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    IT Budgets: It's Time to Rethink Your Chargebacks 26 February, 2010 06:56:00

    Business heads can end up paying more than they did before
    Let's face it: Your department is a cost center without a revenue stream to offset your cost structure. Hence, you are totally reliant on the revenue-producing units within the company to pay your way.
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    IT Matchmakers 26 February, 2010 07:55:00

    Matching up young people with IT opportunities solves two problems for CIOs
    Whenever CIOs start talking about how to attract a new generation of young people to IT, the conversation tends to run in predictable circles.
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    5 Reasons to Revisit Google Desktop Now 26 February, 2010 07:22:00

    The enterprise version of Google Desktop offers businesses many of the same standard features
    Google Desktop is a downloadable application that indexes items on your computer such as e-mail conversations, Microsoft Office documents, Web history, PDFs, music, images and video. The app then copies the items' content to your local cache, allowing you to search for any of these documents quicker than your computer's standard search function does.
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    Slideshow: Open source at Facebook 24 February, 2010 14:25:00

    How the social networking giant uses open source tools to achieve its massive app scalablilty.
    It’s loved by millions and has risen from a small-time university social networking service to the biggest phenomenon on the Internet. It’s the phenomenon that is Facebook. Popularity, however, doesn’t come easy. With some 400 million unique home pages Facebook is pushing the boundaries of traditional Web application scalability and it’s not shy to admit that it has been achieved by leveraging open source software. We take a look at some of the slides presented by Facebook at this year's FOSDEM conference in Belgium.
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    Project Portfolio Management: Three Dangerous Myths 23 February, 2010 04:12:00

    Sound PPM projects begin with a clear-eyed assessment of the organization's PPM maturity level and its appetite and ability to advance
    The Standish Group's "CHAOS Summary 2009" report shows a marked decrease in IT project success rates, with 32 percent of all projects succeeding. It's one thing to know that 68 percent of all IT projects don't succeed. But it's another to look across your company and realize you have no way of knowing which of your projects might be in the 68 percent bucket and which have the potential to be in the 32 percent bucket.
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    Think Tank: Promises, promises!! 22 January, 2010 08:46:00

    "Over promise and under-deliver" is is just one of many myths about promises. Here's how to make promises you can keep.
    "Over promise and under-deliver" is is just one of many myths about promises. Here's how to make promises you can keep.
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    Web 2.0 101: An Executive Guide to Web 2.0 24 November, 2008 12:40:00

    Web 2.0 is a set of technologies, a huge set of related functionality and almost a lifestyle choice. This straight-up, non-techie tutorial will help you separate the facts from the hype.
    Web 2.0 is a set of technologies, a huge set of related functionality and almost a lifestyle choice. This straight-up, non-techie tutorial will help you separate the facts from the hype.
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    SOA 101: An Executive Guide to Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) 24 November, 2008 13:03:00

    What is service-oriented architecture (SOA)? Do you need one? And if you do, what are the first steps you need to take to create an SOA of your very own?
    What is service-oriented architecture (SOA)? Do you need one? And if you do, what are the first steps you need to take to create an SOA of your very own?
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    Enterprise 2.0 101: An Executive Guide to Enterprise 2.0 21 November, 2008 12:20:00

    Enterprise 2.0 has the potential to provide knowledge and content management in a surprisingly cheap and easy fashion using Web-based tools. Learn what it's about, what distinguishes it from consumer Web 2.0 technologies and why you should pay attention.
    Enterprise 2.0 has the potential to provide knowledge and content management in a surprisingly cheap and easy fashion using Web-based tools. Learn what it's about, what distinguishes it from consumer Web 2.0 technologies and why you should pay attention.
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    Vendor Management 101: An Executive Guide to Vendor Management 21 November, 2008 11:42:00

    The combination of innovative IT and a cooperative orientation toward vendors leads directly to better vendor performance and firm profitability.
    The combination of innovative IT and a cooperative orientation toward vendors leads directly to better vendor performance and firm profitability.
Case Studies
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    ABC music mashup shows off the Semantic Web 11 October, 2009 14:42:00

    Australian Broadcasting Corporation leads the way into a brave new world.
    Until recently, the idea of a World Wide Web in which information and services are defined - the Semantic Web - has remained something developers aspire to rather than a reality. That is starting to change. Earlier this year, the ABC launched three new socially networked digital radio websites which aggregate content from several different sources, including MusicBrainz, YouTube, Last.fm and Wikipedia. It is not only a new approach for a content-rich organisation such as the ABC, it is a working example of the possibilities of Semantic Web technology.
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    Telstra off-shoot dishes up AI 27 May, 2009 14:38:00

    Hellish voices use Australian-developed voice recognition software to sell pizzas
    When New Zealand pizza franchise Hell Pizza made the journey across the Tasman to set-up shop in Brisbane, it needed to get noticed fast.
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    Planning Helps Data Centre Move Go Smoothly 21 June, 2007 16:15:51

    Moving a data centre isn't easy under the best of circumstances. And no matter how hard you plan, there are still things that you don't think about
    It isn't often that you have access to your local neighborhood data centre, literally a few steps down the block. But I did. I live in a residential area of the US state of St. Louis called the Central West End, and I pass by the offices of the Regional Justice Information Service (REJIS) almost every day. When I learned that it was going to be moving its data centre, I knew that I had to be there for the actual move.
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    Linux, Open Source Software Pay Off for PayPal 26 March, 2007 09:20:43

    PayPal's upgrade path is 'unbelievably cost effective', ex-Visa CTO says.
    When Scott Thompson left Visa to take the CTO role at PayPal in 2005, the Web company's data centre surprised him. "Wait a minute," he recalls saying, "they run a payment system on Linux?"
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    Gartner, Align Thyself 14 December, 2001 12:40:43

    The company is now applying its own advice internally and using the lessons it learned in restoring alignment between its own IT department and its business side.
    When Gartner's current CIO took the helm and called attention to terminal misalignment, was it a case of the emperor's new clothes? Here's a candid look at where Gartner's been and where it's going.
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    Oracle, SAP are roadkill: Technology One chairman 27 May, 2009 16:23:00

    Technology One chairman Adrian Di Marco takes aim at Oracle, SAP
    The business model used by Oracle and SAP is fundamentally flawed and will lead to their downfall within the next decade, said Technology One chairman Adrian Di Marco.
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    Guy Kawasaki on Innovation and the Myth of Lightning-Bolt Inspiration 27 February, 2009 09:31:00

    Power Twitter user, former Mac evangelist, and Alltop cofounder Guy Kawasaki knows a thing or two about innovation. But, he says, that doesn't make it easy.
    Power Twitter user, former Mac evangelist, and Alltop cofounder Guy Kawasaki knows a thing or two about innovation. But, he says, that doesn't make it easy.
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    The A-Z of Programming Languages: F# 23 December, 2008 12:30:00

    Microsoft researcher Don Syme talks about the development of F#, its simplicity when solving complex tasks, the thriving F# community and the future ahead for this fuctional programming language.
    Microsoft researcher Don Syme talks about the development of F#, its simplicity when solving complex tasks, the thriving F# community and the future ahead for this fuctional programming language.
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    When "IT Alignment with the Business" Isn't a Buzzword 05 December, 2008 09:45:00

    Need to justify your IT budget? Priority's Health's Krischa Winright believes that by using transparency and business alignment, the economic downturn can be a great opportunity for IT departments to maximize internal development talent.
    IT leaders were told to "do more with less" even before economic woes exacerbated the issue. Savvy managers have always kept their eye on the goal: demonstrating what IT can do for the business, so that it's not always viewed as a cost center. Last week, one IT manager explained her strategy.
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    Clinical thinking 27 May, 2008 17:18:00

    Bill Vargas has been working for The Children's Hospital at Westmead for more than two decades. When he started, its use of IT was primarily concerned with corporate functions such as patient billing and demographics. Today, as the CIO of its Information Services division, Vargas and his team increasingly deploy solutions designed to improve clinical processes. He chatted with BRIAN CORRIGAN about the changing role of technology in the healthcare industry.
    Bill Vargas has been working for The Children's Hospital at Westmead for more than two decades. When he started, its use of IT was primarily concerned with corporate functions such as patient billing and demographics. Today, as the CIO of its Information Services division, Vargas and his team increasingly deploy solutions designed to improve clinical processes. He chatted with BRIAN CORRIGAN about the changing role of technology in the healthcare industry.
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    Risk Priorities for Financial Institutions in 2010 09 December, 2009 08:08:00

    Financial services companies will now focus on continued survival, stability and modest growth
    Looking through the holidays into 2010 there are four clear priorities for risk management that cut across all tiers with financial institutions. Over the last year the pendulum has swung from the exotic to the pragmatic, from chaos to order within financial services. The four priorities for risk in 2010 can be derived from the word D.A.T.A.(data, analysis, transparency, accuracy).
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    Project Governance Part 2: Project Governance as Leadership 24 November, 2009 10:16:00

    Leadership should be focused on protecting the project against the forces that destroy or lose it
    In the case of an 'egg and bacon breakfast' the chicken has contributed, but the pig has been committed. In this context (only) you want your project sponsor to be a 'pig' - i.e. totally committed to your project. If they are only 'interested' or involved because of their position they are unlikely to demonstrate the necessary level of leadership.
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    Four Steps to Redefining the Economics of IT 05 August, 2009 11:07:00

    CIOs need to drive more economic value from their IT investments and projects than ever before. A four-pronged approach is key.
    CIOs need to drive more economic value from their IT investments and projects than ever before. A four-pronged approach is key.
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    Think Tank: Unlocking value from the applications portfolio 03 August, 2009 08:50:00

    Within the IT Assets portfolio, managing application assets has the greatest potential benefit. Here’s how to reap maximum rewards from Applications Portfolio Management.
    Within the IT Assets portfolio, managing application assets has the greatest potential benefit. Here’s how to reap maximum rewards from Applications Portfolio Management.
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    Think Tank: Becoming a performance driven organisation with balanced scorecards 03 August, 2009 12:23:00

    A balanced scorecard turns a strategic plan from a passive document into marching orders for the troops.
    A balanced scorecard turns a strategic plan from a passive document into marching orders for the troops.

Does a successful CIO need to master the art of confrontation?

Yes, learning to negotiate through confrontation is a key skill
No, confrontation is the last resort of any kind of communication
View Results


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    UK registry to implement DNS security protocol 01 March, 2010 03:34:00

    The system, DNSSEC, prevents hackers from redirecting people from legitimate domains to fraudulent ones
    Nominet, the U.K.'s domain name registry, will begin implementing a security protocol on Monday designed to protect the DNS (Domain Name System).
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    More than 100 companies targeted by Google hackers 01 March, 2010 06:00:00

    Two months after hack, security firm says another 68 command-and-control servers have been identified
    The hackers who broke into Google two months ago have gone after more than 100 companies, according to an estimate by security vendor Isec Partners.
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    IBM: Vulnerabilities fell in 2009, but other risks abound 26 February, 2010 08:08:00

    IBM's latest X-Force report says there are fewer software bugs overall, but many in document and multimedia applications
    The number of software vulnerabilities fell overall in 2009, but the number of bugs in document readers and multimedia applications increased by 50 percent, according to IBM's annual X-Force Trend and Risk Report.
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    ATM skimming: how to recognise card fraud 26 February, 2010 03:13:00

    Give it a wiggle
    In Boston, law enforcement officials arrested three men in January accused of being part of an international crime effort to steal money from ATMs around Eastern Massachusetts.
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    Three Google execs convicted over Italian bullying video 25 February, 2010 06:44:00

    Google Video's distribution of a video of the bullying of a handicapped boy breached Italian privacy law
    Three Google executives were handed suspended six month prison sentences by a Milan court on Wednesday for privacy law violations relating to a video posted on Google Video showing the bullying of a handicapped boy.

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