillo

Quito Ecuador-the walk up to El Panecillo

After we waqlked to the top and finished our tour, there were no taxis to take us down.  They were attending a funeral for one of their own.  When we started walking down, it started raining and lightning.  I did not feel good about the situation.  Finally after 20 minutes a taxi came by and we grabbed it.  It was a fun day!

Next-a visit to the Musuem of the Equator-

Read about my other travels click here

Steve Barrymore ssb11@prodigy.net

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I cant believe you guys walked up that hill. That would be NO easy climb. That area is just a little rough too. Ah the memories in these photos. -Jim

Yep, we walked it! The amazing part was Sila walking up the hill and never once complaining. I kept looking for a taxi and she would always say “no problema”


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