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Stories by: Naomi Hamilton

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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: C# 01 October, 2008 13:00

    In this interview Microsoft's leader of C# development, Anders Hejlsberg, took some time to tell Computerworld about the development of C#, his thoughts on future programming trends, and his experiences putting out fires. Hejlsberg is also responsible for writing the Turbo Pascal system, and was the lead architect on the team that developed Delphi.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: Haskell 19 September, 2008 17:11

    In this in-depth interview, we chat with Simon Peyton-Jones about the development of Haskell. Peyton-Jones is particularly interested in the design, implementation, and application of lazy functional languages, and speaks in detail of his desire to ‘do one thing well’, as well as his current research projects being undertaken at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: Lua 11 September, 2008 20:29

    Computerworld is undertaking a series of investigations into the most widely-used programming languages. This time we chat to Prof. Roberto Ierusalimschy about the design and development of Lua.
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    The New Browser Wars: Is Chrome Shining? 05 September, 2008 14:42

    Google has stirred things up yet again this week with the introduction of their Web browser Google Chrome.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: Python 05 August, 2008 22:33

    Computerworld's investigations into the most widely-used programming languages continues as we chat with Guido van Rossum, Monty Python and Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan. Van Rossum is best known as the author of Python, and currently works for Google, CA where he gets to spend at least half his time developing the language.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: JavaScript 31 July, 2008 21:04

    In this interview we chat to Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript and Chief Technology Officer of Mozilla Corporation. Eich details the development of JS from its inception at Netscape in 1995, and comments on its continued popularity, as well as what he believes will be the future of client-side scripting languages on the Web.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: D 22 July, 2008 08:07

    In this interview, we chat to Walter Bright about D and his aim to improve on C++. According to his home page, Bright was trained as a mechanical engineer, and has worked for Boeing on the 757 stabilizer trim system. Ever since this experience however, he has been writing software, and has a particular interest in compilers.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: Modula-3 15 July, 2008 21:38

    We chat with Luca Cardelli, a member of the Modula-3 design committee. Cardelli is a Principal Researcher and Head of the Programming Principles and Tools and Security groups at Microsoft Research in Cambridge,UK, and is an ACM Fellow. Here he chats to Computerworld about the origins of Modula-3, including how the most exciting Modula-3 design meeting ever, was abruptly interrupted by the San Francisco 7.1 earthquake.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: YACC 09 July, 2008 11:02

    This interview is dedicated to the investigation of YACC, and to chatting with AT&T; alumni Stephen C. Johnson. Johnson is currently employed at The MathWorks, where he works daily with MATLAB. Computerworld snatched the opportunity recently to get his thoughts on working with Al Aho and Dennis Ritchie, as well as the development of Bison.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: INTERCAL 04 July, 2008 13:09

    Computerworld is undertaking a series of investigations into the most widely-used programming languages. Previously we have spoken to Alfred v. Aho of AWK fame, S. Tucker Taft on the Ada 1995 and 2005 revisions, Microsoft about its server-side script engine ASP, Chet Ramey about his experience maintaining Bash, Bjarne Stroustrup of C++ fame, and to Charles H. Moore about the design and development of Forth. In this interview, Computerworld ventures down a less series path and chats to Don Woods about the development and uses of INTERCAL
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: Forth 27 June, 2008 08:01

    Computerworld is undertaking a series of investigations into the most widely-used programming languages. Previously we have spoken to Alfred v. Aho of AWK fame, S. Tucker Taft on the Ada 1995 and 2005 revisions, Microsoft about its server-side script engine ASP, and Chet Ramey about his experience maintaining Bash.
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